User Stories - jacbroberts/IntroToSEGroup6 GitHub Wiki

User_story_1: Login

As an account holder with this website, I want to be able to login to my account, so that interact with the platform effectively.

User_story_2: Register

As a newcomer to this website, I want to be able to make an account, so that I can begin using the website.

User_story_3: Search Products

As a buyer, I want to be able to search for specific products on the website. This will let me use the platform more quickly and efficiently by taking me to the products I want immediately.

User_story_4: Compare Products

As a buyer, I want to compare similar products to each other so that I can see which ones are the best fit for my needs.

User_story_5: Buy Products

As a buyer, I want to be able to give my payment and shipping information so I can pay and receive my desired product. This will let me easily receive any product I want.

User_story_6: Return Products

As a buyer, I want to be able to return an ordered item if it is not to my standards. This will assure me of the safety of the platform in the event of dissatisfaction.

User_story_7: Add Products

As a seller, I want to be able to add stock so buyers can purchase products from me.

User_story_8: Approve/Block User Accounts

As an admin, I need to be able to approve and block other accounts. This allows for the highest degree of safety and security on the website which creates a better experience for all users.

User_story_9: Oversee User Actions

As an admin, I need the ability to view the account actions of other users to better inform my decisions on handling accounts and the websites environment.