homework 04 - james-bern/CS345 GitHub Wiki


Today we're going to start learning about electronics. 🙂👍



  • A
    • (not submitted) Clear out your shelf a bit (leave the homeworks, but feel free to throw away scrap)
    • (not submitted) Verify the continuity of your switch (off vs. on) with your multimeter
    • (not submitted) 1x LED circuit on a breadboard
      • NOTE: Please include a switch
      • NOTE: You will take this apart after you get it working, but please do not skip this step.
    • 1x LED circuit on a protoboard
      • NOTE: Please include a switch
    • 2x printed out screenshots (1x top, 1x bottom) of 3D viewer of your board from the KiCad 7.0 tutorial
      • NOTE: Don't forget to silkscreen your names.
  • A+
    • 1x Add a custom outline (Edge.Cuts) to your board using a dxf you made in LAYOUT. Include mounting holes for M3 screws (NOTE: You can create the mounting holes themselves in KiCad, instead of LAYOUT, if easier.)
      • NOTE: Imagine the board is the lid of one of the little boxes we've been making 🙂👍
      • NOTE: The board outline should be no larger than 50mm x 50mm. Your hole pattern should be something reasonable, like a 40mm x 40mm square.
      • NOTE: Don't forget to use fillets!
      • NOTE: Your mounting holes should be plated. See here: https://forum.kicad.info/t/create-a-mounting-hole/6737/2
    • 1x Add a custom logo (Silkscreen) to your board using an image you drew in Microsoft Paint or similar (you can also use a photo, like I did of Jeannie).
    • 2x Solder wires and apply heat shrink to your own switches.
      • NOTE: Ask Jim about how to do this before you start. I need to train you on the hot air station.
  • A++
    • 1x Model the switch in Solidworks, export as STEP, and add to KiCad so you can see it in the 3D view :)
    • (Can also be done next week; or whenever) Design a carrier board for this arduino metro mini https://www.adafruit.com/product/2590 that has an LED on it or something similar :)