Derivations For The Bohmian Holomorphic Nash Equilibrium - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki
Consider with regard to the base case Byzantium Generals Problem the mapping of the problem of classical back door encryption
. This could be represented as the Pan-da-nation of tele-communications networks etc.
Here we want to show the effects or considerations are homomorphic and cummutative etc. and thus allows us to derive a Bohmian Holomorphic Nash Equilibrium.
Anodic and Cathodic Quantum Encryption Catenation
Consider Bohm's formation of order:
He gives his description here and we will use the concept of 'turns' as a loose concept of rounds of encryption:
To illustrate what it means to relevate certain aspects of the implicate order in the holomovement, it is useful to consider once again the example of the mechanical device for stirring a viscous fluid, as described in the previous section. Suppose that we first put in a droplet of dye and turn the stirring mechanism n times. We could then place another droplet of dye nearby and stir once again through n turns.
To specify this movement in more detail, it is useful here to introduce a new measure, i.e., an ‘implication parameter’, denoted by T. In the fluid, this would be the number of turns needed to bring a given droplet of dye into explicate form.
The total structure of dye present at any moment can then be regarded as an ordered series of substructures, each corresponding to a single droplet N with its implication parameter TN.
Beyond Quantum Catenation
...a new notion of structure, for we no longer build structures solely as ordered and measured arrangements on which we join separate things, all of which are explicate together. Rather, we can now consider structures in which aspects of different degrees of implication (as measured by T) can be arranged in a certain order.
A Vidation Example
Such aspects can be quite complex. For example, we could implicate a ‘whole picture’ by turning the stirring device n times. We could then implicate a slightly different picture, and so on indefinitely. If the stirring device were turned rapidly in the reverse direction, we could see a ‘three-dimensional scene’ apparently consisting of a ‘whole system’ of objects in continuous movement and interaction.
Asynordinant Order
In this movement, the ‘picture’ present at any given moment would consist only of aspects that can be explicated together (i.e., aspects corresponding to a certain value of the implication parameter T). As events happening at the same time are said to be synchronous, so aspects that can be explicated together can be called synordinate, while those that cannot be explicated together may then be called asynordinate. Evidently, the new notions of structure under discussion here involve asynordinate aspects, whereas previous notions involve only synordinate aspects.
T and t
It has to be emphasized here that the order of implication, as measured by the parameter T, has no necessary relationship to the order of time (as measured by another parameter, t). These two parameters are only related in a contingent manner (in this case by the rate of turning of the stirring device). It is the T parameter that is directly relevant to the description of the implicate structure, and not the t parameter
The Temporally Indeterministic Nature of the Bohmian Holonomy Structure of Law
The law of the structure will then just be a law relating aspects with various degrees of implication. Such a law will, of course, not be deterministic in time. But, as has been indicated in chapter 5 determinism in time is not the only form of ratio or reason; and as long as we can find ratio or reason in the orders that are primarily relevant, this is all that is needed for law
Irre-levance of the Quantum Framework has no meaning to talk about an observed object as if it were separate from the entire experimental situation in which observation takes place. So the use of the descriptive term ‘particle’ in this ‘quantum’ context is very misleading
On Autonomy and Explicate Order
...there appears in immediate perception an explicate order that cannot consistently be regarded as autonomous.
Decoherence of the Electron as A Vidative Metaphor
...the word ‘electron’ should be regarded as no more than a name by which we call attention to a certain aspect of the holomovement, an aspect that can be discussed only by taking into account the entire experimental situation and that cannot be specified in terms of localized objects moving autonomously through space.
Autonomy and Particles as Fields
...of course, every kind of ‘particle’ which in current physics is said to be a basic constituent of matter will have to be discussed in the same sort of terms (so that such ‘particles’ are no longer considered as autonomous and separately existent).
Formalization of A New General Physical Description In Which 'Everything Implicates Everything' In An Order of Undivided Wholeness
...a new general physical description in which ‘everything implicates everything’ in an order of undivided wholeness. A mathematical discussion of how the ‘quantum’ context can be assimilated in terms of the sort of implicate order discussed above is given in the appendix to this chapter.
Intersubjective Implicit Cooperative as Represented by an Invisible Hand
What, then, is the meaning of the appearance of the apparently independent and self-existent ‘manifest world’ in the explicate order? The answer to this question is indicated by the root of the word ‘manifest’, which comes from the Latin ‘manus’, meaning ‘hand’.