Azure - jean/wekan GitHub Wiki
Install for example from:
Make sure you are running at least v2.21
There are two major steps for configuring Wekan to authenticate to Azure AD via OpenID Connect (OIDC)
- Register the application with Azure. Make sure you capture the application ID as well as generate a secret key.
- Configure the environment variables. This differs slightly by installation type, but make sure you have the following:
- OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx (application GUID captured during app registration)
- OAUTH2_SECRET = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (secret key generated during app registration)
- OAUTH2_AUTH_ENDPOINT = /oauth2/v2.0/authorize
- OAUTH2_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = /oauth2/v2.0/token
- OAUTH2_ID_MAP = email (the claim name you want to map to the unique ID field)
- OAUTH2_USERNAME_MAP = email (the claim name you want to map to the username field)
- OAUTH2_FULLNAME_MAP = name (the claim name you want to map to the full name field)
- OAUTH2_EMAIL_MAP = email (the claim name you want to map to the email field)
I also recommend setting DEBUG = true until you have a working configuration. It helps.
You may also find it useful to look at the following configuration information:**the-tenant-name-for-your-organization**/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
Some Azure links also at wiki page about moving from Sandstorm to Docker/Snap , and using Docker Swarm: