Preliminar Floods oriented building exposure attributes by GFZ Hydrology Group - jcgomezz/Building_taxonomy GitHub Wiki
LEVEL 1: Access
1. [BACC] Access to building:
- [BA99] access unknown
- [SD] single door
- [DD] double door
- [RD] revolving door
- [AD] automatic door
2. [BACC_BSL] Access to building area below street level:
- [BSL99] access below street level unknown
- [BW] basement window
- [SW] windows (souterrain)
- [CD] street-side cellar door
- [SDE] stair descent + entrance
3. [BACC_GF] accessibility of ground floor:
- [GF99] Ground floor access unknown
- [HP] Hochparterre, ground floor accessible by steps
- [SL] street level
4. [BACC_BK] Access to backyard:
- [BK99] Backyard access unknown
- [OD] open doorway
- [OC] open car entrance
- [CC] closed car entrance
LEVEL 2: Windows
1. [WNDWS] Construction of residential building windows (Material):
- [WN99] - unknown windows type
- [DW] double window
- [IG] insolating glazing
- [MF] light metal frame
- [WL] wooden lattice windows
- [SP] simple window pane
2. Height of ground floor windows:
- normal residential windows
- display window slightly above street level
- display window up to street level
ANNEXES to main building
1. Annex of outbuilding:
- garage
- shed
- swimming pool
- other
- gardens
2. Under-cover parking:
- garage on street level
- garage below street level
- underground car park entrance
- garage outbuilding
- carport
3. Existence of flood- Mitigation works around (direct impact)
- Trench
- Dikes
- Sandbagging
- Flow sinks
- Homes on top of stilts
1. HVAC (Heating ventilation and air conditioning):
- Basement
- groundfloor
- Roof
2. Electrical regulation equiment
- BAsement
- groundfloor
- Roof
1. Construction quality assessment:
- 1, excellent, luxurious
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6, very bad, in need of repairs