homework 05 - james-bern/CS345 GitHub Wiki



Today you will start working on your mid-semester project. 🙂👍 This homework will last 2+ weeks (next week you will also have some other stuff to do, so probably don't put this week's work off.)


  • ⚠️ Do not "short" (accidentally connect) the metal pads and pins on these little boards. Best bet is to either solder on header and plug into a breadboard and/or to cover the back with electrical tape.
  • Adafruit Metro Mini
  • We will use an i2c bus.
  • We will use Stemma QT (qwiic) connectors.

Printing Stuff

  • The best solution is probably to print to the little display 🙂👍


  • A-
    • (Not Submitted) Before soldering anything, verify you can connect to the dev board and upload & run the Arduino Blink program.
      • You may need to select Tools -> Port -> COM ??.
    • (Not Submitted) ⚠️ Disconnect the dev board from USB-C before soldering!
    • (Not Submitted) Solder male header to the dev board and plug into your breadboard (make sure is "straddles the ravine").
    • (Not Submitted) Get a button working to turn on the built-in LED.
    • (Not Submitted) Get a button working to turn on an external LED.
    • (Not Submitted) Get the screen working.
    • (Not Submitted) Get the knob working (it also has a RGB led 🙂)
    • (Not Submitted) Get the IR remote control & receiver working.
    • (Not Submitted) Get the big continuous rotation servo working.
    • Draw up a design for a robotic desktop pet.
    • Prototype any sort of robotic pet.
  • A
    • Prototype a reasonable robotic pet.
      • Don't forget what we've learned about making boxes, using screws and captive nuts, etc.
  • A+
    • Prototype a wonderful robotic pet.
      • It should seem cute and alive. 🙂👍