Examples - jazd/Business GitHub Wiki

Simple Examples



People View

SELECT fullname, goesBy, birthday, in_days, death
FROM People
WHERE individual IN (3, 14, 16)
fullname goesby birthday in_days death
Stephen Arthur Jazdzewski Steve 2014-11-22 64
Candace Lauren Fish Candy 2015-8-27 342 2008-10-23 00:00:00
Franklin Patrick Herbert Jr Frank 2014-10-8 19 1986-02-11 00:00:00

Actual Individual table records.

SELECT id, name, suffix, goesBy,
 DATE(birth) AS birth, DATE(nameChange) AS nameChange,
 DATE(death) AS death
FROM Individual
WHERE id IN (3, 14, 16)
ORDER BY id, nameChange
id name suffix goesby birth namechange death
3 1 22 1963-11-22
14 11 1942-08-27 1953-01-01
14 11 28 1942-08-27 1961-01-01
14 12 28 1942-08-27 1978-01-01
14 13 28 1942-08-27 1985-01-01
14 14 28 1942-08-27 2008-10-23
16 16 140 30 1920-10-08 1986-02-11

Id 3, Active entry, single record name change and death fields are NULL.

Id 14, Inactive entry, all records have non-NULL name change and death fields. Notice that all the name changes, have been preserved.

When Id 14's name changed in 1953, the current entry name change field was updated from NULL to '1953-01-01' and a new entry record was inserted with the new name (12) and the initial name change and death fields set to NULL.


Entity View

SELECT individual, entity, name, goesBy, DATE(formed) AS formed, aged
FROM Entities
WHERE individual IN (10,1002)
ORDER BY individual
individual entity name goesby formed aged
10 1 International Business Machines, Inc. IBM 1911-06-16 110 years 9 mons 4 days
1002 5 Oracle Corporation Oracle 1977-06-16 44 years 9 mons 4 days

Actual Individual table records.

SELECT Individual.id,
 DATE(birth) AS birth,
 DATE(nameChange) AS nameChange,
 GoesBy.value AS goesBy,
FROM Individual
JOIN Entity ON Entity.id = Individual.entity
LEFT JOIN Given AS GoesBy ON GoesBy.id = Individual.goesBy
WHERE Individual.id IN (10,1002)
ORDER BY Individual.id, nameChange
id birth namechange goesby name
10 1911-06-16 IBM International Business Machines, Inc.
1002 1977-06-16 1979-01-01 Software Development Labs Incorporated
1002 1977-06-16 1983-01-01 Relational Software, Inc
1002 1977-06-16 1995-01-01 Oracle Systems Corporation
1002 1977-06-16 Oracle Oracle Corporation

Tables used in People and Entities VIEWs People VIEW Tables

Entity Name Change

To change Individual 10's name to 'International Business Machines Corporation'

Mark the current entry for Id 10 as changed.

UPDATE Individual SET namechange = DATE(NOW())
WHERE id = 10 AND namechange IS NULL AND death IS NULL

Insert a new entry for Id 10.

INSERT INTO Individual (id, entity, goesBy, birth)
 GetEntityName('International Business Machines Corporation'),
FROM Individual WHERE id = 10 AND namechange = DATE(NOW()) LIMIT 1

The Entities VIEW shows the latest namem for Individual 10.

SELECT name, goesBy FROM Entities WHERE individual = 10
name goesby
International Business Machines Corporation IBM

Actual Individual table records.

SELECT id, name, suffix, goesBy,
 DATE(birth) AS birth, DATE(nameChange) AS nameChange,
 DATE(death) AS death
FROM Individual
WHERE id = 10
ORDER BY nameChange
id name suffix goesby birth namechange death
10 100000 1911-06-16 2019-11-17
10 100000 1911-06-16


Email addresses are split into their component parts using a stored procedure. The email address [email protected] is actually stored in the three Email table fields username, plus, host.

SELECT username, plus, host FROM Email WHERE id = 2
username plus host
Steve NoCRUD ADB.Net

The VIEW EmailAddress combines the fields into a usable email address.

SELECT email, value FROM EmailAddress WHERE email IN (1,2)
email value
1 [email protected]
2 [email protected]

Assign an default email to a specific individual

SELECT SetIndividualEmail (10,
 GetEmail('[email protected]'),

The new Email table entry

SELECT id, username, plus, host
FROM Email
WHERE Email.id = GetEmail('[email protected]')
id username plus host
2000011 Support IBM.com

The new record associating this email with Individual.id 10 as the default type NULL

SELECT individual, type, email, stop
FROM IndividualEmail
WHERE individual = 10
individual type email stop
10 2000011

All IBM.com email addresses and the associated individuals

SELECT IndividualEmail.individual, EmailAddress.value
FROM IndividualEmail
JOIN Email ON Email.id = IndividualEmail.email
JOIN EmailAddress ON EmailAddress.email = Email.id
WHERE UPPER(Email.host) = UPPER('IBM.com')
 AND IndividualEmail.stop IS NULL
individual value
10 [email protected]

Tables used for Individual emails Individual Email Tables



URL Path table record for the Web page www.IBM.com

id protocol secure host value get
10 http 0 www.IBM.com

Path 10 record as a URL

SELECT value FROM URL WHERE path = 10

Display a link to Individual 10 on a NoCRUD HTML page

IndividualPath record

individual type path track stop
10 10 10 NoCRUD
SELECT individual, path, value AS anchor
FROM IndividualURL
WHERE individual = 10
individual path anchor
10 10 http://www.IBM.com/?NoCRUD


Files are stored using host, path and actual file name. These values are used differently depending on the context they are needed. For example, as a relative path and file used in a application.

Insert a file that will located using relative path 'assets/text'

SELECT GetFile('localhost', 'assets/text', 'myFile.txt') FROM DUAL

Use this file path in an application query

SELECT '/var/app' || file AS filePath
JOIN File ON File.path = Path.id
WHERE Path.get = 'myFile.txt'

Tables used for IndividualURL and URL VIEWs Individual Path Tables


Addresses are made up of several tables.

Tables used for Addresses VIEW Addresses VIEW Tables


id name code idd ndd
1 50000 USA 011 1

Code is the Long ISO Country code.

The International Dialing Prefix (idd) National Direct Dialing (ndd) fields are used for composing the numbers actually to dial when calling a phone number in another country.


id country code state stateabbreviation county city
110 1 10504 60018 60017 61054 61056
111 1 20500 61055 60027 61055 60026

De-normalized view of the Postal records

SELECT Postal.id AS postal,
 State.value AS stateFullName,
 City.value AS city,
 StateAbbreviation.value AS state,
 Postal.code AS zipCode,
 Country.code AS countryCode
FROM Postal
JOIN Word AS State ON State.id = Postal.state
 AND State.culture = 1033
JOIN Word AS StateAbbreviation ON StateAbbreviation.id = Postal.stateabbreviation
JOIN Word AS City ON City.id = Postal.city
 AND City.culture = 1033
JOIN Country ON Country.id = Postal.country
WHERE Postal.id IN (110,111)
postal statefullname city state zipcode countrycode
111 District of Columbia Washington DC 20500 USA
110 New York Armonk NY 10504 USA


An address record consists of an address line, postal id and a postal plus 4. Technically for addresses in the USA, only a postal and plus4 is needed for any street address.

SELECT id, line1, postal, postalPlus FROM Address WHERE id in (1,2)
id line1 postal postalplus
1 1 New Orchard Road 110 1716
2 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 111 0005

Using the Addresses VIEW

SELECT address, line1, city, state, zipcode, countryCode
FROM Addresses WHERE address IN (1,2)
address line1 city state zipcode countrycode
1 1 New Orchard Road Armonk NY 10504-1716 USA
2 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500-0005 USA


Phone numbers are stored without any formatting. Adding back the formatting is left up to the actual application or VIEW.

Phone table records. Note that dashes have been stripped out of number field.

id country area number
1 1 914 4991900
2 1 202 4561111

The Phones VIEW puts all the formatting back in. This includes the idd and ndd fields from the Country table for the international version of the phone number.

SELECT phone, local, international
FROM Phones
WHERE phone IN (1,2)
phone local international
1 914-499-1900 011-1-914-499-1900
2 202-456-1111 011-1-202-456-1111

Tables used for Phones VIEW Phones VIEW Tables


Tables used for List VIEW List VIEW Tables

List tables are complicated due to the ListIndividual.id field being a foreign key for the ListIndividualName table's listIndividual field. They are further complicated by the ListIndividual table id field not being unique.

The ListIndividual table is a series of entry and removal records for and named list in the ListIndividualName table.

Subscribe an Individual to 4 lists by email address

SELECT ListSubscribeEmail('Clothing','Hats','[email protected]') FROM DUAL;
SELECT ListSubscribeEmail('Clothing','Socks','[email protected]') FROM DUAL;
SELECT ListSubscribeEmail('Job','Clown','[email protected]') FROM DUAL;
SELECT ListSubscribeEmail('Job','Santa','[email protected]') FROM DUAL;

Show lists this individual is now subscribed to

SELECT id, listNameValue AS listName, listSetValue AS listSet, send
WHERE individual = GetIndividualEmail('[email protected]')
id listname listset send
2000001 Clothing Hats to
2000002 Clothing Socks to
2000003 Job Clown to
2000004 Job Santa to

Unsubscribe from a list.

SELECT ListUnSubscribe('Job', 'Clown',  GetIndividualEmail('[email protected]')) FROM DUAL
id listname listset send
2000001 Clothing Hats to
2000002 Clothing Socks to
2000004 Job Santa to

Unsubscribe from all lists by inserting the individual with id (List id) field set to null.

INSERT INTO ListIndividual (individual) VALUES (GetIndividualEmail('[email protected]'))

No longer on any list.

id listname listset send

Re-subscribe to a list

SELECT ListSubscribeEmail('Job','Clown','[email protected]') FROM DUAL

Still not on any list. An individual can still maintain their subscriptions, even if they no longer show up in the List view due to the un-subscribe from all flag is set.

id listname listset send

Set the unList field for the unsubscribe all lists entry.

UPDATE ListIndividual SET unList = DATE(NOW())
 AND individual = GetIndividualEmail('[email protected]')

Back on all lists, even the list subscribed to when unsubscribed from all lists.

id listname listset send
2000001 Clothing Hats to
2000002 Clothing Socks to
2000004 Job Santa to
2000003 Job Clown to

Actual ListIndividual Table records

id unlist individual
2000001 4000006
2000002 4000006
2000003 2019-11-17 16:45:54.822776 4000006
2000004 4000006
2019-11-17 00:00:00 4000006
2000003 4000006


Time Periods can be made up of one or more entries in the Period tables Month, MonthDay, DayOfWeek, and TimeOfDay tables.

Each of these tables share an id sequence. If the Month table has a record with id 5, then none of the other Period tables can have an entry for id 5. This allows a simplified Period table where the span field can point to a record in any of the Period tables.

What time period is it right now?

SELECT TimePeriod.period, periodName
FROM TimePeriod
JOIN Periods ON Periods.period = TimePeriod.period
WHERE TimePeriod.open = true
period periodname
23 Holiday Dinner

Complicated Holidays

Period 9, Labor Day, first Monday in September

SELECT period, periodName, span, dayofweekstart, dayofmonth, month FROM PeriodSpans WHERE period = 9
period periodname span dayofweekstart dayofmonth month
9 Labor Day 9 9
9 Labor Day 20 1 1

Period 4, Memorial Day, last Monday of May

SELECT period, periodName, span, dayofweekstart, dayofmonth, month FROM PeriodSpans WHERE period = 4
period periodname span dayofweekstart dayofmonth month
4 Memorial Day 5 5
4 Memorial Day 16 1 -1

Tables used for Periods and TimePeriod VIEWs List VIEW Tables


Tables used for Parts VIEW List VIEW Tables


Wikipedia Example of debits and credits.

Book Entries

SELECT Book('Rent',      100)   FROM DUAL;  -- A business pays rent with cash
SELECT Book('Sale',      50)    FROM DUAL;  -- A business receives cash for a sale
SELECT Book('Equipment', 5200)  FROM DUAL;  -- A business buys equipment with cash
SELECT Book('Loan',      11000) FROM DUAL;  -- A business borrows cash with loan
SELECT Book('Salary',    5000)  FROM DUAL;  -- A business pays salaries with cash

Booked business is automatically entered into the proper Journals.

Generated Journal Entries

The table from Wikipedia Debits and Credits Further examples

SELECT entry, account, type,
 CAST(debit AS NUMERIC(19,0)),
 CAST(credit AS NUMERIC(19,0))
FROM JournalReport
WHERE ledger = 1 -- General Ledger
ORDER BY created, entry, rightSide
entry account type debit credit
1 Rent Expense 100
1 Cash Asset 100
2 Cash Asset 50
2 Sales Income 50
3 Equipment Asset 5200
3 Cash Asset 5200
4 Cash Asset 11000
4 Loan Liability 11000
5 Salary Expense 5000
5 Cash Asset 5000
Total 21350 21350

Ledger Balances

The Ledger T Accounts are also automatically updated.

SELECT ledgerName AS ledger,
 accountName AS account,
 CAST(debit AS NUMERIC(19,0)),
 CAST(credit AS NUMERIC(19,0))
FROM LedgerReport
ORDER BY ledger,
ledger account debit credit
General Asset 16250 10300
General Liability 11000
General Income 50
General Expenses 5100
General Total 21350 21350

More Complex Book Entries

Effects more than two accounts.

SELECT Book('Sale Jane Doe', 1000) FROM DUAL; -- Jane Doe makes a commission sale
SELECT Book('Sale John Doe', 1000) FROM DUAL; -- John Doe makes a commission sale

Generated Journal Entries

SELECT entry, account, type,
 CAST(debit AS NUMERIC(19,0)),
 CAST(credit AS NUMERIC(19,0))
FROM JournalReport
ORDER BY created, entry, rightSide
entry account type debit credit
1 Rent Expense 100
1 Cash Asset 100
2 Cash Asset 50
2 Sales Income 50
3 Equipment Asset 5200
3 Cash Asset 5200
4 Cash Asset 11000
4 Loan Liability 11000
5 Salary Expense 5000
5 Cash Asset 5000
6 Cash Asset 1000
6 Commissions Payable Liability 200
6 Sales Income 800
7 Cash Asset 1000
7 Commissions Payable Liability 150
7 Sales Income 850
Total 23350 23350

Ledger Balances

SELECT ledgerName AS ledger,
 accountName AS account,
 CAST(debit AS NUMERIC(19,0)),
 CAST(credit AS NUMERIC(19,0))
FROM LedgerReport
ORDER BY ledger,
ledger account debit credit
General Asset 18250 10300
General Liability 11350
General Income 1700
General Expenses 5100
General Total 23350 23350

Using I18N feature for Accounting VIEWs

The above accounting VIEW results using different cultures.

These examples where created using PostgreSQL.


SELECT ClientCulture();
DELETE FROM inject_culture;
INSERT INTO inject_culture values (2058)
SELECT entry, account, type,
 CAST(debit AS NUMERIC(19,0)),
 CAST(credit AS NUMERIC(19,0))
FROM JournalReport
ORDER BY created, entry, rightSide
entry account type debit credit
1 Alquiler las expensas 100
1 Dinero en efectivo la posesión capital 100
2 Dinero en efectivo la posesión capital 50
2 Ventas Ingresos 50
3 Equipo la posesión capital 5200
3 Dinero en efectivo la posesión capital 5200
4 Dinero en efectivo la posesión capital 11000
4 el empréstito la obligación 11000
5 Salario las expensas 5000
5 Dinero en efectivo la posesión capital 5000
6 Dinero en efectivo la posesión capital 1000
6 Comisiones a pagar la obligación 200
6 Ventas Ingresos 800
7 Dinero en efectivo la posesión capital 1000
7 Comisiones a pagar la obligación 150
7 Ventas Ingresos 850
Total 23350 23350
SELECT ledgerName AS ledger,
 accountName AS account,
 CAST(debit AS NUMERIC(19,0)),
 CAST(credit AS NUMERIC(19,0))
FROM LedgerReport
ORDER BY ledger,
ledger account debit credit
General la posesión capital 18250 10300
General la obligación 11350
General Ingreso 1700
General las expensas 5100
General Total 23350 23350


SELECT ClientCulture();
DELETE FROM inject_culture;
INSERT INTO inject_culture values (1036)
SELECT entry, account, type,
 CAST(debit AS NUMERIC(19,0)),
 CAST(credit AS NUMERIC(19,0))
FROM JournalReport
ORDER BY created, entry, rightSide
entry account type debit credit
1 Louer Dépenses 100
1 encaisser le capital 100
2 encaisser le capital 50
2 Ventes Revenu 50
3 Équipement le capital 5200
3 encaisser le capital 5200
4 encaisser le capital 11000
4 la dette les dettes 11000
5 le salaire Dépenses 5000
5 encaisser le capital 5000
6 encaisser le capital 1000
6 Commissions à payer les dettes 200
6 Ventes Revenu 800
7 encaisser le capital 1000
7 Commissions à payer les dettes 150
7 Ventes Revenu 850
Total 23350 23350
SELECT ledgerName AS ledger,
 accountName AS account,
 CAST(debit AS NUMERIC(19,0)),
 CAST(credit AS NUMERIC(19,0))
FROM LedgerReport
ORDER BY ledger,
ledger account debit credit
Général le capital 18250 10300
Général les dettes 11350
Général Revenu 1700
Général Dépenses 5100
Général Total 23350 23350

Accounting Table Diagram

Tables used for Accounting List VIEW Tables

Inventory Movement

Simple example

  • Put a stuffed Bunny into a shopping cart.
  • Turn that cart into an order.
  • Ship the order to the customer.

Create Wish list

-- Create bill of type wish list
SELECT CreateBill(
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
 'Wish' -- Wish list type bill

Add Bunny to wish list

-- Add 1 Stuffed Animal Bunny to Wish list
SELECT AddCargo(
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Wish'), -- Wish List
 GetPart('Bunny'), -- Item
 1 -- Quantity

Line items in Wish list

SELECT typeName AS type, consigneeName AS consignee, count, line, item, outstanding
FROM LineItems
WHERE bill = GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Wish')
type consignee count line item outstanding
Wish Company Consignee 1 100 Bunny 1

Create Cart

-- Create Cart as immediate child of Wish list
SELECT CreateBill(
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
 'Cart', -- Cart type bill
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
  GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Wish') -- Wish List as parent

Add Bunny (all cargo) to Cart

-- Move all wish list line items (cargo) to Cart
SELECT MoveCargoToChild(
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Wish'), -- Wish List
 NULL, -- All cargo items

View Cart Contents

Line items in Wish list

SELECT typeName AS type, consigneeName AS consignee, count, line, item, outstanding
FROM LineItems
WHERE bill = GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Wish')
type consignee count line item outstanding
Wish Company Consignee 1 100 Bunny 0

Notice that outstanding is 0


SELECT typeName AS type, consigneeName AS consignee, count, line, item, outstanding
FROM LineItems
WHERE bill = GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Cart')
type consignee count line item outstanding
Cart Company Consignee 1 101 Bunny 1

Create Quote

Create a price schedule

Default schedule for purchaser

-- Setup Default price schedule for Company Consignee.
SELECT GetIndividualJobSchedule(GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
 GetJob('Default'), GetSchedule('Default'))

Add prices to schedule

INSERT INTO Schedule (schedule, fromCount, toCount, rate)
 (GetSchedule('Default'), 0, 99, 100),
 (GetSchedule('Default'), 100, NULL, 80)
INSERT INTO AssemblyIndividualJobPrice (assembly, individualJob, price)
VALUES (GetPart('Bunny'),
 GetIndividualJobSchedule(GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
 GetJob('Default'), GetSchedule('Default')), 14.99)

Display price expanded line items for Cart

-- Display current line item unit price and line total
SELECT typeName AS type, consigneeName AS consignee, count, line, item,
 currentUnitPrice, outstanding, (currentUnitPrice * outstanding) as lineTotal
FROM LineItems
WHERE bill = GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Cart')
type consignee count line item currentunitprice outstanding linetotal
Cart Company Consignee 1 101 Bunny 14.99 1 14.99

Child Quote from Cart

-- Create Quote as immediate child of Cart
SELECT CreateBill(
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
 'Quote', -- Quote type bill
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Cart') -- Cart as parent

Add Bunny (all cargo) to Quote

Fix quote prices by fixing IndividualJob in new cargo records

-- Move all cart line items (cargo) to Quote
SELECT MoveCargoToChild(
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Cart'), -- Cart as parent
 NULL, -- All cargo items
 GetIndividualJobSchedule(GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
 GetJob('Default'), GetSchedule('Default'))

Line items in Quote

SELECT typeName AS type,
 consigneeName AS consignee,
FROM LineItems
WHERE bill = GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Quote')
type consignee count line item currentunitprice unitprice totalprice outstanding
Quote Company Consignee 1 102 Bunny 14.99 14.99 14.99 1

Increase the current default price of the Bunny for 'Company Consignee'

-- Stop current default IndividualJob price on Bunny
UPDATE IndividualJob SET stop = NOW() WHERE individual = GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee')
-- Get new IndividualJob
SELECT GetIndividualJobSchedule(GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
-- Insert new price
INSERT INTO AssemblyIndividualJobPrice (assembly, individualJob, price)
VALUES (GetPart('Bunny'),
 GetIndividualJobSchedule(GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
 GetJob('Default'), GetSchedule('Default')), 23.44)

Line items in Quote again, showing new current price and quoted price

SELECT typeName AS type,
 consigneeName AS consignee,
FROM LineItems
WHERE bill = GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Quote')
type consignee count line item currentunitprice unitprice totalprice outstanding
Quote Company Consignee 1 102 Bunny 23.44 14.99 14.99 1

Create Order

Child Order from Quote

-- Create Order as immediate child of Quote
SELECT CreateBill(
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
 'Order', -- Order type bill
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Quote') -- Quote as parent

Add Bunny (all cargo) to Order

-- Move all cart line items (cargo) to Order
SELECT MoveCargoToChild(
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
  GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Quote'), -- Quote as parent
 NULL,   -- All cargo items
 NULL,   -- Default Job
 NULL,   -- Default Schedual
 'AR Sale' -- Accounting Book to used

Display price expanded line items from Order

These current price and line total come from journal entries

-- Display current line item unit price and line total
SELECT typeName AS type, consigneeName AS consignee, count, line, item,
 unitprice, outstanding,
 (currentUnitPrice * outstanding) as lineTotal
FROM LineItems
WHERE bill = GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Order')
type consignee count line item currentunitprice unitprice outstanding linetotal
Order Company Consignee 1 103 Bunny 23.44 14.99 1 23.44

Create Invoice

-- Create Invoice as immediate child of Order
SELECT CreateBill(
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
 'Invoice', -- Invoice type bill
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Order') -- Order as parent

Add Bunny (all cargo) to Invoice

-- Move all cart line items (cargo) to Invoice
SELECT MoveCargoToChild(
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
  GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Order'), -- Order as parent
 NULL,   -- All cargo items
 NULL,   -- Default Job
 NULL    -- Default Schedual

Display price expanded line items for Invoice

-- Display current line item unit price and line total
SELECT typeName AS type, consigneeName AS consignee, count, line, item,
 unitprice, outstanding,
 (currentUnitPrice * outstanding) as lineTotal
FROM LineItems
WHERE bill = GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Invoice')
type consignee count line item unitprice outstanding linetotal
Invoice Company Consignee 1 104 Bunny 14.99 1 23.44

Create Payment

Payment receipt

-- Create Receipt as immediate child of Invoice
SELECT CreateBill(
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
 GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'),
 'Receipt', -- Invoice type bill
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
  GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Invoice') -- Invoice as parent

Add Bunny (all cargo) to Receipt

-- Move all cart line items (cargo) to Receipt
SELECT MoveCargoToChild(
 GetOutstandingBill(GetIndividualEntity('Company Supplier'),
  GetIndividualEntity('Company Consignee'), 'Invoice'), -- Invoice as parent
 NULL,   -- All cargo items
 NULL,   -- Default Job
 NULL,   -- Default Schedual
 'AR Payment' -- Accounting Book to used

Show Accounts for this transaction

SELECT entry, account, type, debit, credit
FROM JournalReport
ORDER BY created, entry, rightSide
entry account type debit credit
1 Receivable Asset 14.99
1 Sales Income 14.99
2 Cash Asset 14.99
2 Receivable Asset 14.99
Total 29.98 29.98

Ship Order

Received Order

Mark clean


Inventory Bin -> Shipper (received) -> Carrier (loaded), (delivered)

More complicated example

  • Put a few stuffed animals into a shopping cart.
  • Turn most of the cart into an order.
  • Ship the order to the customer in multiple shipments.
  • Customer returns one of the items.
  • A replacement item is shipped to the customer.
  • The customer is credited for the returned and not billed for the replacement

Inventory Table Diagram

Tables used for Inventory List VIEW Tables

Application Release

Web Sessions

Tables used to recored Wed sessions Web Sessions Tables


Directed Acyclic Graph

The implementation is based heavily on A Model to Represent Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) on SQL Databases

How to Use the Edge Table

Company Structure

Will duplicate figure 5

SELECT AddEdgeName('HelpDesk', 'Admins');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Ali', 'Admins');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Ali', 'Users');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Burcu', 'Users');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Can', 'Users');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Managers', 'Users');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Technicians', 'Users');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Demet', 'HelpDesk');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Engin', 'HelpDesk');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Engin', 'Users');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Fuat', 'Managers');
SELECT AddEdgeName('G l', 'Managers');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Hakan', 'Technicians');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Irmak', 'Technicians');
SELECT AddEdgeName('ABCTechnicians', 'Technicians');
SELECT AddEdgeName('Jale', 'ABCTechnicians');
SELECT startName, hops
FROM Edges
WHERE stop = GetVertex('Admins')
startname hops
HelpDesk 0
Ali 0
Demet 1
Engin 1
SELECT stopName, hops
FROM Edges
WHERE start = GetVertex('Jale')
stopname hops
ABCTechnicians 0
Technicians 1
Users 2

Family Tree

Simple Jazdzewski family tree

SELECT AddEdgeName('Family Tree', 'Jazdzewski') FROM DUAL;
SELECT AddEdge(GetVertex('Jazdzewski'), SetIndividualVertex(1)) FROM DUAL;
SELECT AddEdge(GetIndividualVertex(1), SetIndividualVertex(2)) FROM DUAL;
SELECT AddEdge(GetIndividualVertex(1), SetIndividualVertex(3)) FROM DUAL;
SELECT AddEdge(GetIndividualVertex(1), SetIndividualVertex(4)) FROM DUAL;
SELECT AddEdge(GetIndividualVertex(3), SetIndividualVertex(5)) FROM DUAL;
SELECT AddEdge(GetIndividualVertex(3), SetIndividualVertex(6)) FROM DUAL;
SELECT startName, StopIndividualname, hops
FROM EdgeIndividuals
WHERE start = GetVertex('Jazdzewski')
startname stopindividualname hops
Jazdzewski Terrence Edward Jazdzewski Sr 0
Jazdzewski Terrence Edward Jazdzewski Jr 1
Jazdzewski Stephen Arthur Jazdzewski 1
Jazdzewski Charles Paul Jazdzewski 1
Jazdzewski Alec Xavier Jazdzewski 2
Jazdzewski Devin Kyle Jazdzewski 2
SELECT stopIndividualname, hops
FROM EdgeIndividuals
WHERE start = GetIndividualVertex(3)
stopindividualname hops
Alec Xavier Jazdzewski 0
Devin Kyle Jazdzewski 0

Add grandmother

SELECT AddEdge(GetIndividualVertex(1), SetIndividualVertex(14, 'spouse')) FROM DUAL
SELECT stopIndividualname, stopType, hops
FROM EdgeIndividuals
WHERE start = GetIndividualVertex(1)
stopindividualname stoptype hops
Terrence Edward Jazdzewski Jr 0
Stephen Arthur Jazdzewski 0
Charles Paul Jazdzewski 0
Candace Lauren Fish spouse 0
Alec Xavier Jazdzewski 1
Devin Kyle Jazdzewski 1

Tables used for DAG DAG Tables