recursiveEnumerationWrapsNashLinterSyntax - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki

Here we revisit some of Chomsky's points as we build an argument for our Chomskian corollary and its relation to the Bitcoin Experiment.

We will cut and paste from a few past collections of transcripts of Chomsky (chomskyTool, Our Work as a Theory For Chomskys Language Inquiry) and add some narrative.

By Chomsky's formulation and admission recursive enumeration is the only necessary precursor to an evolutionarily based discretely infinite language.

We will also evolve this concept over time in the spirit of esoterism etc.

On Arithmetic as a Primitive Component of Language

Here we we are thinking of the concept of ordination with regard to the blockchain. Our work suggests that arithmetic could have been inherited from natural social ordination (suggesting the propensity to order being a product of survival via social scaling etc.):

Well on that there is quite interesting work.

With regard to arithmetic we now have some plausible answers, not established but plausible, to questions that greatly troubled Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace the two founders of the theory of evolution, they were very much concerned with what they regarded as a serious paradox. They assumed, they didn’t have the evidence, but they assumed apparently correctly that all humans have arithmetical capacity. All humans, maybe the capacity has to be brought out by triggering stimulation but that's normal for instinctive behavior, but all humans basically know that the natural numbers go on forever, that addition works this way and so on.

They were troubled by that because it obviously couldn’t be developed by natural selection since the capacity has never been used until recently in evolution and then by small numbers of people.

Darwin and Wallace disagreed. Wallace thought there must be some other factor in evolution and Darwin disagreed he thought there must be some way to do it but they left with a paradox.

But we now have a possible answer. If you look at current contemporary theories about the nature of Universal Grammar it turns out if you take those assumptions and you simplify them to the limit you imagine a language that has only one element in it, one word if you like, and it uses the simplest possible forms, you get something like arithmetic, could be the answer, could be the reason why it's there, might be either an offshoot of language or the same evolutionary step that yielded language yielded this general property.

A Good Basic Syntax Set For Language Theory Inquiry

Chomsky's basic framework maps well with our general theory and work (our Nash linter defaults to Krishnamurti on unhaltable inquires etc.):

First of all let's disentangle the terminology, machines don’t do anything.

I have a computer in front of me. It's basically a paperweight. It doesn't do anything. What the computer in front of me is capable of doing is implementing a program. That's it.

What's a program? Well, a program is a theory, written in a notation in which machines can implement. It is a strange kind of theory. The kind that you don't find in the sciences. For a program to function EVERY question has to be answered you can’t have unanswered questions. It's not like the sciences-there are many unanswered questions even in physics.

You could arbitrarily give an answer where you don’t know one. Ok that would be like a program.

The question is whether this strange kind of theory can be a theory of intelligence of consciousness and so on. Why not? We could have theories of consciousness. These approaches aren’t getting anywhere near it, but, it is possible for it, it's certainly imaginable to be a scientific theory of human intelligence.

We know quite a bit about that already. Lots of unanswered questions but progress.

Maybe you could say something about a consciousness. If you can, you could program it if you answered the unanswered questions. You could run it on a computer. There is nothing magic about this.

The Significance of Chomsky On The Definition Universal Grammar

What is relevant about Universal Grammar is that its as if there is a type of firmware that we all share that pairs with the more specific and complex evolutions of each culture's language:

Incidentally the idea that there is a Universal Grammar that is common to humans that leads to the capacity to acquire language, that's not MY belief, it's YOUR belief, it's EVERYBODY'S belief who thinks about it.

If you didn’t have some kind of innate structure…an infant would just hear a lot of noise the way a monkey does or a chimpanzee. You put a monkey, a chimpanzee and an infant in exactly the same environment, the infant instantly at birth, probably before birth, is picking out of the noise, language related elements and pursuing a determined course of development and growth which yields basically full knowledge of the essentials of language by 3 or 4. The chimpanzee is just hearing noise.

Either that's magic or there is some innate capacity in the human infant. Since we don’t believe in magic we assume there is an innate capacity in the human being. There is a name for the theory of that, whatever it is, we don’t know, we try to learn what it is, but the theory of it is called Universal Grammar.

There is empirical evidence that whatever this is its shared among humans so if you raise an infant from Papua New Guinea tribe that hasn't had human contact for 20,000 years, raise it in Cambridge Massachusetts it will go to MIT and become a quantum physicists and conversely we don’t know the main distinction. So we don’t know everything but there is good reason to believe it’s common human capacity.

We then try to investigate to find out which properties there are. There has been a far amount of progress in that-plenty unknown.

On the Asymmetry/Symmetry of English/Japanese and the Re-Versibility of Our Nash Linter Syntax

Chomsky explains English and Japanese, as complexly different as they appear, are actually symmetrical on a principal level:

...for example in some languages like English, it's called a head first language. The verb precedes the object, then the preposition precedes the object to preposition and so on other languages like say Japanese is almost a mirror image the verb follows the object being post positions not prepositions and so on.

The ordering is part of the training set in the environment:

...the languages are virtually mirror images of each other. And you have to set the parameters-the child has to set the parameters to say am I talking English or Am I talking Japanese.

On Chomskian Simplicity and Bohmian Ordination

Our nashLinterSyntax is meant to capture higher order (inter-culture) inter-subjective truths and so we feel it represents Chomsky's distinction about the simplicity and complexity (symmetrical complexity) of language well: english{japanese} || japanese{english}

(probably only one of the pair is necessary to show Chomskian simplicity/complexity etc.)

Furthermore, the ordering maps well with the concept of Bohmian Order.

The Chomskian Primitive to Rich and Complex Language

Later we will show the construction Chomsky gives that suggests the advent of language technology is reducible to however we finally got the ability to 'merge with order' or do recursive enumeration what Chomsky describes here:

To take two things, two objects already constructed in the mind, and make up a new object out of them and then keep that process indefinitely so you get an infinite array of possible expressions each with some semantic interpretation and some motive of externalization.

The Goal of Re-solving Chomsky's Paradox

And the goal would be to try to show that that was essentially instantaneous once the small mutation took place given this operation recursive enumeration operation which allows you to create discrete infinity of expressions.

...principles of computational efficiency to a system which had only ability to construct an infinite hierarchy of expressions…it could have been a very small mutation.

The Chomskian Primitive and Catenation Considerations

We can thus re-consider the Chomsky primitive recursiveEnumeration with respect to the concept of The Catenation of Bitcoin
