RiskScape - jcgomezz/Building_taxonomy GitHub Wiki

in New Zealand RiskScape has been developed by GNS Science (www.gns.cri.nz) and NIWA (www.niwa.co.nz) for the quantification of direct and indirect losses due to river floods, earthquakes, volcanic activity (ash), tsunamis, and wind storms on people's lives. The methodology allows the comparison among different hazards considering the information arising from hazard exposure (i.e. the magnitude of the hazard), assets (i.e. human- or socially-valued elements that are threatened by a hazard) and vulnerability by means of fragility functions that specify a relation between hazard, asset characteristics, and the potential damages (GNS and NIWA, 2010; Schmidt et al., 2011; www.riskscape.org.nz).