Tut00 - james-bern/CS136 GitHub Wiki


  • This tutorial will get you ready to code Java in the Eclipse IDE!
  • We will also fill in some gaps in your knowledge of computer basics
  • NOTE: If you have any problems feel free to email Jim or we can fix them together on the first day of class 🙂👍


  • A window is made up of panes
  • A GUI (pronounced "gooey") lets you interact with a computer program using the mouse (includes checkboxes, buttons, icons, etc.)
    • Most programs you use have a GUI, but some, like the Terminal/Command Prompt, do not
  • A text editor lets you edit text
  • A debugger helps you find bugs in your code
    • A "graphical debugger" has a GUI, and is usually a lot easier to use than a pure "command-line debugger"
  • An IDE is a text editor plus other stuff (debugger, etc.)

How to copy and paste

🍏 Mac

  • Highlight text by clicking and dragging the mouse
  • Press ⌘ + C to copy
  • Press ⌘ + V to paste
  • NOTE: There is also ⌘ + X to "cut," which copies the text and deletes it

🤷‍♂️ Windows

  • Highlight text by clicking and dragging the mouse
  • Press CONTROL + C to copy
  • Press CONTROL + V to paste
  • NOTE: There is also CONTROL + X to "cut," which copies the text and deletes it

How to right click on a Macbook

  • Click the trackpad with two fingers

How to open a Terminal/Command Prompt and Navigate to the Desktop

🍏 Mac

  • Open a Terminal by pressing ⌘ + SPACE, typing terminal, and pressing ENTER
  • A Terminal should pop up in the home directory (denoted by a ~)
    • If not in the home directory, in the Terminal, type cd ~ and press ENTER to change directory to the home directory
  • In the Terminal, type cd Desktop and press ENTER

🤷‍♂️ Windows

  • Open a Command Prompt by pressing ⊞ Win, type cmd, and pressing Enter
  • A Command Prompt should pop up in the home directory (mine is C:\Users\jbern)
  • In the Command Prompt, type cd Desktop and press ENTER

How to Put GitHub into Light Mode

It will be easier to read the course webpage in "light mode" (black text on white background).

  • Option A (easier): Set you system theme to a light mode
    • 🍏 Mac: Press ⌘ + SPACE type Appearance and press Enter; select a light theme.
    • 🤷‍♂️ Windows: Press ⊞ Win, type Turn on light mode systemwide, and press Enter; select Light
  • Option B: Change theme of Github only.
    • Log in to Github (make an account if you don't already have one) and click the circular icon in the top right -> Settings -> Appearance; set Theme mode to Single theme and select Light default.

Misc Setup

🧑‍🔬 NOTE: If you are working on a Lab Machine, please skip to Clone the Codebase.

Install Git

🍏 Mac

  • Install Homebrew
    • In the Terminal, type /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" and press ENTER
  • Install Git
    • In the Terminal, type brew install git and press ENTER

🤷‍♂️ Windows

  • Download Installer
  • Open the downloaded file (it can be found by clicking the ⬇️ button at the right-top corner of Edge)
  • You may get a User Account Control popup
    • Press 'Yes'
  • Click Next
  • Click Next
  • Select Components window
    • Uncheck all boxes
  • Click Next
  • Click Next
  • Choosing the default editor used by Git window
    • Choose Use Notepad as Git's default editor
  • Mash Next/Install until it starts actually installing
  • Congratulations, you have installed Git

Uninstall Java

Uninstall any versions of Java already on your computer.

  • Open a Terminal and run java -version
  • If you get an error (command java not found or similar): You have no Java! Please continue to the next step 🙂👍
  • If a recent-ish Java version (e.g., Java 17) is installed: This is actually probably fine. Continue to the next step 🙂👍
  • If an ancient Java version (e.g., 1.8) is installed: We need to uninstall Java!
    • Windows: Press ⊞ Win, type add or remove programs, and press Enter; Uninstall Java
    • Mac: Open a Terminal and run the following commands (you can copy them all at once by clicking the icon in the top right (⧉))
      sudo rm -rf /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin
      sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/JavaControlPanel.prefPane
      sudo rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/Oracle/Java/
      sudo rm -rf /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines

Install Eclipse

🍏 Mac

  • Download the right Eclipse 2021-12-R installer for your Mac
  • Double-click the downloaded file (it can be found by clicking the ⬇️ button at the right-top corner of Safari)
  • A Finder window should pop up
  • Click and drag Eclipse (🔮) into the Applications shortcut (📁) to install Eclipse
  • Click the red x (❌) to close the Finder window by c
  • There Eclipse installer (⬜️) is still on your Desktop; eject it by right clicking its icon and pressing Eject "Eclipse"

🤷‍♂️ Windows

  • Download Zip Folder
  • Open the downloaded file (it can be found by clicking the ⬇️ button at the right-top corner of Edge)
  • Click Extract all
  • Make sure Show extracted files when complete box is checked
  • Click Extract
  • The unzipped folder should pop up
  • Click and drag the inner eclipse folder to your Desktop
  • Close the File Explorer window
  • Double-click the eclipse folder to open it
  • Hold the ALT key and drag eclipse.exe onto your Desktop to make a desktop shortcut
  • Close the File Explorer window

Clone The Codebase

  • Open a new Terminal
  • Navigate to the Desktop
  • Type git clone https://github.com/james-bern/CS136.git
  • Press ENTER

Launch Eclipse

  • ⚠️ IMPORTANT: Never update Eclipse
  • Open Eclipse
    • 🍏 Press ⌘ + SPACE, type eclipse, and press ENTER to open Eclipse
    • 🤷‍♂️ Double-click eclipse.exe - Shortcut to open Eclipse
  • A window titled Eclipse IDE Launcher should pop up
  • Check the box for Use this as default and do not ask again
  • Press Launch
  • A webpage may open (for...some reason)
    • Close it
  • Close the Welcome pane

Open Project

  • In Eclipse, File -> Open Projects from File System...
  • Directory...
  • Desktop -> CS136
  • Press Open
  • Press Finish
  • In Package Explorer on the left...
    • Click the > next to CS136
    • Click the > next to (default package)
    • Double-click HelloCow.java

Run HelloCow (in the Debugger)

  • ⚠️ IMPORTANT: If Eclipse ever offers to switch its Perspective automatically, check Remember my decision and say NO 🙅
    • If you mess this (or any other stuff) up, just lemme know 🙂👍
  • ⚠️ IMPORTANT: If Eclipse ever offers to save your file before running, check Remember my decision and say YES 🙆
  • ⚠️ IMPORTANT: If Eclipse wants say it needs to go around your firewall, ALLOW 🙆
  • Option A: Press the Debug button (🪲)
  • Option B: Press the keyboard shortcut for Debug
    • NOTE: You can find it in the top menu under Run -> Debug
    • NOTE: On a laptop, you may F11 may actually be Fn + F11
  • Press the keyboard shortcut (something involving F11)
  • 🥳 Amuse yourself with a rousing game of Tic Tac Toe

Configure Eclipse Prefences

  • Open the Preferences
    • 🍏 Eclipse -> Settings...
    • 🤷‍♂️ Window -> Preferences
  • Disable Content Assist Auto Activation
    • Java -> Editor -> Content Assist
      • NOTE: You will need to click the >'s to drop down the menus
    • Uncheck the box for Enable auto activation
  • Disable Initial Folding
    • Java -> Editor -> Folding
    • Make sure Enable folding is checked (leave it alone)
    • Make sure all other boxes are unchecked (you should have to uncheck two boxes)
  • Press Apply and Close

Configure Eclipse Panes

  • Make your Eclipse looks like this (you will need to spend ~5-10 minutes with dragging the panes around):
    • NOTE: If you don't already have the Variables and Debug panes, you can add them with something like...
      • 🍏 Window -> Show View -> Variables
      • 🤷‍♂️ Window -> Show View -> click > by Debug -> Variables -> Open
    • NOTE: If you don't already have the Console pane, try Window -> Show View -> Console
    • 🍏 NOTE: You may need to drag the Problem pane's Description column separator over to the right to see anything.
    • NOTE: There is a Maximize button on the right-top (looks kinda like 💾) that will make the text editor bigger. Use Restore (⧉) to go back.


How to use Eclipse

Create HW00.java

  • In the Project Explorer, right click CS136 and press New -> File
  • Type HW00.java
  • Press Finish
  • Open HW00 in a new window or tab (right-click on the link for options)
  • Scroll down to the Starter Code
  • Copy the Starter Code by pressing the button in its right-top corner (⧉)
  • Paste the Starter Code into HW00.java by clicking inside of HW00.java and pressing...
    • 🍏 ⌘ + V
    • 🤷‍♂️ CONTROL + V

Auto-Indent the Starter Code (you want usually have to do this), by clicking inside of HW00.java and pressing

  • 🍏 ⌘ + A (select all) then ⌘ + I (auto indent)
  • 🤷‍♂️ CONTROL + A then CONTROL + I

Run the Starter Code

  • Run HW00 by pressing the bug (🪲) or your computer's F11 hotkey combination that you looked up earlier

Compile Error

  • You should get an Errors in Workspace popup
  • Press Cancel
  • Verify that you can read the compile error (missing semicolon) in the Problems pane like this:


  • Add the missing semicolon
  • Run again

Runtime Error

  • Read the runtime error (divide by zero) in the Variables pane like this:
    • NOTE: You will need to click on main() is throwing


  • Press the Resume button (yellow and green icon kinda like ⏯️) to crash the program (and terminate the debugging session)
  • Replace 0 with 6
  • Run again

Assert Error

  • Read the assert error (2 + 2 == 5) in the Debug pane like this:
    • NOTE: You will need to click one call below the ASSERT(...) call in the stack trace
    • NOTE: A message will also be printed to the Console.


  • Press the Resume button (yellow and green icon kinda like ⏯️) to crash the program (and terminate the debugging session)
  • Replace 5 with 4
  • Run again

Console Message

  • Read the console message (7) in the Console pane like this:



  • Read the warning (Comparing identical expressions) in the Problems pane like this:


  • Delete the very silly ASSERT(2 + 2 == 4);
  • Run again
  • 🙂👍