Irregular plan shape [PLFI] - jcgomezz/Building_taxonomy GitHub Wiki

The building footprint is a shape that cannot be reasonably described by one of the shapes in this table. Buildings with A-, B-, F- or P-shaped plans are included in this class.

Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain has an irregular plan shape (Left:,_Bilbao,July_2010%2806%29.JPG; Right: map data ©2013 Google, Eusco Jaurlaritza, Gobierno Vasco)

Supreme Court of Canada building in Ottawa has a B-shaped plan (Map data ©2013 Google, DigitalGlobe)

The West Block is a part of the building complex housing the Canadian Parliament (Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada); the building has a P-shaped plan (Map data ©2013 Google, DigitalGlobe)

Central Public Library in Vancouver, Canada has a circular plan shape with an opening, plus a free-standing elliptical wall, and an office tower (Map data ©2013 Google, DigitalGlobe)