Install Wekan Docker for testing - jean/wekan GitHub Wiki

Purpose: just to try Wekan on your own Linux workstation

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Docker-Compose
  3. Say we want to save our Wekan data on the host in directory /home/johndoe/wekan/data
  4. In a given directory (say /home/johndoe/wekan), create a docker-compose.yml file with:

Use this docker-compose.yml:

Then, from the directory containing the docker-compose.yml (i.e. /home/johndoe/wekan), simply run docker-compose up. If you want it to be deamonized, you could run docker-compose up -d.

Your wekan data are in /home/johndoe/wekan/data and thus can be backed up.

Note If the default host port 80 has been used and you would like to set up Wekan for another port, say, 1234, the configuration above

    - 80:8080

can be replaced by

    - 1234:8080

also need to change

 - ROOT_URL=http://localhost

to the new port

 - ROOT_URL=http://localhost:1234

(This procedure has been tested on Linux Ubuntu 14.04 and Mac OS 10.11.6.) (Tested on Docker for Windows 17.06.2-ce-win27, MongoDB does not support using mounted Windows volumes, simply remove volumes: from wekandb:)

Testing with mail server

Above method will create an instance of Wekan without mailing features (users inviting, password recovery, neat registration) because MAIL_URL env var isn't set. This docker-compose.yml solves that problem by adding mailserver container.

    - wekandb
    - mailserver
    - MONGO_URL=mongodb://wekandb/wekan
    - ROOT_URL=
    - MAIL_URL=smtp://wekan:wekan@mailserver:25
    - 8081:80

   image: mongo:3.2.21
     - /home/wekan/data:/data/db

  image: marvambass/versatile-postfix
    - /home/wekan/dkim:/etc/postfix/dkim/
    - /home/wekan/maildirs:/var/mail
  command: wekan:wekan
    - ALIASES=postmaster:root;hostmaster:root;webmaster:root

Several additional steps needed.

  1. Create dirs /home/wekan/dkim, /home/wekan/maildirs that are used by mailserver container

    mkdir /home/wekan/dkim
    mkdir /home/wekan/maildirs
  2. Generate DKIM key

    apt-get install opendkim-tools
    cd /home/wekan/maildirs
    opendkim-genkey -s mail -d
    mv mail.private dkim.key

Show mails with a Docker image, without mail configuration

When you did NOT setup the MAIL_URL environment variable in Wekan, the mail message will be 'sent' to the terminal output instead of sending an actual e-mail. If you are using Docker images, list the containers via:

docker ps

Then display the process output:

docker logs -f <container_id>

With the -f flag (f for follow), you will see the real-time output of the process. You can exit with CTRL + C without affecting the Wekan process.

Via the web-interface press the 'forgot your password?' link and trigger a reset mail. And watch the terminal output for the e-mail.