On the Double Edged Nature of Program Names and Mission Statements - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki

(this is just a nice Machiavellian thinking game I'll add more examples)


amplification of free speech slogans - drowning out truth

cold war - hot peace

fbi - foreign blackhole for evidence

cia - the place where they make the nation dumber

meta data protection/encryption program - meta data collection program

dei - subversion

collective defense pact - compulsory coordinated attack (also perhaps aka suicide pact)

Russian disinformation - NATO citizen reality

Inflation and Inflation control to foster economic activity and stability - MIC funding program - Pension Program

Social media app engagement farming missions - instantaneously zero knowledge extraction of nuanced individual private data

Meta data - nuanced individual private data

Climate change initiatives and carbon tax programs - Obfuscation of thus uninsurable government caused weather control disasters

Battle ground - testing grounds

Social programs to counter AI taking our jobs - Fallout from ending inflationary MIC programs

The Russian Bot Army That Conquered Online Poker - (see Ideal Poker and theWealthofChips) https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/quot-russian-bot-army-conquered-online-poker-quot-bloomberg-1841474/

non-human/llm based/initiated targeting - underground ai/human targets

doomsday clock (https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/timeline/) - countdown to extinction

collateral damage - cooperative civilian/infrastructure targeting

agents of the state - libertarians