Building Position within a Block [ POSITION ] - jcgomezz/Building_taxonomy GitHub Wiki

The position of a building in relation to other neighbouring buildings, in terms of the number of adjoining buildings and their location relative to the building under consideration.

Adjoining is defined on the GEM Building taxonomy V2.0 (2013) as spaced apart a distance less than 4% of the height of the lower building.

If x is less than 4% of h, the buildings are considered to be adjacent.

A "detached building" is not attached to any other building.

This attribute is also consistent with the criteria that describe the contextual information of the building which has been suggested by Blanco-Vogt (2013), having the following variables:

Index inverse compactness The index inverse compactness of a building is the relation of the area of open space within the vicinity ring (Ao) and the area of the vicinity ring (Av). Please see Blanco-Vogt (2015), pg. 44. for more details.

  • 80 % – 100 %

  • 60 % – 80 %

  • 40 % – 60 %

  • 20 % – 40 %

  • 0 % – 20 %


  • 1 . Single building (Neighbour 1° = 0 and Neighbour 2° = 0)
  • 2 . Pair building or single building with annex (Neighbour 1° = 1 and Neighbour 2° = 0) Corner building within a line of buildings (Neighbour 1° = 1 and Neighbour 2° ≥ 1)
  • 3 . Building within a line of buildings (Neighbour 1° = 2 and Neighbour 2° ≥ 0
  • 4 . Building within a block (Neighbour 1° = 2 and Neighbour 2° ≥ 0)
  • 5 . Corner building within a block (Neighbour 1° = 3 and Neighbour 2° ≥ 0)