Metal exterior walls [EWME] - jcgomezz/Building_taxonomy GitHub Wiki

All types of metal cladding and wall materials. Includes aluminium planks, corrugated steel sheets (CGI) or aluminium sheets, aluminium composite sheets, copper sheets, wire mesh and perforated sheet metal.

A building with exterior walls made of aluminium sheets, Vancouver, Canada (S. Brzev)

Corrugated steel sheets, Canada (S. Brzev)

Exterior wall made of corrugated metal sheets, Kenya (K. Jaiswal)

Corrugated metal sheets used as exterior cladding, India (S. Brzev)

HSB Turning Torso in Malmö, Sweden has aluminium exterior walls (C. Scawthorn)

Stainless steel exterior walls in a high-rise building, New York City, USA (C. Scawthorn)