RAMLfications v0.2.0 Release - jdiegodcp/ramlfications GitHub Wiki

RAMLfications v0.2.0 Release

LAST UPDATED: February 2, 2016

CAUTION: roadmap is currently being worked on & spec'ed out. NOTE: The v0.2.0-dev branch has been created for the ramlfications v0.2.0 release.

All the tasks related to v0.2.0 release, including adding RAML v1.0 specification support to ramlfications.

Scoping TODOs

  • Security Scheme Settings
  • What to validate for Data Types
  • Related issues for:
    • Overlays
    • Extensions
    • Named Examples
  • Expected API behavior for Annotations
  • Merge rules for Overlays & Extensions
  • Breaking changes

Features, Additions, and Bugs


  • Issue 14: Top level schemas are not resolved when assigned to resources
  • Issue 43: Support optional properties in resource types (not just methods) and traits
  • Issue 51: Errors aren't collected for multiple of the same item being validated (e.g. multiple protocols)
  • [DONE] I b0rk3d preserving URI order & creating undeclared URI parameters when cleaning up the parsing logic. :open_mouth:
  • Cleaning up/reorganize testing - it's a bit of a brittle mess.


  • Issue 2: Parsing & filling in of << parameters >> into individual resources
  • Issue 3: Handle !pluralize and !singularize functions to << parameters >>
  • Add support for Python 3.5, pypy 2.6, pypy 4.0, pypy3 2.4
  • Add warnings for dropping Python 2.6 support (eventually...perhaps for 0.3.0)

RAML Specification update to 1.0

Breaking Changes


  • Dropping of resource_type.optional - it was reference to if a method in a Resource Type was optional, denoted by ?. But all (most?) properties can be denoted as optional. Still thinking how best to illustrate in the API when a property is optional.