Building Position within a Block [POSITION] - jcgomezz/Building_taxonomy GitHub Wiki

The position of a building in relation to other neighbouring buildings, in terms of the number of adjoining buildings and their location relative to the building under consideration. Adjoining is defined in this table as spaced apart a distance less than 4% of the height of the lower building. If x is less than 4% of h, the buildings are considered to be adjacent (see figure below).

Unknown building position [ BP99 ]

Detached building BPD

Adjoining building(s) on one side BP1

Adjoining building(s) on two sides BP2

Adjoining building(s) on three sides BP3

The adjacency to other buildings has been also another parameter that has been included in the building properties that are related to a building's propensity to experiece damage from the inundation. Since When more sides are exposed to open space, building is more susceptible to floodwaters momentum [Diakakis, (2017), Blanco-Vogt & Schanze (2014)]. The latter authors have defined the following categories, which are consistent with the GEM Building Taxonomoy V2.0 previously listed.

  • All sides exposed to open space

  • All least three sides exposed to open space

  • Two sides exposed to open space

  • One side exposed to open space.