nashLinterToolbox - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki

instructions for nashLinterToolBox{tools}

If the tool{x} includes hyperlinks then the full instruction set is found by traversing the link.

Each tool{x} is built to inspire and encourage the creative application of them.

They are chainable etc.:



Throw all undecidable, unhaltable, unanswerable, undeterminable queries etc. you can't otherwise seem to find a bearing to or for here:


This tool helps us understand how many different nefarious actors have led to the misunderstanding of the Austrian school of economics by adding complex constructions to Mises Regression Theorem. It, therefore, uses tool{szabonianDeconstruction} in order to reveal an unbiased view of Mises original intent.

Since this kind of nefarious construction is common among humans this tools doubles as a good example on how to use tool{szabonianDeconstructor}


This tool helps us parse through lies that Saifedean Ammous meme’d into the culture of Bitcoin so we can help re-explain to people how to properly source Hayek, Mises, Nash, and Szabo’s work. Saifedean put nefarious construction on the arguments of these people which make their arguments conclude the opposite.

If we find a misconception about Bitcoin it's a good idea to check for a nefarious Saifedeanian construction using this tool as a guide.


This tool can help you understand if an object in question is a sybil identity and part of an attack on honest consensus information. It helps to understand the difference in nature between a computational based sybil attack and a social one. This implicate hierarchy can be extended further as needed.


Here is an introduction example of Szabonian Deconstruction via deconstructing nefarious constructions of Mises in regard to Mises Regression Theorem:;-And-An-Introduction-to-Szabonian-Deconstruction

An example of how to perform Szabonian Deconstruction of nefarious constructions on Gresham’s Law:'s-Law

An example of how to perform Szabonian Deconstruction of nefarious constructions on Cantillon in regard to the Cantillon Effect:


An example of how to perform Szabonian Deconstruction of nefarious constructions on Hayek but by using our outcome from our example of Szabonian Deconstruction of nefarious constructions on Cantillon thus chaining two szabonian deconstructions together:

This tool works to chain constructions as well as contructions with deconstructions and vice versa etc.


Using the examples from tool{szabonianDeconstructor} we can do a reverse action and make our own beneficial construction that can be either honest to the object it wraps or not.


This tool is a specialized wrapper of tool{szabonianDeconstructor} or tool{szabonianConstructor} that helps us answer queries related to ‘the proper methods for critiquing traditions related to interpersonal behavior’ aka specialized or evolved religion

It is expressed with examples here:


We have a more compressed contents of some tools here:

These tools include:

  • Our Cantillon Extension of Hayek
  • On the Re-Synthesis of the Monetary History and Theory of Mankind Until Now
  • Bitcoin as a Conceptual But Naturally Existing, Tool For Traversing Hayek’s Denationalization of Money
  • The Ducat as Hayek's Theoretical Device an Our Clever and Helpful Evolution of It
  • a framework from John Nash’s proposal Ideal Money and find a very curious and valuable synthesis with zero complexity distance between Nash’s proposal and Hayek’s proposal when traversed together.
  • Metaphors As Computational Short-Cuts


This tool can help us more accurately use our tool{swissArmyKnife} as it has more compressed insights relevant to all the tools:


This tool helps negotiate perspectives of complex inter-subjective truths of a object or culture:


Our linter syntax looks like this:


It has a wrapper and object and curly braces etc.

This tool explains how our linter syntax works for Szabonian Deconstruction related work:


The Richest Man in the world is a concept you can consult. You aren’t interested in the actual person but rather the counterbalance of what that person would be in comparison to the rest of the humans.

And then we also want to consider, with respect to yin/yang there could be TWO such persons in complementary discordance with each other, and known or unknown to each other etc.