HW08 - james-bern/CS136 GitHub Wiki


Drawing Pictures

  • ✨ Drawing pictures will be very helpful for this lab. Give it a shot! Especially if you can't figure out why your code doesn't work. :)


  • Let's implement some fundamental linked list functions!
    • They're like little puzzles :)
    • Goal: Get you comfortable working with linked lists and get warmed up for trees next week. 🌞🌴

Coding Tips

  • A while loop can be a good way to iterate through a linked list.
    • Here is just one example; there are many variations, for example (curr.next != null) vs. (curr != null).
       Node curr = head; // the "current node" (node we are currently considering)
       while (curr != null) {
          curr = curr.next;
    • It can also be useful to keep track of other nodes (previous node; next node).
      Node prev = null; // the previous node
      Node curr = head; // the current node
      while (...) {
         prev = curr;
         curr = curr.next;
  • Our linked list is empty (has zero elements) if its head is null.
    • Sometimes, it makes sense to treat the empty list as a special case at the very top of a function.
      ... foo(...) {
           if (head == null) {
               return ...;


  • To get a A:

    • ✅ Implement all functions marked with TODO's, one at a time, in order, testing as you go.
      • main() currently calls runAutograder(), which runs a basic grading script.
      • 🚨 Do NOT try to implement all the functions at once. Build and run early; build and run often. 🙂👍
      • 🚨 Don't move on until you are confident the function you are currently implementing works perfectly. 🙂👍
    • ✅ Handle obviously invalid input using assert's.
      • ✨ For example, what if the user calls get(7) on a list with only 5 elements?
        • 🚨 You should NOT need to call a size() function or store a size instance variable to handle this.
      • 🚨 The grading script doesn't check whether you've handled invalid input, but you still have to do it. 💪
    • ✅ Take time to "clean up your code." Your implementations should make sense to programmers who aren't you!
      • ✅ If anything is still (even a little bit) unclear, add a comment!
    • ✅ Add additional documentation to the comments above the functions you implement. Other programmers should be able to use your functions without having to read the implementation.
      • ✅ Note the big O runtime.
      • ✅ Explain any ambiguity/edge-cases that the user of the function should be aware of.
      • ✅ Be concise and clear. (What would YOU want to read?)
      • ✨ Here is an example of documentation that would get an A.
        // Get the number of elements in the list.
        // If the list is empty, this function returns 0.
        // Runtime: O(n)
        int size() {
            int result = 0;
            Node curr = head;
            while (curr != null) {
                curr = curr.next;
            return result;
  • To get an S:

    • ✅ Extend toString() to work for circular lists. (Do something similar to what Python does when you print a list that contains a reference to itself. Document your decisions in the comment above toString().)

      • 🚨 Do NOT call isCircular() inside of toString().
        • ✅🚨 You MUST write a simple test case to prove your code actually works (printing a circular list is fine; see comment in Starter Code). 🙂👍
    • ✅ In a new file, repeat the entire homework for a doubly-linked list.

      • ✅ Each LinkedList2 should have a Node2 tail in addition to a Node2 head.
      • ✅ Each Node2 should have a Node2 prev in addition to a Node2 next.
      • add(value) should be replaced with addFront(value) and addBack(value)
      • ✅ Your implementation should be efficient (though first, just make it work).
        • ✅ For example, add(index, value) should start from either head or tail depending on which is closer to index.
          • ✨ To make this work efficiently, each LinkedList2 will need an int size; that says how many elements are in the list. Functions that change the size of the list will also be responsible for updating size.
      • ✅🚨 You MUST write test cases that prove your code actually works. 🙂👍
        • ✨ Perhaps test walking forward from the head AND walking backward from the tail?

Submission Instructions

  • Put the output of runAutograder() in a comment at the top of your code file.
  • Above the output of grade (at the very top), self-grade your homework and according to this scale.
    • an A is all functions working and documented perfectly
    • a B is 1 function not working or documented perfectly
    • a C is >=2 functions not working or documented perfectly)
  • Notes
    • 🚨 You must follow these instructions this in order to receive points.
    • This is a block comment:
  • Upload your code file to GradeScope by the due date.
  • Go over your code with Jim or a Grading TA in Lab.

Starter Code

class HW08 {

    static void runAutograder() {
        System.out.println("\n-- RUNNING AUTOGRADER --\n");

        LinkedList list = new LinkedList("Abe -> Ben");

        LinkedList._grade(list.get(0), "Abe");
        LinkedList._grade(list.get(1), "Ben");


        /**/                list._grade("Abe -> Ben");
        list.add("Cam");    list._grade("Abe -> Ben -> Cam");
        list.add("Dan");    list._grade("Abe -> Ben -> Cam -> Dan");
        list.remove("Cam"); list._grade("Abe -> Ben -> Dan");
        list.remove("Dan"); list._grade("Abe -> Ben");
        list.remove("Abe"); list._grade("Ben");
        list.remove("Ben"); list._grade(null);


        list = new LinkedList("Gus -> Ivy");
        /**/                list._grade("Gus -> Ivy");
        list.add(1, "Hal"); list._grade("Gus -> Hal -> Ivy");
        list.add(3, "Jax"); list._grade("Gus -> Hal -> Ivy -> Jax");
        list.add(0, "Fid"); list._grade("Fid -> Gus -> Hal -> Ivy -> Jax");
        list.reverse();     list._grade("Jax -> Ivy -> Hal -> Gus -> Fid");


        list.head = null;
        /**/                list._grade(null);
        list.reverse();     list._grade(null); // Reversing an empty list does nothing.
        list.add("Zeb");    list._grade("Zeb");


        list = new LinkedList("Abe");               LinkedList._grade(list.isCircular(), false);
        list = new LinkedList("Abe -> Ben -> Cam"); LinkedList._grade(list.isCircular(), false);
        list.head.next.next.next = list.head;       LinkedList._grade(list.isCircular(), true);

        // System.out.println(list);

    //  YOUR CODE STARTS HERE //////////////////////////////////////////////

    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        // NOTE: Feel free to write your own little tests in main!
        //       Just make sure you pass the autograder before you submit.

        // LinkedList list = new LinkedList("Abe -> Ben");
        // System.out.println(list);


    static class Node {
        String value; // the actual data stored on the node
        Node next; // a reference (link) to the next node in the list (chain)

        Node(String value) {
            this.value = value;
            this.next = null;

        public String toString() {
            return value;

    static class LinkedList {
        // The head of the list.
        // If head is null, then the list is empty.
        Node head;

        // Get the value of the node with this index.
        String get(int index) {
            // TODO

            return null;

        // Add a new node with the given value to the end of the list.
        // If list is empty (head is null), the new node becomes the head.
        void add(String value) {
            // TODO


        // Remove the first node in the list with this value.
        void remove(String value) {
            Node prev = null;
            Node curr = head;
            // TODO
            // HINT: Make sure you use stringA.equals(stringB) to compare String's.
            //       for example, curr.value.equals(target)


        // Insert a new node (with given value) into the list so that it has this index.
        void add(int index, String value) {
            // TODO


        // Reverse the list in place.
        // The old tail becomes the new head.
        // If list is empty or has only one element, this function does nothing.
        void reverse() {
            // TODO


        // Get whether the list is circular (references form a loop).
        boolean isCircular() {
            // TODO

            return false;

        // YOUR CODE STOPS HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////

        // Construct a list from a String of the form "Abe -> Ben -> Cam".
        // For this example input, constructor is equivalent to:
        //    head = new Token("Abe");
        //    head.next = new Token("Ben");
        //    head.next.next = new Token("Cam");
        LinkedList(String _string) {
            String[] array = _tokenize(_string);
            head = null;
            if (array.length > 0) {
                head = new Node(array[0]);
                Node curr = head;
                for (int i = 1; i < array.length; ++i) {
                    curr.next = new Node(array[i]);
                    curr = curr.next;

        // Get the list as a String of the form "Abe -> Ben -> Cam".
        public String toString() {
            if (head == null) return "null";
            String result = head.toString();
            Node curr = head;
            while (curr.next != null) {
                result += " -> ";
                result += curr.next;
                curr = curr.next;
            return result;

        // Compare the list to a String of the form "Abe -> Ben -> Cam".
        void _grade(String _string) {
            String[] array = _tokenize(_string);
            boolean isCorrect;
            if (array == null) {
                isCorrect = (head == null);
            } else {
                isCorrect = true;
                int currIndex = 0;
                Node prev = null;
                Node curr = head;
                while (curr != null) {
                    if (currIndex >= array.length) break;
                    isCorrect &= (array[currIndex++].equals(curr.value));
                    curr = curr.next;
                isCorrect &= (currIndex == array.length);
            _gradeHelper(isCorrect, this.toString(), _string);

        static void _grade(String studentAnswer, String correctAnswer) {
            _gradeHelper(correctAnswer.equals(studentAnswer), studentAnswer, correctAnswer);

        static void _grade(boolean studentAnswer, boolean correctAnswer) {
            _gradeHelper(studentAnswer == correctAnswer, "" + studentAnswer, "" + correctAnswer);

        static void _gradeHelper(boolean isCorrect, String studentAnswer, String correctAnswer) {
            System.out.print(isCorrect ? "[+] " : "[-] ");
            if (!isCorrect) System.err.print(" (EXPECTED: " + correctAnswer + ")");

        // Converts "Abe -> Ben -> Cam" to ["Abe", "Ben", "Cam"].
        static String[] _tokenize(String _string) {
            if (_string == null) return null;
            String[] result = _string.split("->");
            for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) result[i] = result[i].trim();
            return result;
