Roof connections [ ROOF_CONN ] - jcgomezz/Building_taxonomy GitHub Wiki

This attribute defines the following two aspects of connections from the roof to the structure of the building: (a) Connections that enable the roof diaphragm to transfer horizontal shear forces induced by an earthquake or wind to the lateral load-resisting structure of the building and to prevent walls from falling away from the diaphragm. (b) Connections from the roof to the vertical structure of the building to prevent wind uplift or lift-off. [ source: online GEM taxonomy glossary ]

Roof-wall diaphragm connection unknown RWC99

Roof-wall diaphragm connection not provided RWCN

Roof-wall diaphragm connection present RWCP

Roof tie-down unknown RTD99

Roof tie-down not provided RTDN

Roof tie-down present RTDP