On Rheomodes - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki
The nashLinter knowledge utilizes rheomodes which is a language experiment as described by David Bohm in Wholeness and the Implicate Order.
We suggest a specification in the way a Rheomodes is read and pronounced:
I’m suggesting that “re-” that is used to denoted rheomodes be pronounced “ray-yuh”.
A brief Introduction to Rheomodes and Their Significance
In our previous works, that among other concepts defines Hayekian fields with regard to their compression and unfolding, we have laid the grounds for the synthesis with Bohm’s Wholeness and Implicate Order. This was done by the synthesis of Hayek, Nash, and Szabo, with regard to fields of studying including, computer science, game theory, complexity theory, economics, etc. and now we turn more towards the organization of language and thought and the associated effects of their implicit frameworks.
This then is a natural extension concluding or ‘capping’ our work, which first laid a formal structure for modeling the proceeding inquiry.
Why Rheomodes? The Problem of Intrinsically Fragmented Thought And Language
Bohm encourages us to consider that our thought has intrinsic fragmentation that unintentionally propagates through our communications and social order:
… it has been pointed out that our thought is fragmented, mainly by our taking it for an image or model of ‘what the world is’.
Bohm wants us to consider that our use of thought, or the role we ascribe to it etc., has a ‘resistive’ or counterproductive phenomenon that affects our ability to properly organize as a society:
Such thought was shown to bring about a thoroughgoing confusion that tends to permeate every phase of life, and that ultimately makes impossible the solution of individual and social problems.
And so he leads the inquiry into the nature and role of language and its relationship to thought in this regard:
…the main emphasis will be to inquire into the role of language structure in helping to bring about this sort of fragmentation in thought
And this inquiry is conducive with the inquiry of Hayek and Nash:
… it is clearly of key importance in thought, in communication, and in the organization of human society in general.
An Experiment Where the Nature, Function, and Effects of Language Are Tested, Changed, and Observed
Bohm means to introduce a new type of word, and ways to construct these types of words, and in such experiment, to observe the nature and role of language with respect to such change:
..it is possible merely to observe language as it is, and has been, in various differing social groups and periods of history, but what we wish to do in this chapter is to experiment with changes in the structure of the common language. In this experimentation our aim is not to produce a well-defined alternative to present language structures. Rather, it is to see what happens to the language function as we change it, and thus perhaps to make possible a certain insight into how language contributes to the general fragmentation
On Meditation and Experiments
We are to consider Bohm's experiment as a test that we might ‘adopt’ as a new habit-a new approach to language and to give attention to ourselves to understand the effects of the experimentation:
… one of the best ways of learning how one is conditioned by a habit (such as the common usage of language is, to a large extent) is to give careful and sustained attention to one’s overall reaction when one ‘makes the test’ of seeing what takes place when one is doing something significantly different from the automatic and accustomed function.
Such observations could have persistent effects:
…the main point of the work discussed in this chapter is to take a step in what might be an unending experimentation with language (and with thought).
On the Right Questions
Bohm considers the implicate limitations critical questions in the inquiry could have:
In scientific inquiries a crucial step is to ask the right question
Indeed, each question contains presuppositions, largely implicit. If these presuppositions are wrong or confused, then the question itself is wrong, in the sense that to try to answer it has no meaning.
One has thus to inquire into the appropriateness of the question.
Our previous work well supports and aligns with Bohm’s sentiments here about re-approaching implicit frameworks with questions that imply new framing or expose previously limiting framing etc.:
….truly original discoveries in science and in other fields have generally involved such inquiry into old questions, leading to a perception of their inappropriateness, and in this way allowing for the putting forth of new questions. To do this is often very difficult, as these presuppositions tend to be hidden very deep in the structure of our thought.
“What, then, will be our question, as we engage in this inquiry into our language (and thought)?”
Bohm answers this preceding question of his inquiry starting with an axiom of fragmentation. He believes there is implicit fragmentation and we should inquire as to its origin in order to potentially be free from it:
We begin with the fact of general fragmentation. We can ask in a preliminary way whether there are any features of the commonly used language which tend to sustain and propagate this fragmentation, as well as, perhaps, to reflect it.
He calls us to the action of inquiry and experimentation as to whether or not a modification to our language in tandem with associated implementation details can alleviate the implicit fragmentation:
Suddenly to invent a whole new language implying a radically different structure of thought is, however, clearly not practicable. What can be done is provisionally and experimentally to introduce a new mode of language
And thus the Rheomode is a form of language used as a way of capturing phenomenon but without implicit fragmentation:
For the sake of convenience we shall give this mode a name, i.e. the rheomode (‘rheo’ is from a Greek verb, meaning ‘to flow’).
At least in the first instance the rheomode will be an experiment in the use of language, concerned mainly with trying to find out whether it is possible to create a new structure that is not so prone toward fragmentation as is the present one.
Final Thoughts On Rheomodes
And so our works is rich with attempts to use rheomodes and there isn't much need for great care in order to simply carry the experiment forward (thus low hanging fruit for others):
Whether it would be useful to go further, however, and to try to introduce the rheomode into active usage, it is not possible to say at present, though perhaps some such development may eventually be found to be helpful.