Journal Entry Number 05 - jbrendecke/R4R_Notebook GitHub Wiki

Crazy and emotional week so probably a short post...

Project documentation and communication

Pretty self-explanatory but good documentation can help open science/reproducibility for future you and others. Some points include the following:

  • In order for science to be open people need not just access to your work but also be able to easily understand your work/steps
  • Commenting within your code can help with reading/understanding your code in the future, also with other people who have never seen your code before.
  • Also multiple tools (Github, JuypterBooks, Bookdown) can be used to organize other documentation such as proposals and data management plans
  • Communication is also important with multiple platforms to do this
  • Internal: Slack is great as a sort of do-it-all way between project members
  • External: To the public: platforms include twitter, blogs, etc.

Github Pages Websites

  • Can fork different website templates and edit them to your own preference
  • Make sure to update the website URL in the script
  • Can be confusing to find where certain things are located however(use crt+f to match words on the website with the script)
  • Github lets you have a lot more features for free than other websites/companies that help you create your own websites

Creating a website for my research group might be a good capstone project. The research I'm currently working on is still in the early stages and will be funded for ~10 years. Having a website that gives a good overview of the project along with our publications, data management plans, and code examples would be super useful for future students, especially since our advisor wont be able to answer all their questions after I graduate.