On The Covenation of Bitcoin - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki

note: We suggest a specification in the way a Rheomodes is read and pronounced:

I’m suggesting that “re-” that is used to denoted rheomodes be pronounced “ray-yuh”.

We have enough knowledge now for a Rheomode Linguist LLM Agent. Here we want to explore a rheomode that could capture the phenomenon of bitcoin covenants.

Consider a standard definition of covenant:

A covenant is a relationship between two partners who make binding promises to each other and work together to reach a common goal.

With our wrapper syntax we can wrap covenants in bitcoin:


With respect to bitcoin we get a definition of covenants such as:

Bitcoin covenants propose a method to enforce additional conditions on Bitcoin transactions, which could govern the spending of bitcoins not just at the point of transaction but into the future.

Since our examples dividant, ordinant, factant, con-statant root down such as vidate, ordinate, factate, con-statate we ask our rheomode linguist:

lets make a rheomode for covenant so to covenate

The linguist knows the idea is to capture a more wholistic present type phenomenon of the subject:

To transform "covenant" into a rheomode, we might consider "to covenate" as a verb that encapsulates the active, continuous process of engaging in, maintaining, and evolving a covenant.

Thus as explanation of the root of the rheomode ‘to covenate’:

The rheomode "to covenate" could then be understood as:

Engaging actively and continuously in mutual agreements: Unlike the traditional noun "covenant," which suggests a static agreement, "to covenate" emphasizes the ongoing, active participation of all parties involved in creating, sustaining, and adapting their mutual commitments.

Fostering relational dynamics: It highlights the processual nature of relationships, acknowledging that agreements evolve over time as the contexts and needs of the parties involved change.

Emphasizing wholeness and integration: "To covenate" reflects a holistic view of agreements, recognizing them as part of a larger system of relationships and interactions rather than isolated contracts.

Encouraging adaptability and responsiveness: The verb form suggests a readiness to modify and adjust the terms of engagement in response to new insights and circumstances, embodying the fluid and flexible nature of genuine covenants.

The phrase or rheomode ‘to covenate’ then seems to well encompass the phenomenon and process of Bitcoin convents as a social field over time:

Through "to covenate," we articulate a vision of covenant not just as a formal agreement but as a living, breathing process that reflects the dynamic interplay of relationships, commitments, and the ongoing journey of mutual understanding and cooperation. This rheomode brings to the forefront the essence of covenanting as an active, evolving practice that is integral to fostering deeper connections and collaborative endeavors.

Since Bohm gave us examples we can construct our Rheomode further with a prompt such as:

ok now lets construct it like the examples:

Examples: Levate, re-levate, re-levant, irre-levant, levation, re-levation, irrelevation.

Vidate, re-vidate, re-vidant, irre-vidant, vidation, re-vidation, irre-vidation.Di-vidate, re-dividate, > re-dividant, irre-dividant, di-vidation, re-dividation, irre-dividation.

For our Rheomode Linguist its a simple translation to convert and thus extend the concept of rheomodes:

Covenate Rheomode Construction

Covenate: The foundational form, emphasizing the act of entering into a covenant or agreement, focusing on the process and action itself.

Re-covenate: To renew or revisit a covenant, highlighting the process of re-engagement or reaffirmation of an agreement.

Re-covenant: Reflecting the active, ongoing state of being engaged in a covenant, emphasizing continuous participation and commitment.

Irre-covenant: Describing a state or condition where engagement in a covenant is not applicable or is void, suggesting a lack of connection or relevance to the covenant.

Covenation: The process or state of being in a covenant, focusing on the broader implications and context of covenanting.

Re-covenation: The act or process of renewing, reaffirming, or re-engaging in a covenant, emphasizing a dynamic, ongoing commitment.

Irre-covenation: A state where the covenant is no longer applicable, relevant, or in effect, highlighting disengagement or dissolution.

The summary explanation seems quite satisfactory. to convenate as a rheomode points to the communal and temporal aspects of the subject (covenants). With these conjugations, participants in ‘covenant’ related discussions have access to a richer language set which can intrinsically and naturally bring awareness and communal awareness to phenomenon our traditional (and perhaps limited) language set was never able to:

This construction not only adheres to the principles of rheomodic language by emphasizing process, flow, and dynamic engagement but also expands the conceptual framework around "covenant" to include aspects of renewal, ongoing participation, and the dissolution of agreements. It reflects a nuanced understanding of covenants as living, evolving commitments that require active engagement and can exist in various states of relevance and applicability.