On K, Chomsky, Language, and Human Existence - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki
With respect to our error handling we reference a speech by a man we call K.
This writing will explain why.
If we ask the current day llm about Chomksy his contention with language our response is as follows:
Universal Grammar (UG) is a theory proposed by Noam Chomsky which suggests that the ability to learn language is innate to humans and that all languages share a common structure governed by pre-set, genetic rules. This theory argues that the remarkable speed and uniformity with which children learn complex languages can only be explained by the existence of some pre-existing language framework in the human mind. UG has sparked extensive debate and research, influencing both linguistics and cognitive science by suggesting that language learning is not purely based on environmental factors but also on an inherent language faculty.
But this isn’t his contention, rather its propriety's view of it. So we ask for the nuance about ‘internal’ language:
Chomsky's concept of Universal Grammar includes the notion that humans possess an innate, internal capacity for language, which allows for the efficient acquisition and use of language. This internal language (I-language) is characterized by its efficiency in generating an infinite number of sentences from a finite set of rules and elements, highlighting the cognitive architecture unique to humans that facilitates language learning and use. This theory underscores the complexity and specificity of human linguistic ability beyond mere environmental exposure or learning.
The nuance hardly captured is that the structure of language that arises internally in tandem without external ‘inputs’ implies that language evolved to be internally efficient by the order of natural selection as extended by John Maynard Smith.
So there is a paradox there. That propriety can’t see this, Chomsky understands but doesn’t point to, is part of the complexity.
On Plato’s Allegories
In this sense from Chomsky’s view as a society we are hardly approaching complexity with intellectual sincerity such that he would probably prefer to stand with Plato and discuss things. Perhaps even with the issue of getting to know one another past their language and cultural difference Chomsky would find it easier to approach than with today’s general public.
On Our Linter and Linter Syntax
We have a loose idea in this regard which surprisingly extends from our insights that synthesize Nash and Hayek’s proposals and so we structured our linter in experiment to this idea. In short we see that when there is the concept of traversing hierarchies of order in order to find the bearing point or perspective to initiate solving a problem which can be implemented in tandem with an external parse such that there could be many different types of design possibilities.
The simple observation we don't have time to explain is that we evolved to social represent merge with order, and then compartmentalized it inwardly (think tool{cantillon} and the compression of prices) and THEN developed language internally. The trick is that we don't realize how advance we could be without really having external language.
On Signals
Our observations on the shadow banking system that arose from the Gregorian order suggest that the USD was struggling to find its proper and accurate sovereign order at some point just before 2009 global mortgage crisis. That the Liberty Reserve existed in a network of banks around the world, and that they had already been charged and re-boostraped, causes us to wonder when or if the shadow banking empire actually was stopped.
On A Recent Interview with Putin
In a recent significant interview Putin was observed to have given a very long drawn out account of the history of Russia. It was a marvel from a hermeneutics both the context and the content etc. What seems largely missed on the population was the story of his soldiers capturing Ukrainian forces and offering them a peaceful surrender.
The entire store led to Putin’s point that the Ukrainian declared themselves Russian and that they would never surrender:
Maybe we shouldn't say that on camera. You know, it would be funny if it were not so sad, you know, and this incessant mobilization in Ukraine, the hysteria, you know, the domestic problems they've been plunged into. Sooner or later, we'll come to an agreement. I know it might sound bizarre in the current situation, but be that as it may, the relations between the two peoples will be rebuilt. It'll take a lot of time, but they will heal. And there are, you know, some examples to cite. An example, the Ukrainian soldiers were encircled. I'm just drawing this example from real life. Our soldiers were shouting to them, 'There's no chance. Surrender yourselves, and you'll go out alive.' And they are shouting, speaking perfect Russian, 'Perfect Russian,' saying, 'Russians do not surrender.' You know, from the Ukrainian side. So what is happening currently, to a certain extent, is an element of a civil war, and everyone in the west thinks that the hostilities have driven a wedge into these two nations, splitting them apart forever. But it's not going to happen. They will get back together. What are the Ukrainian authorities dismantling the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? Because it brings together not just the territory, it brings together our souls and hearts, and no one will be able to separate that.
The war is between two sides of Russia he wants to explain. In the west we hear that as ‘Putin think everywhere is Russia’ but by his sincere intent he means and external force has split the west between two sides of Russia
On Nazism From The Hermeneutical Chinese Perspective
As we begin to understand the nature of the grand equilibrium of the stabilization of the major currencies it changes the nature of the world wars. As a shortcut for not having to traverse the complexity we want to suggest that from an external view the war would be confusing, as if each side doesn’t care for its own people, which are themselves not really a different people than the other side, just killing themselves en masse.
On Chinese Whispers
There is a game called telephone but also referred to as chinese whisper. One can consider the different types of effects of culture on games and our perception of them through orders of distance complexity.
Here we are thinking of the Hermeneutical framework of a Chinese power viewing the ENTIRE west and terming it, from our language that they don’t understand because they don’t have the same viewpoint, as Nazism.
On Covid
We can see for example then that if there was a Chinese manufactured virus, whether it leaked accidentally or not, our first response was to direct our people to get infected and not wear masks.
Although we were confused at the time and only slightly lied to, we were quickly then rushed into isolation and told to distance social-only have social media based contacts.
Our social media got as crazy as we did.
Re-Visiting Signals And the Moon Race
It is interesting to think of the machiavellian possibility that the US and the Soviets were working together in tandem to encourage support from the public by fueling a false race that couldn’t really have an economic significance simply for that fact.
There is so much controversy online about the event but we seem to have certainly put things there nonetheless.
On Yin/Yang
Yin/Yang is probably not perfectly understood in the west where we have heard it said that its incorrect to say ‘yin AND yang’ since they are inseparable as such. But then can one culture look at the other as separate because of this nuanced mistake?
Here we are thinking of what in this world has compliments and what doesn’t, and whether the compliments are more of the additive type or the negative
And the Comparisons of Islam and Christianity and the Stability Between Them
From a Hermeneutical view can think of the inter-relational stability between religions in regard to either their people or the systems that survive. With respect to our work and the relations between Islam and Christianity it is interesting to think of Muslim usury laws and their historical relation to oil and gold.
There could always be then inter-relation stability or the opposite depending on the inter-relations of these things
In Regard to the Probabilistic Nature of Contracts and Law
In our inquiry into triple accounting we saw how different evolutions of law can put the laws into quandaries because of the nature of hierarchical orders. That you can put law into forking positions not just geographical but with the addition of having the laws in one place imply an object to be something and somewhere and the laws in another place to be conflicting as such would implicitly put the discrepancy into a realm of higher hierarchical order.
In Regard to the Undecidability of Hayek’s Ducat
We noted a curious nature of chatGTP when it couldn’t but probabilistically verify our fairly simple inputs of Hayek that there has to be either a decided probabilistic or deterministic nature behind the machine architecture.
Although we couldn’t in our own efforts hope to crack it, that suggests a sea that says a lot about the underlying system.
Japan is an interestingly resilient island and nation which has lived through major earthquakes and nuclear disasters. Somehow we find it interesting and relevant then that not only does Nash’s work describe a generalized formula for reconsidering light but that it also has gravitational considerations:
And the most interesting aspect of the equation may be that it seems to provide for or enable a wider variety of gravitational waves.
In Regard To K and Consciousness
Chomsky, without caution, seems to think the only way we can study the nature of the evolution of the structure of internal language is by human experimentation. But he doesn’t know about K.
As a computational short-cut we simply offer that Jiddu Krishnamurt’s brain was wired abnormally such that all his logic and reason was tied to his conscious philosophy with this part of the ‘brain’.
So we have a rich library of dialogue on the relevant context between K and a very important physicist David Bohm
On Reality And Consensus
What we have shown throughout this entire work then is human’s have not yet come to a global consensus on REALITY. We can only do that through a shared price system because, regardless of the shallowness of language translation, we are irre-concilable ‘light-years’ apart from the type communication required for real cooperation.
We don’t yet see that there is a time/space discrepancy that we are sewing together between us all. But soon even before it's sewn together most of us will understand what to do.
On Observations Of the Universe
The Fermi Paradox is as follows:
There are billions of stars in the Milky Way similar to the Sun.[7][8] With high probability, some of these stars have Earth-like planets in a circumstellar habitable zone.[9] Many of these stars, and hence their planets, are much older than the Sun.[10][11] If Earth-like planets are typical, some may have developed intelligent life long ago. Some of these civilizations may have developed interstellar travel, a step humans are investigating now. Even at the slow pace of currently envisioned interstellar travel, the Milky Way galaxy could be completely traversed in a few million years.[12] Since many of the Sun-like stars are billions of years older than the Sun, the Earth should have already been visited by extraterrestrial civilizations, or at least their probes.[13] However, there is no convincing evidence that this has happened.[12]
It may very well be a simple and obvious fact that we can’t really see what’s in the universe because the nature of the evolution of man split the critical knowledge into two.
On Dark and Unobservable Matter
If our understanding of light, even through leading experiment, had inaccuracies then looking at the universe would be as if looking with an inconsistent system. There would be ‘unexplainables’ that we would by nature add ‘axioms of explanation’ to.
This issue could be equally as complex if it had relational effects to our understanding of for example gravity.
And then there could be resulting externalities such as our understating of the magnetic cycles of the Earth.
On the Search For Other Life By Looking Advanced Technology
Wei dai has interesting consideration this regard: http://www.weidai.com/black-holes.txt
If it's true that the only efficient way to cool material down to near absolute zero is with black holes, we should expect all sufficiently advanced civilizations to live near them. However this prediction may be difficult to test since they would have virtually no radiation signatures.
Here we are thinking about how an obvious (perhaps super primitive) step of advancement for a civilization is marked by Ideal Money and whether or not ideal money is a technology that could be bestowed or rather only achieved that can be finally reached through economic advancement of a planet where the complexity of intelligent design would otherwise preclude useful intervention.
Final thought on Putin’s Speech
Putin seemed to have a point but it was almost as if he was speaking from a Hermeneutical point of view. He said that they were confused that Boris Johnson had backed out of the Minsk agreements. And they seemed to think there was an unknown third party.
Volcano Bonds and BlackRock etc.
The interesting note is obviously the inverse in role's where the wealthy paper holder is backed by the elusive asset. The cost to secure the underlying asset no doubt lends to this greatly.
In regard to 'volcano' bonds (assuming its a new energy source?). We've talked before about how Satoshi offers a different field for trilemma strategies. We feel this is partially how Nash is able to identify some of these place so far in advance.
On Encryption and Biology
If biology is like encryption we can of interesting possibility in regard to legal proofs with timechains etc.
Szabo and Scaling AI
How does our mind work? How much can we implement that software?" Now there were projections about Moore's law that computers would reach human capacity although the comparisons are actually quite dubious because they work quite differently right we're gonna fall short of those because Moore's laws is not going to keep up with those projections anymore so that kind of sheer hardware capacity thing is going to stop somewhat short of human capacity but we don't know how intelligence works and and the mind works for the most part and so its anybody's guess as to whether this lesser, or was deemed a lesser computational capability, that we are gonna probably plateau at, will be sufficient for for human-level AI and then of course because software can already do a bunch of things much better than humans you know it'll if it can do what we can do as good as us then of course it's better than us
...but again that's a big unknown because we don't really know how the mind works for the most part so yeah
...it's mostly marketing hype it's like what I will hear about AI just on Twitter or so forth is what you know other people hear about blockchain on Twitter it's like it's not reality