CSS - jeeeyul/eclipse-themes GitHub Wiki

This documents provides description of css properties that are provided by Jeeeyul's eclipse themes. You may need to read CSS/SWT Mapping document first.

All API Contracts in this document are valid at version 2.x.x.

CTabFolder Layout

At first of all, to use JeeeyulTabRenderer, you have to specify swt-tab-renderer:

.MPartStack {
Property Type Description Example
swt-tab-height Pixel Height of tab header 22px
jtab-border-radius Pixel Radius for border of Tab and Tab Items 4px
jtab-spacing Pixel Gap between each tab items 2px
jtab-item-padding Bounds Padding for inside area of Tab Item 0px 5px 0px 5px
jtab-padding Bounds Padding for tab body content 2px 2px 2px 2px
jtab-margin Bounds Margin for the tab body 0px 4px 4px 4px
jtab-shadow-color Color Color for the shadow of tab body gray
jtab-shadow-position Point Shadow offset for shadow of the tab body 2px 2px
jtab-shadow-radius Pixel Radius for the shadow of tab body 4px

Tab Header & Tab Body

Property Type Description Example
jtab-header-background Gradient Gradient for the background of tab header red yellow #fff 50% 100%
jtab-border-color Gradient Gradient for the border of tab body blue red 100%
background Color Color for the content wrapping area of tab body white
jtab-truncate-tab-items Boolean Truncates Tab Items to show more Tab Items. true
jtab-use-ellipses Boolean Whether shows ellipses for truncated tab item text true
jtab-minimum-characters Int (1 ~ 4) Minimum character count to truncate. true


  • jtab-margin ignores top margin due to CTabFolder implementation.
  • jtab-item-padding ignores top and bottom margin due to swt-tab-height.

Selected Tab Item

Property Type Description Example
jtab-selected-tab-background Gradient Gradient for selected tab item blue orange white 20% 100%
jtab-selected-border-color Gradient Gradient for the border of selected tab item #000 #999 100%
jtab-selected-text-shadow-color Color Color for the shadow of selected tab item text white
jtab-selected-text-shadow-position Point Offset for the shadow of selected tab item text 1px 1px

sets text color of selected tab item

.MPartStack > CTabItem:selected {
	color : black;


  • jtab-selected-tab-background could not be "none".

Unselected Tab Item

Property Type Description Example
jtab-unselected-tabs-background Gradient Gradient for unselected tab item blue orange white 20% 100%
jtab-unselected-border-color Gradient Gradient for the border of unselected tab item #000 #999 100%
jtab-unselected-text-shadow-color Color Color for the shadow of unselected tab item text white
jtab-unselected-text-shadow-position Point Offset for the shadow of unselected tab item text 1px 1px

sets text color of unselected tab item

.MPartStack > CTabItem {
	color : black;

Hovered Tab Item

Property Type Description Example
jtab-hover-color Color Color for the text of hovered tab item red
jtab-hover-tabs-background Gradient Gradient for hover tab item blue orange white 20% 100%
jtab-hover-border-color Gradient Gradient for the border of hover tab item #000 #999 100%
jtab-hover-text-shadow-color Color Color for the shadow of hover tab item text white
jtab-hover-text-shadow-position Point Offset for the shadow of hover tab item text 1px 1px

Other CTabFolder Properties

Property Type Description Example
jtab-close-button-color Color Color for close button red
jtab-close-button-hot-color Color Hover color for close button red
jtab-close-button-active-color Color Active color for close button red
jtab-close-button-line-width Pixel Line width of the close button 2px
jtab-chevron-color Color Chevron color red

Empty CTabFolder

What if you are set a renderer as net.jeeeyul.eclipse.themes.rendering.JeeeyulsTabRenderer, Then "empty" class will be available when CTabFolder has no CTabItem

    swt-unselected-tabs-color: black black 100%;
    jtab-border-color: none;

Text Editor Lining

Property Type Description Example
jeditor-line-style String One of "none", "solid", "dashed", "dotted" "solid"
jeditor-line-color Color Color for the underlines in text editors. red
example: ```css .MPart.Editor StyledText{ jeditor-line-style: dashed; jeditor-line-color: red; } ```


Property Type Description Example
jsash-width Pixel Gap between each parts 4px


	jsash-width: 5px;



Bounds Type composed with top right bottom left. You can skip some values:

jtab-margin : 4px;
/* is equals to */
jtab-margin : 4px 4px 4px 4px;
jtab-margin : 4px 10px;
/* is equals to */
jtab-margin : 4px 10px 4px 10px;


HTML valid color expression. You can specify "none" to draw nothing.

jtab-selected-text-shadow-color: olive;
jtab-selected-text-shadow-color: #000;
jtab-selected-text-shadow-color: none;


Gradient type has 3 types of expression:

jtab-selected-border-color: red;			/* solid color */
jtab-selected-border-color: red white 100%; /* gradient */
jtab-selected-border-color: none;			/* Don't draw */


Point type composed with 2 pixel values:

jtab-shadow-position: 4px 4px;
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