Sprint Reflection and Chronological Journal - jaredwhichard/Capstone-Website GitHub Wiki


Table of Contents Documentation
1st Sprint
MAX30102 on Raspberry Pi Setup
Infrared Temperature Sensor Configuration
2nd Sprint
3rd Sprint
4th Sprint

1st Sprint Overview


Week 1 Progress Report

State the overall status of this sprint: In progress

Present this weeks schedule: This week we were reviewing the changes that had been made to the modules we used for our sensors. We discussed making our code into a Arduino library > that would be accessible to users of the Arduino IDE.

Identify Tasks that have been scheduled for this week: Assemble Hardware Create Arduino Program Base

Rate level of completion on a scale of 1-5: (1 meaning to task not started and 5 meaning task complete) Assemble Hardware 3 Hardware has been assembled in Jared's test bed, still looking forward to share the progress for an in person meeting Create Arduino Program Base 2 Barely begun this step, looking into a 1-credit course to expand the knowledge base with the Arduino IDE. Rate level of effort on a scale of 1-5: (1 meaning task was extremely difficult and will cause delay and 5 meaning task was easier to complete then planned) 2 Delays have been a bigger interference then difficulty

Task Debrief: (link to any completed documentation, acknowledge short comings or achievements, mention problems and revisions if necessary)

Task Completion & Accompanying Documentation

Difficulties Encountered



Jared Week 1- We didn't create a lot this week but came up with some really good ideas for future work. Two main ideas that came out of this week were developing our Arduino code (yet to be created) into a publishable library for the Arduino IDE. We also discussed the use of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR as a possible secure cloud platform.

Jared Week 2- Pleased with the programming progress made although anticipating the need to reconsider and condensing scope. Raspberry Pi has seemed like the more capable overall platform, although there is more existing explanation on the interaction between the Arduino and MAX30102 breakout board. I've decided to try to overcome the connection issues we experienced during the planning stage with the Pi. I'm really looking forward to creating a basic guide to publish because there seems to be a descent amount of interest.

Jared Week 3- At the beginning of this week I was struggling to get readouts from the MAX30102 on the Raspberry Pi. My task for the week was to get readouts working and finding usable code. I started out utilizing a repository from vrano714 on GitHub but was failing to get readouts. I found another repository that built off vrano714's work but also uses less physical connections. The repository by Doug Burrell proved to work after some further troubleshooting. One of the main takeaways from this week was that I need to double check which libraries the code needs to run properly and open-source authors don't always make it easy to determine the needed libraries. For the future I'm looking into the MLX90614ESF for temperature sensing.

Jared Week 4- This week was great for collaboration and sharing ideas. We were lucky enough to get together for a few in-person meetings and discuss some of what we have been working on individually and also troubleshoot each others issues. I gave Dan my Raspbian OS on an SD card along with the wiring for the SP02 sensor for him to explore. We began trying to reverse engineer a production SP02 sensor that Dan acquired as a control metric. So far we have not been successful at accessing the data the device collects but that may be an interesting way to gather information in the future. I also received the MLX90614ESF infrared temperature sensor and began working with that. As we've previously noted, there are many more public guides for the Arduino and these sensors, but I was able to find a python library that interacts with the Pi. I was able to detect temperature with a prebuilt Arduino example, and write a basic python code to interact with the Pi library. I plan to create documentation on this process next week and see a clear path for a program to interact with both sensors.

Jared Week 5- We were able to make a demonstration of our sprint to date this week that I believe went fairly well. I provided more information on the thermometer documentation including an improved wiring diagram that I haven't been able to find elsewhere. While we had a chance to work together we created a test that confirmed the both sensors will be able to function without interfering with eachother.

2nd Sprint Overview


Task Completion & Accompanying Documentation

Difficulties Encountered



👍 Jared Week 6-This week we were able to begin addressing one of our greatest hurdles for this project, programing and app development. Both Dan and I had identified this as a weak point from the beginning of the project. We have some experience programming, but creating an interactive user application has been beyond our skill set. We started off this week by sitting down with a professional programmer to discuss our plan and go over the code that interacts with our sensors. From our consultation we had a lot to think about regarding Sprint 2 especially. We are now planning on running each sensor program as individual services that are interacted with through a primary application. This might seem like a big shift in our plan but I feel like through our consultation we are further defining this sprint. Huge props to Dan for getting us in contact with our consultant and thanks to them for volunteering their time.

Jared Week 7- This week I mostly worked on updating the project via GitHub. I updated the sprint after meeting with Dan to reflect that we are beginning this sprint with the primary goal of creating a application to operate the MediBuddy from. I would have like to dedicate more time to technical implementation this week and plan to do more next week. It will be time to start writing and debugging python soon which I am still apprehensive about.

Jared Week 8- We were not able to meet for our regular weekly meeting this week and did not have a clear plan for individual work this week. This has pushed our demo back by a week although I am confident that we will be able to deliver a demonstration of our work next week.

3rd Sprint Overview


Task Completion & Accompanying Documentation

Difficulties Encountered




4th Sprint Overview

🗨️ During this sprint we focused on wrapping things up and shifting gears from the implementation of a GUI, to finding a simple solution to transmit data.

Task Completion & Accompanying Documentation

Difficulties Encountered

💢 GUI and application are incomplete.


👍 As we wrap up our final sprint there is a lot that I've learned and a lot that I look forward to learning. This project gave me a glimpse at what I might expect to see leading a development project and I feel the most satisfied with those types of takeaways. There were so many aspects to this project that I took for granted at its inception. For example, collaborative coding quickly became one of our most time-consuming aspects of the project. We began working only while we had an opportunity to work together in person. This method was great for working on the physical aspects of the MediBuddy, but quickly became impractical when we began creating the application. We were able to get lessons in collaborative programming using branches and other good practices to work remotely. Through the process of deciding on sensors and equipment needed for the project, I was able to improve my item acquisition skills. We needed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different types of sensors on a budget and ensure that we had all of the required dependencies before team meetings. Sprint 3 felt like our biggest curveball. We pivoted our needs at the end of Sprint 1 when we realized that local data storage was not worth an entire sprint. Instead, we focused on previous comments about the user interface. Our solution turned out to be an overextension of our abilities and time. We realized during Sprint 2 that we would need to continue working on App Development through Sprint 3, however, a variety of roadblocks slowed us from the beginning and we barely got working on Sprint 3.