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We're going back to the US on the airplane tomorrow we might die together....that's fate
Abstract Money can be recognized as a technological development comparable to the wheel and of similar antiquity. Among the more recent developments in the technology that facilitates transfer of utility (in the sense of game theory) are systems like those of EZ Pass, by means of which vehicles traversing toll bridges or toll highways can pay their toll fees without stopping for the attention of human personnel manning the toll booths. In this lecture, I present remarks about the history of monetary systems and about issues of comparative quality for merit, along with a specific proposal about how a system or systems of "ideal money" might be established and employed. In addition, I criticize the Keynesian psychology in relation to the history of the influence of Keynesians on the practical characteristics of national currencies.
. It is a coincidental fact that the inherent nature of mining and mining technology makes it possible for the prices of certain commodities that are produced as a result of the devotion of labor and capital to the effort of mining to increase less (or decrease more) than might be expected.
And we can’t really logically assume that human civil-ization has found the ultimate ideal of forms of social government in the times of the twentieth century. (One can imagine a future form of government where a highly advanced automaton (or array of computers) would function like the office of a City Manager with the human input to the government passing through the analogue of a City Council.)
Perhaps humanity will REALLY arrive at increased wealth if we can successfully colonize lands beyond Terra, like the surfaces of Mars, the Moon, and some asteroids. (But of course we could not illogically claim ALREADY to own the whole Solar System at least, so it is clear that psychological alternatives enter here also with regard to the issue of the "true" evaluation of per capita wealth.)
Possibly the full psychological effect of human "ownership" of the surface of Mars would not be realized until that area had been divided into plots regarded as the private property of specific corporate or personal owners! And on the other hand, in many educational institutions it has been observed that there has been a pattern of "grade inflation" which becomes a critical issue when the students are not just gentlemen acquiring culture and scholarship, or students learning religious teachings, but rather students of various types, maybe of pre-med or pre-law studies, who are critically concerned with getting into the next level of schooling on the strength of seemingly good grades at their immediate study level.