On the Ordination of Bitcoin - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki
Bitcoin Ordinals An Example of Bohmian Ordination
Here we will build up Bohm’s definition for his rheomode ordination
, then we will consider it with respect Bitcoin, and end with a special example useage of a congigation of it.
To order on the simple level is simply to distinguish:
This simple notion of a sequential order, expressed in terms of regular divisions in a line on a scale, helps to direct us in our constructional work, our travels and movements on the surface of the Earth and in space, and in a wide range of general practical and scientific activities. Consider formations of orders of higher complexity:
But, of course, more complex orders are possible, and these have to be expressed in terms of more subtle divisions and categories of thought, which are significant for more subtle forms of movement. Thus, there is the movement of growth, development and evolution of living beings, the movement of a symphony, the movement that is the essence of life itself, etc. These evidently have to be described in different ways that cannot generally be reduced to a description in terms of simple sequential orders.
Notice the relationship between ‘attention’ and ‘order’:
Beyond all these orders is that of the movement of attention. This movement has to have an order that fits the order in that which is to be observed, or else we will miss seeing what is to be seen. For example, if we try to listen to a symphony while our attention is directed mainly to a sequential time order as indicated by a clock, we will fail to listen to the subtle orders that constitute the essential meaning of the music. Evidently, our ability to perceive and understand is limited by the freedom with which the ordering of attention can change, so as to fit the order that is to be observed.
The Role of ‘Order’ In Understanding the True Meaning of the Divisions of Thought and Language
It is to understand the role of ‘order’ in the division of language and thought Bohm designed the word-form ‘to ordinate’:
...in the understanding of the true meaning of the divisions of thought and language established for our convenience the notion of order plays a key role. To discuss this notion in the rheomode let us then introduce the verbal root form ‘to ordinate’.
The introduction of this word is well formed to fit our Szabonian extension of Hayek:
This word calls attention to a spontaneous and unrestricted act of ordering of any sort whatsoever, including the ordering involved in seeing whether any particular order fits or does not fit some observed context, and even the ordering which arises in the attention-calling function itself. So ‘to ordinate’ does not primarily mean ‘to think about an order’ but, rather, to engage in the very act of ordering attention, while attention is given also to one’s thoughts about order. Once again, we see the wholeness of the meaning of a word and its overall function, which is an essential aspect of the rheomode.
Notice the 'liveness' to the connotation-the act and the attention.
On the Future of Ordination
We can use conjugations Bohm provided to make Rheomodic inquires not otherwise possible with non-rheomodic language.
Consider the possibility of re-ordination
‘To re-ordinate’ is then to call attention again to a given order, by means of language and thought. If this order is seen to fit that which is to be observed in the context under discussion, we say that ‘to re-ordinate is re-ordinant’. If it is seen not to fit, we say that ‘to re-ordinate is irre-ordinant’ (e.g., as in the application of a linear grid to a complex maze of alleyways). The noun ‘re-ordination’ then describes a continuing state of calling attention to a certain order. A persistent state of reordination in an irre-ordinant context will then be called ‘irreordination’. As happens with all other verbs, irre-ordination is possible only through a failure of attention, and comes to an end when attention is given to this failure of attention.
On the Implications of the Ordination of Bitcoin
Finally, the noun ‘ordination’ means, of course, an unrestricted and generalized totality of acts of ordering. Evidently, ordination implies levation, vidation and di-vidation, and ultimately, all these latter imply ordination. Thus, to see whether a given content is re-levant, attention has to be suitably ordered to perceive this content; a suitable set of divisions or categories will have to be set up in thought, etc., etc
On the Re-Ordination of Bitcoin As an Example of Implementing Rheomodes
By calling a more wholistic attention to the ordination of Bitcoin
there could be then a re-ordination.
This is an example of the use of Bohmian Rheomodes.