Arduino Heart Rate Monitor - jaredwhichard/Capstone-Website GitHub Wiki

Arduino Heart Rate Monitor

During our Project 2 we had some lag time on our new monitors arriving and decided to revisit our first heart rate monitor. Our sensor is an inexpensive version of a popular pulse sensor and we had issues with it not being able to read a pulse with any reliability from our Raspberry Pi. The sensor was designed for use with an Arduino so to test our building skills programing on the Arduino we based this sensor on the Arduino.

The Hardware

  • Arduino R3
  • Pulse Sensor
  • Simple LED

Physical Set-up

Since we had reliability issues with the last iteration, we decided to work without a breadboard to eliminate points of failure. The pulse sensor has three connections: Data (S), Positive (+), and Ground (-). Labeling on the sensors vary by manufacture but this is how ours came. The Positive will be connected to the 5v Power supply, the Ground will be connected to an available GND and the data wire will connect to the analog 0 (A0) port. The LED connects very simply to the Digital 13 port and Ground port. image


After connecting the Arduino to a computer we used the Arduino IDE.

  1. First we need to set the appropriate device and which port it is connected to.
    Open the Tools > Ports and select the port the Arduino is connected to
    Then browse Tools > Devices and select the version of Arduino we are using.
  2. Now we can add the library of open sources sketches from the pulse sensor creators. Go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Library, search for the PulseSensor Playground, and install it.
  3. Now we have a collection of testing programs, we want a program that will allow us to monitor heart beats per minute
    Go to File > Examples > PulseSensor Playground > Getting_BPM_to_Monitor
    The program is able to run as is, Upload it to the Arduino
  4. The program is running, now we can read some results!
    Open Tools > Serial Monitor to open the program console Hold an index finger firmly on the top of the sensor, make sure that the connections are not interupted
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