Wooden structure with light roof covering [RWO1] - jcgomezz/Building_taxonomy GitHub Wiki

Wooden beams or trusses and joists, supporting light roof covering, e.g. corrugated sheets. Also includes curved roof structures e.g. vaulted roofs.

Timber beams and joists supporting light roofing, New Zealand (W. Clark)

Wooden roof truss structure, Cuba (S. Brzev)

Wooden roof truss, California, USA (S. Brzev)

Wooden structure supporting wooden planks and steel sheet roofing, Chile (S. Brzev)

Wooden truss structure supporting light metal roofing, Chile (S. Brzev)

Wooden roof structure supporting light metal roofing, Indonesia (J. Bothara)

Wooden beam and joist roof, Peru (S. Brzev)

A church with a vaulted wooden roof in Curico, Chile damaged in the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake (M.O. Moroni)

Curved wooden glulam beams supporting light metal roof covering, Canada (S. Brzev)

A roof structure consisting of steel decking supported by wooden glulam beams, Vancouver, Canada (S. Brzev)