Journal Entry Number 04 - jbrendecke/R4R_Notebook GitHub Wiki

Data Management

This week in FOSS we discussed data management practices as this allows research groups to effectively keep track of their data throughout the project. Having an organized plan throughout one's project can ease confusion when you look back at your work or someone wants to reproduce your work. This means keeping track of all your metadata and storing your data on multiple platforms. Below is a general cycle to follow for data management.


Metadata and my research:

Metadata in short is data on your data. A lot of the data that I download is publically available and can have entire handbooks on the data that I downloaded. While more is always better when I upload readme files, it is also important to not spend too much time on it. The important thing to remember is that I should have enough metadata information that I or someone else don't should be able to easily reproduce my work without any questions on the data.

FAIR and CARE principles

Again, Fair principles allow researchers' work to be easily reproducible to others. While it doesn't necessarily mean that it is accessible to everyone it should follow each bullet point below. Care principles were also brought up and are shown in the bullets below. Overall, these principles go a step further in assuring that your data/research is ethical and honorary for all.


  • Findable
  • Accessible
  • Interoperable
  • Reusable


  • Collective Benefit
  • Authority of Control
  • Responsibility
  • Ethics