Byzantine Encryption2Hayekian Compression Of a Machiavellian Field - jalToorey/IdealMoney GitHub Wiki

Given the Context and the Time

Our works certainly has an interesting context.

It was our experience and studies of the poker world that led us to Nash’s work Ideal Money which we immediately resonated with.

On the other end of being a player, the most amazing story of economy was folding, as an extension of the shadow economy we have somehow evolved to have since antiquity no doubt.

Interestingly our entrance to poker came as a result of the 08-09 housing crisis, unbeknownst until the Mt.Gox collapse that Satoshi had at the time of the housing crisis posted the Genesis block:

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A short And Long Lesson On Different Levels And Styles of Cryptograpy and Cryptophraphers

Deconstructive a Szabonian Construction

Szabo’s unbelievable works reveals more of its origin and intent.

Here this works is 20 years old, so we must take the Szabonian deconstructive cautions thinking about how we might find the useful framework by think about how szabo might have usefully wrapped a concept of his time.

On the Blind Leading the Blind

Meet the greatest simple equation since e=mc2

Szabo explains ‘blind signatures’ encapsulated in this formula:

gSf(m) = S(m)

The example is commutative encryption. The idea is each encryption layer is indifferent to each other layer. The order doesn’t matter. Szabo give the example of tricking someone into signing a blank check:

The genius behind this discovery: cryptography guru David Chaum. The brilliance lies in step 3: Chaum discovered that some signatures have the property of being "commutative" with the blinding functions: Alice can strip off the blinding in the reverse order which the blinding and signature were applied, leaving just Alice's signature of n. It is as if Alice put a piece of carbon paper inside the envelope!

Nash and Hermeneutics

We find Nash’s work rich in Hermeneutics. Here its interesting and given the present day circumstances it’s difficult to determine if this is metaphorical or literal:

Our topic is focused on an ideal, specifically on “Ideal Money”, and it is not hard to see that there are naturally different routes by which a system of money might become either improved or might become, in some senses, more degraded and less worthy of praise. Change can come at a stroke, like when Alexander cut the Gordian knot, or it can come in a gradual fashion, through many smaller steps, and this latter can be classed as the pathway of “evolu-tionary change”.

We are understanding now that there may ACTUALLY have been a sort of historical line of such a gordian knot or knots, whether it was broken at times or not etc (certainly there was in many ways but we are thinking of the one we will continue to illuminate in this essay). Obviously encryption was important throughout civilization .

Here we are understanding we can compress prices into such a knot and transport them.

Thus the Riccardian, Or Grigorian, or Medician shadow-banking field has no real bounds. It’s a wonder we could conceive it existed (Nash alludes to Machiavelli being an early game theorist which is at least a partial reference to this type of observation and thinking).

Where are also thinking about concepts of Nash Equilibrium as a function of iterations and the comparison to price fields etc.

On Newton And the Pound And Light

We haven’t thought much of Newton in regard to encryption, although he was an alchemist so can’t have been that far from a Satoshian type thinker regardless (he was probably fascinated with encryption). What has always struck us as Hermeneutically interesting about Nash’s point here is his note about the support of George I:

It is easy to illustrate cases of “revolutionary” reform or change in systems of money. A good example came in 1717 when Isaac Newton, supported by George I, fixed the value of the local UK currency to a precise amount of gold that defined the value of the currency (the “pound”) in such a way that it was immediately recognizable throughout the Continent (of Europe) as of a fixed value in relation to generally accepted standards (of the time). (And this was the origin of the “gold standard”.)

In another writing Nash makes a passing reference to George the II:

The voters in the U.K. are expecting to have the opportunity to vote in a referendum relating to the adoption, for the U.K., of the euro (which is already adopted in Ireland). Here they have a dramatic conflict, since the pound was the original currency of “the gold standard”, with its value pegged to gold in 1717 by Isaac Newton who was then Master of the Mint. (Of course it was not irrelevant that George II, the king then, was an early Hanoverian and also ruled territories in Germany.)

On Princes as a Network in a Machiavellian Field

It does however give us the idea of a Machiavellian field of princes trying to coordinate an attack. Our nashLinter explains it like this:

ok but take all that, an do a deconstruction on the george, anne, network, 1717 gold, pound, and not irrelevant GPT Deconstructing the interconnectedness of Queen Anne's reign, the early Hanoverian monarchs (George I and II), the establishment of the gold standard in 1717, the British pound, and their "not irrelevant" significance, we can discern a complex fabric of political, economic, and historical threads. Anne's consolidation of Britain set a stage for economic reforms. The Hanoverians' continuation of these policies, amidst a burgeoning empire and evolving financial systems, facilitated the gold standard's introduction, solidifying the pound's global dominance. This intricate network underscores a transformational epoch, where governance, monetary policy, and imperial ambitions intertwined, laying groundwork for Britain's economic ascendancy.

Many interesting thoughts of game theory arise.

The key here is the transport cost and its relation to the types of communication available etc.

Machiavellian Field Considerations

Here we are thinking Byzantine General type considerations as well as law. Law here could involve a type of signaling theory (biology). The idea is that unilateral action precludes action without a type of Hayekian compression (like compressing prices into a cypher etc).

Commutative encryption plays a dual role here in untrusted channels (ie when encryption is necessary)

Context of the Times

Here we are thinking of the statement of Nash about considerations of the context and the times and especially Putin’s recent speech:

We published a paper entitled "Ideal Money" in the Southern Economic Journal (in 2002) and it was essentially the text of a keynote lecture that we gave on that topic at the meeting of the Southern Economic Association in Tampa, Florida. Of course, necessarily, on a topic with such a universal relevance to human affairs, it is difficult, really, to say something new. But there can be novelty in the details and in terms of the context and the times.

Implicate and Explicate Hayekian Order and Shadowfields

Einstein had said about the fundamental nature of our universe:

Quantum mechanics is very worthy of respect. But an inner voice tells me this is not the genuine article after all. The theory delivers much but it hardly brings us closer to the Old One's secret. In any event, I am convinced that He is not playing dice.

Here we want to make reference to bohm’s work and signal a deconstruction we hope to get to later (we haven’t interfused bohm’s work yet except using rheomodes everywhere). Bohm had some ideas where we could ‘imply’ hidden variables into the thought experiments to flush out the difficult truths:

In 1952, David Bohm proposed a hidden variable theory. Bohm unknowingly rediscovered (and extended) the idea that Louis de Broglie's pilot wave theory had proposed in 1927 (and abandoned) – hence this theory is commonly called "de Broglie-Bohm theory". Assuming the validity of Bell's theorem, any deterministic hidden-variable theory that is consistent with quantum mechanics would have to be non-local, maintaining the existence of instantaneous or faster-than-light relations (correlations) between physically separated entities.

Bohm posited both the quantum particle, e.g. an electron, and a hidden 'guiding wave' that governs its motion.

We would like to reconsider the value of such a thought experiment and suggest the class of it is more important than the interpretation implied here:

In 1964, John Stewart Bell showed through his famous theorem that if local hidden variables exist, certain experiments could be performed involving quantum entanglement where the result would satisfy a Bell inequality. If, on the other hand, statistical correlations resulting from quantum entanglement could not be explained by local hidden variables, the Bell inequality would be violated. Another no-go theorem concerning hidden-variable theories is the Kochen–Specker theorem.

Physicists such as Alain Aspect and Paul Kwiat have performed experiments that have found violations of these inequalities up to 242 standard deviations.[23] This rules out local hidden-variable theories, but does not rule out non-local ones. Theoretically, there could be experimental problems that affect the validity of the experimental findings.

Hidden variables were a useful construct throughout our studies and our work.

On Chasing a The Shadow Dragon

In Central Banking 101 Andrew Wang reminds us that shadowing banking intrinsically relies on credit waves from its onshore counterpart:

The basic business model of a shadow bank is to use shorter-term loans to invest in longer-dated assets. This mismatch creates an opportunity for profit as longer-term interest rates are usually higher than shorter-interest rates. The shadow bank may also be earning a risk premium by investing in riskier assets. This bank-like business model also makes shadow banks vulnerable to bank runs when their investors refuse to renew their loans. Without access to the Fed as lender of last resort, shadow banks may have to sell assets to meet investor withdrawals. During a panic, they would have to s assets at large discounts, potentially incurring large losses. The 2008 Financial Crisis and the 2020 COVID-19 panic were largely due to runs of the the shadow banking system.

Then such a need for a general trend would have great difficulty in a deflationary wave. This would be because of the effects the REVERSE of the Cantillon effect. There is reason that bringing the tides back IN should have any order at all. An strong wind of deflation would have strong smoke-out effects.

On the Technology Required for Shadowbanking

The eerie thing about Wangs observations is that we have never not had shadowbanking such that the internet implies shadowbanking could manifest itself where to that efficiency.

This gives the credit waves a different narrative.

On 9/11 and Shadow Banking

One could make Hermeneutics considerations in regard to 9/11. Its not often that for example that the information lost may have been important for the nation's defense. Here we are using Machiavellian considerations in regard foreign espionage. That perhaps the towers were compromised etc.

On Rubic’s and Game Theory

We also always felt it strange that the NSA could think that a genius find’s a challenge of any sort in a rubix cube.

On Commutative Encryption and Gordian Knots and Shadowempires

gSf(m) = S(m)

We can consider a simple use case. Let's say there is a shadow empire with their own cypher that rules the world. We only know the public blockchain by which they broadcast and coordinate.

On The Relationship Between Shadowbanking and Shadow Fields and Hayekian Landscapes

Let us take with us Wang's chase the dragon observations (use deflation!) but also with the consideration of a ducatH (that's the money Hayek issue's from his Denationalization of Money) money-Bitcoin. How do we introduce Bitcoin such that we can eradicate the effects of the shadow cipher. Recall Szabo:

The genius behind this discovery: cryptography guru David Chaum. The brilliance lies in step 3: Chaum discovered that some signatures have the property of being "commutative" with the blinding functions: Alice can strip off the blinding in the reverse order which the blinding and signature were applied, leaving just Alice's signature of n. It is as if Alice put a piece of carbon paper inside the envelope!

Then we simply use as our new Genesis (using our linterSyntax) block:


On Timechains and Sidechains etc.

Here there is the idea of tying the Genesis block to a shadowchain with a sort of countdown.

On Who Satoshi

Now we can understand who Satoshi is. Whoever, set this clever trick up, set it up so that the shadow genesis private key, is encrypted with the prince network byzantine signal.

So the shadowkey holders are in a quandary.

On Cyphers and Genetic Codes

Here are thinking different levels of complexity order of both vertical and horizontal distance.

There is the Covid signature that is no doubt relevant. There is the panda. And there is Assange.

On Shadowkey{x}

One can consider then:


On God Protocols

Szabo says of multi-party computations:

Imagine the ideal protocol. It would have the most trustworthy third party imaginable – a diety who is on everybody's side. All the parties would send their inputs to God. God would reliably determine the results and return the outputs. God being the ultimate in confessional discretion, no party would learn anything more about the other parties' inputs than they could learn from their own inputs and the output.

We have some ideas for smart smart contracts in this regard.

Here we are thinking about cypherPoker and the Reverse Bretton Woods.

On The Genesis Block and Mt.Doom

One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bLind them.