Roof shape [ ROOF_SHAPE ] - jcgomezz/Building_taxonomy GitHub Wiki

The shape and angle of the roof on the building. If the building has more than one roof, describe the largest roof.

This attribute may be a consistent element on the exposure to both earthquake and #floods# hazard. For the latter, they define indirectly the building’s structure and style in terms of interior volume, drainage, resistance to weather and resistance to water leakage (Blanco-Vogt et al., 2013). The building roof structure can be remotely described by its planimetric roof form and the roof pitch characteristics.

The following items have been included in the GEM buildging taxonomy V2.0 (2013):

Unknown roof shape RSH99

Flat RSH1

Pitched with gable ends RSH2

Pitched and hipped RSH3

Pitched with dormers RSH4

Monopitch RSH5

Sawtooth RSH6

Curved RSH7

Complex regular RSH8

Complex irregular RSH9

Roof shape, other RSH10

The former items are consistent with the Criteria that describe the surface of the roof suggested by Blanco-Vogt (2015), where the amount of vertices and shape may be a parameter in order to detect such a complexity of roof forms, as:

  • Planimetric roof form (6 clases from <= 6 vertices up to > 76 vertices)
  • Roof slope or roof pitch (3 clases from <= 10 degrees up to > 27 degrees)