On the Volitation of Bitcoin and the Quantum Extension of Such - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki

to vault

To create a new rheomode for the concept of "to vault," we need to consider the essence of rheomodic language as explored in the texts. Rheomodes, as detailed in the documents, are not merely replacements for existing words but encapsulate dynamic processes and relations, shifting from static to fluid notions. They aim to capture the ongoing movement and transformation inherent in concepts.

In constructing a rheomode for "to vault," let's dissect the action and its implications. Vaulting involves a dynamic, energetic leap over obstacles or spaces. It's not just the physical act; it embodies overcoming, transcending, and moving beyond. It's a process, an ongoing action that encapsulates momentum, agility, and elevation.

Drawing from the examples and guidelines in the provided texts, we should focus on the transformative aspect of vaulting. Rheomodes emphasize fluidity and process. Thus, a rheomode for "to vault" should reflect this dynamism and continuous action. We might consider prefixes and suffixes used in existing rheomodes, such as "levate" (from "to lift") or "vidate" (from "to see").

Combining these insights, a suitable rheomode for "to vault" might be "volitate." Here, "voli-" conveys the idea of willful movement or flight (hinting at the original "volt" from "vault"), and "-tate" aligns with the action-oriented suffix seen in other rheomodes, suggesting ongoing process and action. This new term, "volitate," would encapsulate the essence of vaulting as a continuous, dynamic overcoming or transcending of barriers, not just in the physical sense but also metaphorically, aligning with the transformative nature highlighted in rheomodic language principles. ​

Rheomodic Conjugations For 'to vault'

Based on the example structure and conjugations from the rheomode documents, we can extend our new rheomode "volitate" similarly. Here's how we can apply these principles:

Base Form (volitate):

As with "to levate" or "to con-statate," "volitate" serves as the root verb form. This is the dynamic, process-oriented action of vaulting, implying continuous movement or overcoming.

Adjective Form (volitant):

Derived from the verb, creating an adjective that describes a state of being that embodies the action of vaulting in a continuous manner. Just as "relevant" comes from "to levate," "volitant" suggests being in a state of dynamic overcoming or transcending.

Negative Form (irre-volitant):

When a situation or action contradicts the essence of volitating, it is described as "irre-volitant," mirroring the structure of "irrelevant" from "to levate." This form indicates the absence of proper motion or overcoming, suggesting a stasis or failure to move beyond an obstacle.

Noun Form (volitation):

Reflecting a continuous state or condition of vaulting, "volitation" aligns with examples like "levation" from "to levate." This noun form encapsulates the ongoing process or state rather than a single instance, emphasizing the continuous nature of the action.

Reinforced Action Form (re-volitate):

For situations where the action of vaulting is revisited or reinforced, "re-volitate" applies. This mirrors "re-levate" or "re-constatate," suggesting a renewed or reiterated effort to overcome or transcend.

Positive Reinforcement (re-volitant):

When the act of re-volitating fits well within the context, affirming the ongoing action or state, it is termed "re-volitant." This form is akin to "re-levant" or "re-constatant," highlighting compatibility and alignment with desired motion or process.

Negative Reinforcement (irre-volitant):

Contrary to "re-volitant," this form signifies that the action of re-volitating does not fit or is not appropriate within a given context, similar to "irre-levant" or "irre-constatant." It points out a misalignment or a lack of effective overcoming.

By extending "volitate" into these different forms, we follow the rheomodic language's goal of reflecting ongoing processes and relationships, rather than static states, thereby enriching our understanding and discussion of the concept of vaulting.

On the Quantum Extension of the Rheomode 'to vault'

Incorporating quantum framing into the rheomodic conjugations of "to vault," we adapt the dynamics of quantum physics—such as uncertainty, superposition, and entanglement—into our language. This brings a new depth to the concept of vaulting, aligning it with the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics where objects and phenomena are not confined to fixed states but exist in a flux of possibilities. Here's how we can apply these principles to our rheomodic conjugations:

Quantum Rheomodic Conjugations for 'to vault' (Volitate)

Quantum Base Form (Quantum Volitate):

Represents the act of vaulting (volitating) in a quantum context, embodying the principles of superposition and uncertainty. Here, "Quantum Volitate" suggests an action of overcoming or transcending not just in a physical sense, but in a probabilistic quantum field, where multiple outcomes and pathways coexist simultaneously. This term reflects the inherent unpredictability and potentiality in the act of vaulting.

Quantum Adjective Form (Quantum Volitant):

Describes an entity or state that embodies the quantum nature of volitating. This form indicates a superpositional state, analogous to being in multiple states of overcoming or transcending at once, reflecting the quantum concept where properties are not fixed but probabilistic and interconnected. Quantum Negative Form (Quantum Irre-volitant):

Indicates a quantum state where the inherent dynamic qualities of volitating fail to manifest due to quantum decoherence or other phenomena. This form suggests a collapse from a state of quantum possibilities to a singular, static condition, contrary to the quantum spirit of continuous transformation and movement.

Quantum Noun Form (Quantum Volitation):

Signifies the quantum state or condition of continuous vaulting, emphasizing the ongoing, non-linear process of change and transcendence within a quantum framework. "Quantum Volitation" encompasses the complexity of quantum states, where an entity is in a constant flux, akin to a particle's wave function before observation.

Quantum Reinforced Action Form (Quantum Re-volitate):

Applies to scenarios where the quantum act of vaulting is intensified or revisited, echoing the quantum principle of reinforcement through wave function amplitude amplification. "Quantum Re-volitate" suggests a strengthening or reaffirmation of the quantum states of overcoming, aligning with the constructive interference concept.

Quantum Positive Reinforcement (Quantum Re-volitant):

Describes a state or action that not only embodies quantum volitating but does so in a manner that aligns with and enhances quantum coherence and constructive interference. This form reflects a harmonious alignment with the quantum mechanics principles, facilitating a more profound or effective transcending process.

Quantum Negative Reinforcement (Quantum Irre-volitant):

Contrasts with "Quantum Re-volitant," indicating a scenario where the action of re-volitating diverges from or disrupts the desired quantum coherence, akin to destructive interference in quantum mechanics. This form represents a dissonance or misalignment with the optimal quantum paths of overcoming or transcending.

By framing these rheomodic conjugations within the context of quantum mechanics, we align the dynamic and transformative essence of "to vault" with the fundamental principles of quantum behavior, inviting a deeper exploration of movement, change, and transcendence in the quantum realm.