opencv顯示伺服器影像(舊) - jenhaoyang/ml_blog GitHub Wiki
Using imageZMQ, this is possible with 11 lines of Python on each Raspberry Pi and with 8 lines of Python on the Mac.
First, run this code on the Mac (or other display computer):
1 # run this program on the Mac to display image streams from multiple RPis
2 import cv2
3 import imagezmq
4 image_hub = imagezmq.ImageHub()
5 while True: # show streamed images until Ctrl-C
6 rpi_name, image = image_hub.recv_image()
7 cv2.imshow(rpi_name, image) # 1 window for each RPi
8 cv2.waitKey(1)
9 image_hub.send_reply(b'OK')
Then, on each Raspberry Pi, run:
1 # run this program on each RPi to send a labelled image stream
2 import socket
3 import time
4 from import VideoStream
5 import imagezmq
7 sender = imagezmq.ImageSender(connect_to='tcp://jeff-macbook:5555')
9 rpi_name = socket.gethostname() # send RPi hostname with each image
10 picam = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True).start()
11 time.sleep(2.0) # allow camera sensor to warm up
12 while True: # send images as stream until Ctrl-C
13 image =
14 sender.send_image(rpi_name, image)