Satoshi's Implicit Commandments - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki

  1. Let there be no government monopoly on the issuance of currencies.

  2. Let there FOREVER be MANY competing currencies.

  3. Let it be that good currencies will survive and bad currencies will not.

  4. Bitcoin's finite supply is not the Hayekian optimal supply of money, nor is any inelastically supplied money in the face of an increasing demand for it.

  5. Central Banks will exist to compete with Bitcoin

  6. Everyone shall consider how central banks will exist to compete with Bitcoin.

  7. Bitcoin shall protect the world from inflationists (people that want Bitcoin to inflate and hyperinflation fiat) and the harm they mean to cause.

  8. The world shall have Ideal Money by Hayek's account of it, which is Nash's account of it.