HW09 - james-bern/CS136 GitHub Wiki


README (Before Lab)


What is a Trie?

  • A trie (prefix tree) is a special kind of tree that can store bunch of words (a vocabulary) in a super cool way.

    • Each node has a single letter (except for the root node, which is blank).
    • Each node also has a boolean that says whether the node has the last letter in a word ("terminates" the word).
      • If this boolean is true, then we say the node is a terminal node.
      • We can read a word out of a trie by following a path down from the root to a terminal node.
  • Here is an example:

    • Terminal nodes are colored cyan (greenish-blue).

    • The trie stores these words: [a, app, apple, awe, ban, banana, id]


the Node class in the Starter Code

  • Each instance of the Node class has an array of references to its children.

    • Node[] children is constructed to have 26 elements (corresponding to 'a', 'b', ..., 'z' in order)
    • It might seem weird at first, but a Node object does NOT actually store its own letter!
      • Instead, a node's letter is implicit in its index in its parent's array of children.
        • children[0] has letter 'a', children[1] has letter 'b', and so on.
  • We can convert between a letter index (0, 1, ..., 25) and its corresponding letter ('a', 'b', ..., 'z').

    • int letterIndex = letter - 'a';
      • 0 <--letterIndex from letter-- 'a'
      • 1 <--letterIndex from letter-- 'b'
      • ...
    • char letter = (char)('a' + letterIndex);
      • Note: (char)(...) is a cast. In order to assign the result of 'a' + letterIndex to letter, we have to cast it from an int to a char. Otherwise, we get acompiler error. (Error: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from int to char)
      • 'a' <--letter from letterIndex-- 0
      • 'b' <--letter from letterIndex-- 1
      • ...

Complete Example


> addWord("app"); // returns true


> addWord("a"); // returns true


> addWord("a"); // returns false ("a" already in trie)

> containsWord("a"); // returns true

> containsWord("app"); // returns true

> containsWord("apple"); // returns false

> removeWord("app"); // returns true


> removeWord("app"); // returns false ("app" was not in trie)

> containsWord("a"); // returns true

> containsWord("app"); // returns false

> containsWord("apple"); // returns false

> addWord("at");

 | \
 p [t]

> addWord("cow");

 |  \ 
[a]  c
 | \  \
 p [t] o
 |    /
 p [w]

> addWord("atom");

 |  \ 
[a]  c
 | \  \
 p [t] o
 |  |  |
 p  o [w]

> getAllWords(); // returns [a, at, atom, cow]

> removeWord("atom"); // returns true

 |  \ 
[a]  c
 | \  \
 p [t] o
 |  |  |
 p  o [w]

> removeWord("atom"); // returns false

> getAllWords(); // returns [a, at, cow]


  • To get a A:
    • ✅ Implement the functions marked with TODO's.
      • ✨ Implement them one at a time, in order, testing as you go.
      • ✨ Try out the interactive app to test your code!
        • ✨ The app prints out instructions when it starts; Please ask questions if you are unsure about how to use it. 🙂👍
  • To get an S, do 1+ of these options...
    • ✅ Improve removeWord to prune away any of the trie that is no longer needed. (Maybe recursion is helpful? Maybe not?) The final state of the Complete Example should now be:
       |  \ 
      [a]  c
       |   |
      [t]  o
    • ✅ Implement the Optional Extensions from last year's version of the homework.
      • Feel free to temporarily comment out trie.draw().
      • Also feel free to create a copy of your file HW09S.java and remove all the Cow.java stuff.
    • ✅ Make the output of Trie's draw() function easier to read. The tree should be more or less centered (instead of smooshed to the left).
      • ✨ The approach in the starter code is kind of garbage. You may want to kind of start over.
      • ✅ Explain your approach in a comment at the top of your code.
      • 🚨 Your approach should work reasonably well for a bunch of examples, not just this one.
        • 🚨 Do NOT worry about matching the picture below exactly; it is just for inspiration.


Submission Instructions

  • ✅ Put the output of runAutograder() in a comment at the top of your code file.
    • 🚨 You must do this.

Starter Code

  1. Grab an updated Cow.java (please replace your current version; all my updates should be backwards compatible.)
  2. Create a new file called HW09.java and copy and paste the starter code below inside.
  3. Open both Cow.java and HW09.java in DrJava
  4. Click on HW09.java
  5. Compile and Run


import java.util.*;

class HW09 extends App {

    static class Node  {
        // This node's children.
        // children[0] corresponds to 'a', children[1] corresponds to 'b', ...
        // Initially, all children are null (empty slots).
        Node[] children;

        // Whether this node corresponds to the last letter in a word.
        boolean isTerminal;

        // Construct a new Node object.
        // Initially, all its children are null.
        Node() {
            this.children = new Node[26]; // [ null, null, ..., null ]
            this.isTerminal = false; // NOTE: This line is optional (new Object's are zero-initialized--cleared to 0/false/null)

    class Trie {
        // The root node of the trie.
        Node root;

        // Construct a new trie.
        // NOTE: Feel free to write your own tests in this constructor.
        // NOTE: Uncomment runAutograder() to run a simple auto-grading function.
        //       The autograder builds a trie by calling the functions you will implement.
        //       +'s are passing tests; -'s are failing tests.
        //       (A crash means one of more of your functions is broken.)
        Trie() {
            root = new Node();

            // addWord("apple");

            // runAutograder();

        // Add this word to the trie if the trie does not already contain it.
        // Function returns true if it added the word.
        //          returns false if the trie already contained the word.
        // NOTE: Do NOT call containsWord() inside this function.
        //       Doing so would be inefficient (slow).
        boolean addWord(String word) {
            Node curr = root;
            // TODO

            return false;

        // Get whether a word is in the trie.
        // NOTE: Do NOT call getAllWords() inside this function.
        // NOTE: Do NOT call addWord() inside this function.
        // NOTE: Do NOT call removeWord() inside this function.
        boolean containsWord(String word) {
            // TODO

            return false;

        // Remove this word from the trie if the trie contains it.
        // Function returns true if if removed the world.
        //          returns false if the trie did not contain the word.
        // NOTE: You can "remove" a word by setting the last node in the word's isTerminal to false.
        //       This looks odd in the visualizer, but is A OK.
        //       You do NOT have to actually remove nodes / "prune the tree."
        //       (You certainly can if you want!--It's kinda tricky!)
        // NOTE: Do NOT call containsWord() inside this function.
        //       Doing so would be inefficient (slow).
        boolean removeWord(String word) {
            // TODO 

            return false;

        // Get all the words in the trie in alphabetical order.
        // NOTE: Don't worry about the list being alphabetical.
        //       Our trie gives us this "for free."
        // NOTE: This problem has a cute recursive solution in Java.
        //       I've set things up assuming you will use recursion (optional).
        ArrayList<String> getAllWords() {
            ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
            _getAllWordsHelper(root, "", result);
            return result;

        // Recursive helper function (calls itself).
        void _getAllWordsHelper(Node node, String prefix, ArrayList<String> result) {
            // TODO


        // A CODE STOPS HERE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

        void runAutograder() {
            root = new Node();
            System.out.print("[runAutograder] ");
            _grade(addWord("app"), true);
            _grade(addWord("a"), true);
            _grade(addWord("a"), false);
            _grade(containsWord("a"), true);
            _grade(containsWord("app"), true);
            _grade(containsWord("apple"), false);
            _grade(removeWord("app"), true);
            _grade(removeWord("app"), false);
            _grade(containsWord("a"), true);
            _grade(containsWord("app"), false);
            _grade(containsWord("apple"), false);
            _grade(addWord("at"), true);
            _grade(addWord("cow"), true);
            _grade(addWord("atom"), true);
            _gradeGetAllWords(new String[]{ "a", "at", "atom", "cow" });
            _grade(removeWord("atom"), true);
            _grade(removeWord("atom"), false);
            _gradeGetAllWords(new String[]{ "a", "at", "cow" });
            System.out.println(" // +'s are passing tests; -'s are failing tests\n");

        void _gradeGetAllWords(String[] correctAllWords) {
            ArrayList<String> studentAllWords = getAllWords();
            boolean match = (studentAllWords.size() == correctAllWords.length);
            if (match) {
                for (int i = 0; i < correctAllWords.length; ++i) {
                    if (!studentAllWords.get(i).equals(correctAllWords[i])) {
                        match = false;
            _grade(true, match);

        void _grade(boolean studentAnswer, boolean correctAnswer) {
            boolean isCorrect = (studentAnswer == correctAnswer);
            System.out.print(isCorrect ? "+" : "-");

        void draw() {
            class NodeWrapper {
                Node node;
                int level;
                Vector2 parentPosition;
                Vector2 position;
                char letter;
                NodeWrapper(Node node, int level, Vector2 parentPosition, Vector2 position, char letter) {
                    this.node = node;
                    this.level = level;
                    this.parentPosition = parentPosition;
                    this.position = position;
                    this.letter = letter;
            ArrayDeque<NodeWrapper> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
            queue.add(new NodeWrapper(root, 0, new Vector2(), new Vector2(), ' '));
            int spawnLevel = 0;
            int drawIndexOfNodeInLevel = 0;
            while(queue.size() > 0) {
                NodeWrapper nodeWrapper = queue.remove();
                { // draw
                    double nodeRadius = 0.25;
                    { // line
                        Vector2 a = nodeWrapper.parentPosition;
                        Vector2 b = nodeWrapper.position;
                        Vector2 nudge = Vector2.directionVectorFrom(a, b).times(1.2 * nodeRadius);
                        a = a.plus(nudge);
                        b = b.minus(nudge);
                        drawLine(a, b, Vector3.black);
                    drawCircle(nodeWrapper.position, nodeRadius, (!nodeWrapper.node.isTerminal) ? new Vector3(0.9) : Vector3.cyan);
                    drawString("" + nodeWrapper.letter, nodeWrapper.position, Vector3.black, 16, true);
                for (int letterIndex = 0; letterIndex < 26; ++letterIndex) {
                    Node child = nodeWrapper.node.children[letterIndex];
                    char childLetter = (char)('a' + letterIndex);
                    if (child == null) continue;

                    int childLevel = nodeWrapper.level + 1;
                    if (spawnLevel != childLevel) {
                        spawnLevel = childLevel;
                        drawIndexOfNodeInLevel = 0;
                    } else {
                    Vector2 childParentPosition = nodeWrapper.position;
                    Vector2 childPosition = new Vector2(drawIndexOfNodeInLevel * 1.0, -1.0 * childLevel);
                    queue.add(new NodeWrapper(child, childLevel, childParentPosition, childPosition, childLetter));

    // S CODE STOPS HERE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

    Trie _trie;
    String _consoleBuffer;
    final int CONSOLE_STATE_ADDING = 0;
    final int CONSOLE_STATE_REMOVING = 1;
    final int CONSOLE_STATE_QUERYING = 2;
    int consoleState;
    void setup() {
        _trie = new Trie();
        _consoleBuffer = "";

        System.out.println("Press + start adding words.");
        System.out.println("Press - start removing words.");
        System.out.println("Press ? start querying (asking) whether words are in the _trie.");
        System.out.println("Type a word like you normally do.");
        System.out.println("Press Enter to add/remove/query a word.");
        System.out.println("Press Space to print all the words in the trie.");
        System.out.println("Press Escape to quit.");

    void loop() {
        { // _consoleBuffer
            if (keyPressed(27)) { // FORNOW
            } else if (keyPressed('=')) {
                consoleState = CONSOLE_STATE_ADDING;
            } else if (keyPressed('-')) {
                consoleState = CONSOLE_STATE_REMOVING;
            } else if (keyPressed('/')) {
                consoleState = CONSOLE_STATE_QUERYING;
            } else if (keyPressed(' ')) {
                System.out.println("[getAllWords] " + _trie.getAllWords());
            } else if (keyPressed('\b')) {
                if (_consoleBuffer.length() > 0) {
                    _consoleBuffer = _consoleBuffer.substring(0, _consoleBuffer.length() - 1);
            } else if (keyPressed('\n') || keyPressed('\r')) {
                String word = _consoleBuffer.trim();
                boolean valid = true;
                if (word.length() > 0) {
                    if (consoleState == CONSOLE_STATE_ADDING) {
                        boolean added = _trie.addWord(word);
                        if (added) {
                            System.out.println("[addWord] added \"" + word + "\"");
                        } else {
                            System.err.println("[addWord] did NOT add \"" + word + "\"; trie already contained it");
                    } else if (consoleState == CONSOLE_STATE_REMOVING) {
                        boolean removed = _trie.removeWord(word);
                        if (removed) {
                            System.out.println("[removeWord] removed \"" + word + "\"");
                        } else {
                            System.err.println("[removeWord] did NOT remove \"" + word + "\"; trie did NOT contain it");
                    } else if (consoleState == CONSOLE_STATE_QUERYING) {
                        boolean containsWord = _trie.containsWord(word);
                        if (containsWord) {
                            System.out.println("[containsWord] contains \"" + word + "\"");
                        } else {
                            System.err.println("[containsWord] does NOT contain \"" + word + "\"");
                    } else {
                        assert false;
                    _consoleBuffer = "";
            } else if (keyAnyPressed) {
                if ('a' <= keyLastPressed && keyLastPressed <= 'z') {
                    _consoleBuffer += String.valueOf(keyLastPressed);

            { // draw
                String prefix = null;
                Vector3 color = null;
                if (consoleState == CONSOLE_STATE_ADDING) {
                    prefix = "+";
                    color = new Vector3(0.0, 0.6, 0.0);
                } else if (consoleState == CONSOLE_STATE_REMOVING) {
                    prefix = "-";
                    color = new Vector3(0.8, 0.0, 0.0);
                } else if (consoleState == CONSOLE_STATE_QUERYING) {
                    prefix = "?";
                    color = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.8);
                } else {
                    assert false;
                        prefix + ' ' + _consoleBuffer,
                        new Vector2(1.5, 0.0),

    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        App app = new HW09();
        double S = 10.0;
        app.setWindowSizeInWorldUnits(S, S);
        app.setWindowCenterInWorldUnits(S / 2 - 1.0, -S / 2 + 1.0);
        app.hotkeysEnabled = false;

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