Journal Entry Number 07 - jbrendecke/R4R_Notebook GitHub Wiki

FOSS Recap

This week in FOSS we discussed reproducibility and why it is important. In general, this is for future you and other scientists to look at your work and repeat the same steps you did to get the results. More specifically this can be split up into three terms:

  • Repeatability: Same team, same experimental setup
  • Replicability: Different team, same experimental setup
  • Reproducibility: Different teams, different experimental setup

The extent of reproducibility can vary from only writing your methods in a publication to providing links to your code and data to allow replication. Some good things to keep in mind to make your work more reproducible include: committing your scripts, making things as automated as possible, try to reproduce your work on a different computer or platform. We also briefly went over containers and how they can help but we'll go into a deeper dive into containers next week.

Capstone Project

As said in the previous notebook entries, I plan to create a website for my research group project. Since I started, I have spoken to my advisor about the idea and he sounded excited and thought it would be a good idea. I haven't gotten too much further than that. I looked at the templates that Greg posted on slack and will likely choose the one he prefers but still need to look a little closer at them all. For the next week I plan to finalize my choice in a template, and then start playing around with it. Hopefully, by the end of the semester, I will have it mostly formatted the way I want it. This website will need to be updated in the future my research group makes more findings and publications.

Link to website templates: