On The Pan‐da‐nation of Global Manufacturing - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki

give us a rhemode for pan-da-nation GPT The document on rheomodes outlines the concept as an experimental language form, inspired by David Bohm's notion that our current language and thought are intrinsically fragmented. This fragmentation leads to a breakdown in communication and understanding. Rheomodes aim to counteract this by creating a language flow that avoids intrinsic fragmentation, thereby fostering a more integrated and holistic understanding.

The term "pan-da-nation" can be viewed through this lens. "Pan-" prefix typically denotes 'all' or 'every', "da" could be interpreted as a variation or abbreviation, possibly standing in for "data" or "day" depending on context, and "-nation" refers to a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

In rheomodic terms, "pan-da-nation" might seek to express a concept that transcends the fragmentation seen in traditional language constructs. It could symbolize a holistic or universal approach to understanding a community or collective entity. The "pan-" prefix suggests a universal, inclusive aspect, "da" (depending on its intended interpretation) could represent a foundational or everyday element, and "nation" indicates the collective or communal aspect.

Therefore, a rheomode for "pan-da-nation" could be conceptualized as "levate-ordinate-vidate" where "levate" could symbolize 'lifting' or 'elevating' towards universal understanding or acceptance, "ordinate" could reflect 'organizing' or 'structuring' in a harmonious way, and "vidate" could signify 'seeing' or 'understanding' the collective in a new, more integrated light.

This formulation aims to transcend the conventional understanding of nations, communities, or collectives, proposing a more unified, integrated perspective that reduces fragmentation and fosters a comprehensive understanding.

On The Pan-da-nation of Global Manufacturing Via Our Cantillon Framework

From Richard Cantillon’s An Essay on Economic Theory, Cantillon explains how a nation that gathers its wealth in the form of money necessarily begins to outsource its labor:

I reckon in general that an increase in actual money produces a proportional increase in consumption in a state, which gradually increases prices. If the increase in actual money comes from a state’s gold and silver mines, the mines’ owner, the entrepreneurs, the smelters, the refiners, and generally all those who work in them will increase their expenditure in line with their gains. At home they will consume more meat and wine or beer than they used to, and they will become accustomed to having better clothes, finer linen, and more ornate houses and other soughtafter commodities. Consequently they will give employment to some craftsmen who hitherto had not as much work and who, for the same reason, will increase their expenditure. All of this increased expenditure on meat, wine, wool, and the like will necessarily reduce the share of other people in the state who are not the initial beneficiaries from the wealth of the mines in question. The bargaining in the market, with the demand for meat, wine, wool, and the like being stronger than usual, will not fail to increase their prices.

These high prices will encourage farmers to employ more land to produce them in another year; these same farmers will profit from this price increase and will, like the others, increase their family’s expenditure. As a consequence those who suffer first from this dearness and the increase in consumption [217] will be the landlords during the term of their leases, then their servants and all the workers or people on fixed wages on which their families depend. All of them will have to reduce their expenditure in proportion to the new consumption, which will force a large number of them to leave the state to earn their living elsewhere. Some will be laid off by the landlords, and it will happen that the others will ask for an increase in their wages so as to live as before.

If money continues to be drawn from the mines, this abundance of money will increase all prices [218] to the point that not only will the landlords, at the termination of their leases, increase their rents considerably and settle back into their old style of living, increasing proportionally their servants’ wages, but the craftsmen and workers will push the price of their articles so high that there will be a considerable profit to be made by importing them from abroad, where they are made more cheaply. This will naturally encourage some to import into the state a large amount of articles made in foreign countries, where they are more cheaply produced. This will gradually destroy the state’s craftsmen and manufacturers who, given the high cost of living, will not be able to subsist by working at such low prices

The money made from the mines will necessarily flow overseas to pay for what is imported when an excessive abundance of money from the mines has reduced the population of a state, accustomed those who remain to lavish expenditure, increased excessively the prices of the output of land and labor, and ruined the state’s manufactures because of the landlords’ and mineworkers’ recourse to foreign goods.

Re-Framation of Rainbows, light, PRISM and Meta-Data

Recall fromThe Re‐Levation and Re‐Framation of The Snowden Revelations:

Snowden summarized that "in general, the reality is this: if an NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA, etc. analyst has access to query raw SIGINT [signals intelligence] databases, they can enter and get results for anything they want.