Basic matters - izayoijiichan/VGO GitHub Wiki


The contents described in this manual are for the following versions.

No item min value max value
1 Unity version 2019.4 6000.0
2 UniVGO version 2.4.11 2.5.21
3 VGO spec version 2.4 2.5

Supported Unity components

The following Unity components are supported by VGO

No item place details
1 Vgo Generator Root It is for managing VGO information.
2 Vgo Right Root / Child You can add rights information to VGO.
3 Animator Root You can set Human Avatar in GameObject.
4 Animattion Child You can set animation in GameObject.
5 Collider Child You can set collision judgment for GameObject.
6 Rigidbody Child You can set physics to GameObject and move it
7 Light Child You can set the light source for GameObject.
8 Particle System Child You can set particles to GameObject.
9 Skybox Child You can set skybox to Scene.
10 Vgo Spring Bone Group Child You will be able to set the spring bone (swaying object).
11 Vgo Spring Bone Collider Group Child You can set the collider for the spring bone.
12 Cloth Child You can set cloth for GameObject.

Usable shaders

The supported shaders are as follows.

No render pipeline shader name descriptoin min version max version
1 BRP Standard Built-in Standard shader
2 BRP Particles/Standard Surface Particle System dedicated shader
3 BRP Particles/Standard Unlit Particle System dedicated unlit shader
4 BRP Skybox/6 Sided Skybox 6 sided shader
5 BRP Skybox/Panoramic Skybox panoramic shader
6 BRP Skybox/Procedural Skybox procedural shader
7 BRP Unlit/Color
8 BRP Unlit/Texture
9 BRP Unlit/Transparent
10 BRP Unlit/Transparent Cutout
11 BRP UniGLTF/StandardVColor Vertex Color shader
12 BRP UniGLTF/Unlit
13 BRP VRM/MToon MToon 0.x shader
14 BRP/URP VRM10/MToon10 MToon 1.0 shader
15 URP Universal Render Pipeline/Lit Universal Render Pipeline Lit shader
16 URP Universal Render Pipeline/Simple Lit Universal Render Pipeline Simple Lit shader
17 URP Universal Render Pipeline/Unlit Universal Render Pipeline Unlit shader
18 URP Universal Render Pipeline/Particles/Lit Universal Render Pipeline Particle Lit shader
19 URP Universal Render Pipeline/Particles/Unlit Universal Render Pipeline Particle Unlit shader
20 HDRP HDRP/Lit HD Render Pipeline Lit shader
21 HDRP HDRP/Eye HD Render Pipeline Eye shader
22 HDRP HDRP/Hair HD Render Pipeline Hair shader
23 BRP/URP/HDRP lilToon lilToon shader 1.2 1.7
  • Skybox / Cubemap is not supported.