On The Evolving Definition of Players in the Nash Program - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki

Here we will collect and update past and current evolving definitions of players for the Nash program and our re-maption of it. Our mapation and evolution suggest that the definition of players is to be re-considered at each halvening event of Bitcoin.

Our observation here is that when Bohmian hidden variable theory is considered, also with regard to our consensus field theory the formation, and also Nash cooperation or coalition considerations (where agency can be used to reduce games of n players down to those of 2 or 3 players in a bargaining situation) of a 'player', there is then both the considerations of the effects of consensus formation (ie if consensus decides either 0 or 1) on what the definitions of players are and also on the fluxation of the definitions themselves (as if observing cultural impacts of migration rather than a change of borders per se).

This observation maps well with the homotophic approach/method intrinsic to the Nash program and is a critical consideration for the Bohrian consensus proposal.