Usage - jaylogue/retro-fuse GitHub Wiki

retro-fuse consists of set of filesystem handler programs, each supporting a different filesystem type. The currently available handler programs are:

  • v6fs — Supports fifth and sixth edition filesystems

  • v7fs — Supports seventh-edition filesystems

  • bsd29fs — Supports 2.9BSD filesystems

  • bsd211fs — Supports 2.11BSD filesystems

Filesystem handlers can be run directly from the command line, or they can be installed into /usr/local/sbin on the host system. Installing into /usr/local/sbin makes it possible to mount filesystems using the standard mount(8) command.

Mounting a Filesystem

To mount an ancient Unix filesystem, run the appropriate filesystem handler program directly, supplying the name of the block or image file containing the filesystem, and the desired mount point:

<handler> [<options>] <device-or-image-file> <mount-point>

Alternatively, if the handler programs have been installed in /sbin or /usr/local/sbin, you can use the mount command:

sudo mount -t fuse.<handler> [<options>] <device-or-image-file> <mount-point>

When executed directly, the filesystem handlers can be run by a non-root user. This is often more convenient than using the mount command, which must always be run as root.

Filesystem Location

The first non-option argument to a filesystem handler is the storage location of the filesystem. This can be a regular file containing an image of the filesystem, or a standard Unix block device.

In some cases it may be necessary to specify an offset to the start of the filesystem within the file or block device. This can be done using the -o fsoffset=x option. If not specified, the filesystem is assumed to start at the beginning of the file/device.

retro-fuse Options

Filesystem handlers accept the standard set of options supported by the mount(8) command, as well as the FUSE mount options described in mount.fuse(8). Additionally, handlers provide their own set of options which are useful for dealing with ancient filesystems.

The following is a summary of some of the more commonly used options:

-o ro

Mount the filesystem in read-only mode.

-o rw

Mount the filesystem in read-write mode. This is the default.

-o allow_root

Allow the root user to access the filesystem, in addition to the mounting user. Mutually exclusive with the allow_other option.

-o allow_other

Allow any user to access the filesystem, including root and the mounting user. Mutually exclusive with the allow_root option.

-o mapuid=<host-uid>:<fs-uid>
-o mapgid=<host-gid>:<fs-gid>

Map a particular user or group id on the host system to different id on the mounted filesystem. This is useful when accessing a filesystem containing files owned by root or other special users.

The specified id mapping applies both ways. Specifically, the uid/gid on the host is mapped to the corresponding id in the filesystem when performing access control checking, or when the id is stored with a file or directory. Conversely, the filesystem id is mapped to the host id whenever a file is stat()ed or a directory is read.

Multiple mapping options may be given, up to a limit of 100.

-o fssize=<blocks>

The size of the filesystem, in blocks. This is used to limit the range of I/O on the underlying device/image file. This can be useful to prevent malformed filesystems from accessing blocks outside of the intended area. It is also necessary when initializing a new filesystem using an image file (see the initfs option for further details).

The size of a block varies by filesystem type:

Filesystem Block Size (bytes)









For an existing filesystem, the fssize value defaults to the size given in the filesystem superblock.

-o fsoffset=<blocks>

Offset into the device/image file at which the filesystem starts, in blocks. Defaults to 0.

-o initfs
-o initfs=<params>

Create an empty filesystem on the underlying device/image file before mounting. When using the initfs option on an image file, the desired size of the filesystem must be specified using the fssize option.

params is a set of initialization parameters which control the layout and configuration of the new filesystem. The interpretation of these parameters varies by filesystem type. Details on the syntax can be found in the help output of the associated filesystem handler (e.g. by running v6fs --help).

If params is not specified, the filesystem is initialized using the default parameters as used by the original Unix mkfs(8) command.

-o overwrite

When used with the initfs option, instructs the filesystem handler to overwrite any existing filesystem image file. Without this option, the initfs option will fail with an error if an image file exists.


Run in foreground (useful for debugging).


Enable debug output to stderr (implies -f)


Print version information


Print usage information.

2.11BSD and disklabels

2.11BSD makes use of BSD disklables to describe the location and size of filesystem partitions on a disk. Currently, the bsd211fs handler does not have the ability to read or create BSD disklabels. As a result, one must typically specify the block offset of the filesystem when mounting a filesystem on an existing disk.

For example, to mount the /usr filesystem on an RD54 using the standard BSD partition layout (as described in /etc/disktab) one would use the following command:

$ bsd211fs -o fsoffset=16302 system-rd54.dsk /mnt/tmp

Note that the value of the -o fsoffset option is specified in 1K-byte blocks. This differs from the values in /etc/disktab, which are given 512-byte sectors.

Because bsd211fs does not support creating disklabels, in many cases it will be necessary use the disklabel(8) program within a running 2.11BSD system to setup the desired partition layout prior to initializing the filesystems. In these situations, given that one is already working within a running 2.11BSD system, it is often easier to simply use the native newfs command, rather running bsd211fs -o initfs on a modern host.

As a special case, when creating disks that contain a single filesystem positioned at the start of the disk, it is possible to skip the disk labelling process and simply initialize the filesystem directly without writing a disklabel. This works because the BSD kernel will automatically presume a default partition (partition 'a') covering the entire disk for any disk found without a disklabel.

Conveniently, this feature makes it possible to initialize such disks from a modern host using the bsd211fs command alone. For example, to create a new filesystem on a disk image matching the size of an RD54, one can use the following command:

$ bsd211fs -o initfs,fssize=155600 data-rd54.dsk /mnt/tmp

Assuming this image appears as device rd1 on the BSD system, the filesystem can then be mounted as follows:

$ mount /dev/rd1a /mnt
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