REST API Cards - jean/wekan GitHub Wiki


This page tries to be as up to date as possible. If you see something wrong here, feel free to update the page and help other people like you, that greatly depends on our APIs. If you don't feel comfortable doing this kind of changes, please contact us by creating an issue.

Retrieve cards by swimlane id

API URL / Code Link Requires Admin Auth HTTP Method
/api/boards/:boardId/swimlanes/:swimlaneId/cards yes GET
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer t7iYB86mXoLfP_XsMegxF41oKT7iiA9lDYiKVtXcctl" \
     -X GET \

Result example

    "_id": "AzEeHS7KAGeYZCcak",
    "title": "Create Auth Code",
    "description": "Create Auth Code for application.",
    "listId": "RPRtDTQMKpShpgqoj"

Add Card to List-Board-Swimlane

API URL / Code Link Requires Admin Auth HTTP Method
/api/boards/:boardId/lists/:listId/cards yes POST
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer t7iYB86mXoLfP_XsMegxF41oKT7iiA9lDYiKVtXcctl" \
     -H "Content-type:application/json" \
     -X POST \
     http://localhost:3000/api/boards/YRgy7Ku6uLFv2pYwZ/lists/PgTuf6sFJsaxto5dC/cards \
     -d '{ "title": "Card title text", "description": "Card description text", "authorId": "The appropriate existing userId", "swimlaneId": "The destination swimlaneId" }'

Result example

The new card's ID is returned in the format:

    "_id": "W9m9YxQKT6zZrKzRW"

Update a card

You can change (any of) the card's title, list, and description.

API URL / Code Link Requires Admin Auth HTTP Method
/api/boards/:boardId/lists/:fromListId/cards/:cardId yes PUT
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer t7iYB86mXoLfP_XsMegxF41oKT7iiA9lDYiKVtXcctl" \
     -H "Content-type:application/json" \
     -X PUT \
     http://localhost:3000/api/boards/YRgy7Ku6uLFv2pYwZ/lists/PgTuf6sFJsaxto5dC/cards/ssrNX9CvXvPxuC5DE \
     -d '{ "title": "New title text", "listId": "New destination listId", "description": "New description text" }'

Result example

The card's ID is returned in the format:

    "_id": "W9m9YxQKT6zZrKzRW"

Delete a card

API URL / Code Link Requires Admin Auth HTTP Method
/api/boards/:boardId/lists/:listId/cards/:cardId yes DELETE
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer t7iYB86mXoLfP_XsMegxF41oKT7iiA9lDYiKVtXcctl" \
     -H "Content-type:application/json" \
     -X DELETE \
     http://localhost:3000/api/boards/YRgy7Ku6uLFv2pYwZ/lists/PgTuf6sFJsaxto5dC/cards/ssrNX9CvXvPxuC5DE \
     -d '{ "authorId": "the appropriate existing userId"}'

Result example

The card's ID is returned in the format:

    "_id": "W9m9YxQKT6zZrKzRW"

In Wekan code

If you believe that code is the best documentation, be our guest: models/cards.js