Unsolvable Games - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki
I've always intuitively felt there was a usefulness for the concept of unsolvable games but couldn't express this in good words. I think however it can loosely be said that as we begin to solve n-player cooperative games via < n player NON-cooperative games (via re-mapataion) I think I can say that it is implicit we can consider applications of the UNSOLVABILITY of n players (pro-)cooperative games where n is 4 or 5 or more etc. when they AREN'T reducible to a form solvable by the Nash agencies method.
Its with regard to the halting/decidability problem but rather whether or not a game is solvable and the available obfuscation that makes it harder or not to decide that.
What games are solvable, what games are not solvable and what is the range of obfuscation available etc.
(I THINK thats it, I'll re-visit this)