homework 03 - james-bern/CS345 GitHub Wiki


Let's learn to use SolidWorks; this will be a lighter week. 🙂👍

SolidWorks is a much more complicated program than LAYOUT + Conversation. It's quite cool, though learning it can be quite frustrating. (If it helps, SolidWorks is actually a fairly simple CAD program compared to, for example, CATIA. 🙃)

I made a video of me doing the first part of the homework. There are also good tutorials on youtube.


  • A-

    • 1x printed screenshot of a SolidWorks assembly of the 40x40x20 box from last week
      • NOTE: You must include whatever screws and nuts are used in your real-world box
    • 1x printed screenshot of a SolidWorks assembly of the 40x40x30 box from last week
      • NOTE: You must include whatever screws and nuts are used in your real-world box
    • 1x printed screenshot of SolidWorks part of this servo horn
      • NOTE: Don't worry about making it perfect. You only need to include the major geometric features (get the overall dimensions right; get the mounting holes in the right place.) You're welcome to go further if you like.
  • A

    • 1x printed screenshot of a SolidWorks assembly of the 40x40x40 box from last week
      • NOTE: You must include whatever screws and nuts are used in your real-world box
    • 1x printed screenshot of SolidWorks part of this continuous rotation servo
      • NOTE: Again don't worry about making it perfect.
  • A+

    • 1x printed screenshot of SolidWorks assembly of a little car made with four of the above servos and horns.