Journal Entry Number 08 - jbrendecke/R4R_Notebook GitHub Wiki

Foss Overview

This week we went into a deep dive into containers and what uses they can be used for. We opened a codespace from GitHub to work via command line with containers. Here, we were able to search for images(which are basically folders for containers... "when an image is run it becomes a container"). Some command lines:

  • docker search -> search for registries
  • docker pull [container] -> pulls/downloads an image into your shell
  • docker run [container]:lastest -> runs the lastest version of image(most used command)
  • docker images -> list all images in your system
  • docker ps -> shows all containers running
  • docker rm -> removes images from your system

Capstone Update

Started looking at the lab website template that I'll be using to build my website. Decided to go with the greenlabs templated since there was a lot of information given for changing things. So far haven't done much, just forked the template into my repository. I followed the Getting Started instructions but currently my website just has text and no pictures or formatted, also links to pages don't work so will have to investigate this more. Some notes looking at the code and setup:

  • _config.yaml is where I change the URL, basic setting, and links on the home page
  • is where I change what is written on the main website; looks like I can just use markdown to change things
  • each page(research, tool, team, etc.) has their own folder in the code with there own within that fold to change what is on that page
  • Can use Netify to preview changes committing the changes