HW12 - james-bern/CS136 GitHub Wiki



This homework is shorter so you have a chance to get a jump start on your Final Project!

But be careful on the big O runtimes! Discuss with your friends! Ask questions!

Recall that stringA + stringB is O(length of the longer string).


  • To get a A:
    • ✅ Implement and document (fill in big O runtime & explanation) all the functions.
      • ✨ Some functions are already implemented for you; just document those ones. 🙂👍

Submission Instructions

  • ✅ Put your answers to the Final Project questions at the top of your code file.
  • ✅ Put the output of runAutograder() in a comment at the top of your code file.
    • 🚨 You must do this.

Starter Code

class HW12 {
    static void runAutograder() {
        System.out.println("\nRUNNING AUTOGRADER");
        System.out.print  ("------------------");

        System.out.print("\n _ITERATIVE_isPalindrome");
        _grade( _ITERATIVE_isPalindrome("racecar"));
        _grade( _ITERATIVE_isPalindrome("amanaplanacanalpanama"));
        _grade( _ITERATIVE_isPalindrome(""));
        _grade( _ITERATIVE_isPalindrome("a"));

        System.out.print("\n isPalindromeRecursive");
        _grade( isPalindrome("racecar"));
        _grade( isPalindrome("amanaplanacanalpanama"));
        _grade( isPalindrome(""));
        _grade( isPalindrome("a"));

        System.out.print("\n _ITERATIVE_getInBinary");
        _grade(_ITERATIVE_getInBinary(0),  "0");
        _grade(_ITERATIVE_getInBinary(1),  "1");
        _grade(_ITERATIVE_getInBinary(2),  "10");
        _grade(_ITERATIVE_getInBinary(3),  "11");
        _grade(_ITERATIVE_getInBinary(4),  "100");
        _grade(_ITERATIVE_getInBinary(37), "100101");

        System.out.print("\n getInBinary");
        _grade(getInBinary(0),  "0");
        _grade(getInBinary(1),  "1");
        _grade(getInBinary(2),  "10");
        _grade(getInBinary(3),  "11");
        _grade(getInBinary(4),  "100");
        _grade(getInBinary(37), "100101");

        System.out.print("\n _ITERATIVE_areBalanced");
        _grade( _ITERATIVE_areBalanced(""));
        _grade( _ITERATIVE_areBalanced("()"));
        _grade( _ITERATIVE_areBalanced("()()"));
        _grade( _ITERATIVE_areBalanced("(())"));
        _grade( _ITERATIVE_areBalanced("(())()"));

        System.out.print("\n areBalanced");
        _grade( areBalanced(""));
        _grade( areBalanced("()"));
        _grade( areBalanced("()()"));
        _grade( areBalanced("(())"));
        _grade( areBalanced("(())()"));

        System.out.print("\n subsetSum");
        _grade( subsetSum(new int[] {}, 0));
        _grade( subsetSum(new int[] { 2 }, 2));
        _grade( subsetSum(new int[] { 2 }, 0));
        _grade(!subsetSum(new int[] { 2 }, 7));
        _grade( subsetSum(new int[] { 1, 5, 9 }, 10));
        _grade( subsetSum(new int[] { 1, 5, 9 }, 0));
        _grade(!subsetSum(new int[] { 1, 5, 9 }, 3));
        _grade( subsetSum(new int[] { 3, 4, 5 }, 3));
        _grade( subsetSum(new int[] { 3, 4, 5 }, 12));
        _grade(!subsetSum(new int[] { 3, 4, 5 }, 6));

    // YOUR WORK STARTS HERE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    public static void main(String[] arguments) { 

    // Get whether the word is the same forwards and backwards.
    // Big O Runtime: O(?)
    // Big O Runtime Explanation: ???
    static boolean _ITERATIVE_isPalindrome(String word) {
        for (int i = 0; i < word.length() / 2; ++i) {
            int j = (word.length() - 1) - i;
            if (word.charAt(i) != word.charAt(j)) {
                return false;
        return true;

    // Get whether the word is the same forwards and backwards.
    // NOTE: You must use recursion.
    // NOTE: Do NOT write any helper functions.
    // HINT: Check the String Documentation for charAt(...) and substring(...).
    // Big O Runtime: O(?)
    // Big O Runtime Explanation: ???
    static boolean isPalindrome(String word) {
        // TODO

        return false;

    // Get n in binary.
    // 0 -> "0"
    // 1 -> "1"
    // 2 -> "10"
    // ...
    // Big O Runtime: O(?)
    // Big O Runtime Explanation: ???
    static String _ITERATIVE_getInBinary(int n) {
        String result = "";
        do {
            result = (n % 2) + result;
            n /= 2;
        } while (n > 0);
        return result;

    // Get n in binary.
    // 0 -> "0"
    // 1 -> "1"
    // 2 -> "10"
    // ...
    // NOTE: You must use recursion.
    // HINT: You may eventually want to use a helper function.
    // Big O Runtime: O(?)
    // Big O Runtime Explanation: ???
    static String getInBinary(int n) {
        // TODO

        return "";

    // Get whether the parentheses are balanced.
    // (()(())) is balanced
    // (() is NOT balanced
    // ())( is NOT balanced
    // Big O Runtime: O(?)
    // Big O Runtime Explanation: ???
    static boolean _ITERATIVE_areBalanced(String parens) {
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < parens.length(); ++i) {
            if (parens.charAt(i) == '(') { ++count; }
            if (parens.charAt(i) == ')') { --count; }
            if (count < 0) { return false; }
        return (count == 0);

    // Get whether the parentheses are balanced.
    // ()(()) is balanced
    // (() is NOT balanced
    // ())( is NOT balanced
    // NOTE: You must use recursion.
    // HINT: ()(()) -> (()) -> () ->   => balanced
    // HINT: (() -> ( => NOT balaned
    // HINT: ())( -> )( => NOT balaned
    // HINT: Check the String Documentation for substring(...) and indexOf(...).
    //       PS on't forget about the all_powerful + (plus sign).
    // Big O Runtime: O(?)
    // Big O Runtime Explanation: ???
    static boolean areBalanced(String parens) {
        // TODO

        return false;

    // Get whether there is a subset of numbers in the set that sum to the target.
    // You can only use each number once.
    // { 1, 5, 9 } can make 10 (1 + 9 = 10)
    // { 1, 5, 9 } can NOT make 3 (no subset sums to 3)
    // NOTE: You must use recursion.
    // NOTE: Do NOT modify set; do NOT make any new arrays.
    // HINT: You will want to write a helper function.
    // HINT: subsetSum(...) can be 1 line long.
    // HINT: _subsetSumHelper(...) can be ~2 lines long (definitely not more than ~10).
    // Big O Runtime: O(?)
    // Big O Runtime Explanation: ???
    static boolean subsetSum(int[] set, int target) {
        // TODO

        return false;

    // YOUR WORK ENDS HERE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    static void _grade(boolean shouldBeTrue) {
        System.out.print(shouldBeTrue ? '+' : '-');
    static void _grade(String student, String answer) {
        boolean shouldBeTrue = student.equals(answer);
        if (!shouldBeTrue) {
            System.out.print("[\"" + student + "\" vs. \"" + answer + "\"]");