Journal Entry Number 06 - jbrendecke/R4R_Notebook GitHub Wiki

Git and GitHub

In Foss this week we learned about git which is similar to GitHub but uses command line while GitHub is the online interface. During the course, we opened a terminal on cyverse and created a txt document to upload to GitHub and track changes. Important functions include:

  • git clone: used to copy a repository.
  • git status: displays the list of changed files together with the files that are yet to be staged or committed.
  • git commit: will create a snapshot of the changes and save it to the git directory.
  • git pull: merges all the changes present in the remote repository to the local working directory.
  • git push: is used to send local commits to the master branch of the remote repository.


For my capstone, I plan to build a website for a research project I and other students are working on. As of right now, this project is still in its early stages but will be funded for 10ish years. This means PhD students will come and go over the project's lifespan. Because of this, it will be good to have a place where students can look up general information on the project since our advisor won't be able to help with everything. Right now my current status is figuring out what I need on the website. I need to talk to my advisor about his thoughts but some current items to include, a link to a GitHub repository for our code, a timeline of our research plan, uploading word docs such as the proposal and plan of study, having a page to link future publications on. Another step is finding a template to base the website on. As we discussed, there will be a lot of playing around with the code but certain templates are easier to use than others.